Bloomberg Protest Update

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Nov 3, 2006
The Land of Northern Hospitality and Southern Effi
From the VCDL Alert:

Mr. Bloomberg: you can run, but you can't hide

VCDL, Gun Owners of America, and the Liberty Coalition had a
successful press conference today in the New York Room of the Capital
Hilton in DC. We also had 30 members show up to picket the outside
of that hotel because Bloomberg and the other anti-gun Mayors are
staying there.

Looks like VCDL scared Bloomberg away. Bloomberg at the last moment
moved his press conference and reception from the Hilton to a
Congressional building across town!

Perhaps he learned what happened to Senator Devolites Davis' press
conference on VCDL Lobby Day last week, where the press had more
interest in talking to us than Senator DD ;-)

We learned of Bloomberg's sudden actions just before his press
conference, but decided to stay and picket the Hilton because the
mayors were still coming in and out and would see our signs. It was
also logistically much better.

Indeed several mayors came out to talk to us - giving us a chance to
explain what Bloomberg is really up to.

We expect the major New York papers to cover our protest and the
"Bloomberg Gun GiveAway" drawing in support of the gun dealers that
Bloomberg is attacking.

A police officer showed up and chatted with me for a few minutes. It
was a pleasant conversation and when he saw that we were not going to
cause any trouble, he left.

We got lot's of honks to our signs that said, "Honk if you SUPPORT
gun owners" and "Honk if you OPPOSE NYC gun control."

People walking by were generally supportive. Only two (males in
suits) were rude and verbally took it out on female EM Sandy Ferris
and mysteriously not on Board member Dennis O'Connor who was standing
nearby. That says it all about the other side.

Afterwards about 20 of us went to a local restaurant and dined before
returning to Virginia and freedom.

We have video and pictures of the press conference and of the
protest, which we will post to the VCDL web site for you to view. I
will advise when everything is in place.

Many thanks to Mike Stollenwerk, Jim Snyder, Dennis O'Connor and
others who worked hard to make the rally and press conference a

1st News results:
First coverage of VCDL rally arrives. Bloomberg thinks we are sick.
That's rich. I think sick is trying to bankrupt innocent gun dealers
and their families in a grab for political power. I love the last
line in this article:

Mayors Gather In Washington For National Summit On Illegal Guns
NY! News
January 23, 2007

...As the mayor was touting these proposals, he was being criticized
by a gun rights group that says Bloomberg is the one breaking the law.

Gun Owners of America claims Bloomberg violated federal laws with his
successful undercover sting operations against gun dealers. The group
says the mayor sent private investigators to other states to buy guns
using fake identification. The mayor's office called that claim

In another effort to mock the mayor's politics, several gun shops in
Virginia held the Bloomberg Gun Giveaway. For every $100 spent at
these shops, customers got a raffle ticket to win a free gun.

Bloomberg was not amused.

"These are sick people," said the mayor. "Guns kill people. And if
they think this is funny, I don't think the parents, or the spouses,
or the children of those that killed by illegal guns would find that
very entertaining."

But the reality is that Bloomberg is going up against a very powerful
force in the nation's capital. And the harder he pushes, the harder
the gun lobby will push back. [Yes, that we will! - PVC]

Videos of the protest and Press Conference:

Matt Gottshalk, who is working on a promotional video for VCDL sent
me the video he took of the Liberty Coalition/GOA/VCDL joint press
conference yesterday and the rally afterwards.

Beautifully and professionally done!

Here are the links:

VCDL rally (two different formats. If one doesn't work, try the other):

Press conference (again, in two formats):
Excellent work. I will be supremely happy when Bloomberg is defeated in NY. The only time I would vote for a Democrat would be if he or she was running against Bloomberg. I dread seeing where he ends up in future politics.
He used to be a Democrat and is so liberal/moderate that NYC loves him
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