Vice President Hillary; Speculation Intensifies In Washington

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
If she becomes VP, Kerry better watch his back. We don't need another Vincent Foster.


Official Washington and the entire press corps will be rocked when Hillary Rodham Clinton is picked as Kerry's VP and a massive love fest will begin!

So predicts a top Washington insider, who spoke to the DRUDGE REPORT on condition he not be named.

"All the signs point in her direction," said the insider, one of the most influential and well-placed in the nation's capital. "It is the solution to every Kerry problem."


"There are three issues that this campaign will be decided on-- national security, health care, and the economy, not necessarily in that order."

"Kerry believes that no one is better on national security than he is, he served in Vietnam after all, so he has that covered and the suggestion that he needs to strengthen the ticket with someone who has national security credentials is dismissed as foolish."

The insider continues: "The Democrats feel like health care is the domestic issue. But how to make it the dominant topic of conversation-- break through war and terrorism? Hillary Clinton. She catapults it out front with her commission. She tried to provide health care before and the Republicans in congress attacked her and her husband and used a bunch of scandals dirty tricks to stop it, we know they are scandals dirty tricks because the former president book says so. So now you have the number two person on the ticket who is a 'health care expert' and what will Republicans do? Attack on health care pointing to her commission saying that it was government medicine. Her response-- it wasn't, and the Republicans are a bunch of dirty tricksters, "Liars and Crooks," as Kerry calls them, and its been too long and Democrats wont let the Republicans do it to them again. By the way, it puts prescription drugs on the back burner, the republicans health care ace. You will have a fully engaged national debate on health care from now until the election."


"The Democrats economic plan is to say Bush sucks, it's never enough, we must get back to the Clinton Era when 22 million jobs were created. You can't do much better at making that point then-- Kerry/Clinton 2004.

"But what about impeachment and Monica -- wont that overshadow her being picked? It' now been covered in the book. Not only that, but she is a women scorned who has dealt with what so many American women deal with and stuck it out to keep her family together. And Whitewater? It's in the book. Vince Foster? Book. Billing records, White House travel Office? Book, book. All have been covered. All Republican slime tactics.

"Why would Kerry make such a public spectacle about trying to get John Mccain, wont whoever you pick be considered a second choice. Not if it is Hillary!

"There are differences of opinion about how this election will be won but one school says its all about the base. Republicans are bumping up against the ceiling with support from their base and Democrats are sitting on the floor. This would change that.

"Official Washington and national media will fall in love with the idea immediately letting Kerry/Clinton dominate the news through July and up to the Republican convention. She will say she is doing it for the good of the country. I am convinced this is going to happen."


"But what Hillary about having to wait to run for president? If Bush wins then she is the nominee for 2008 because it will be all Kerry's fault. If she wins she is the first woman VP of the United States, which would help her become the first woman president of the U.S. It would be historic in its own right and change the nature of politics in this country, and mark her place in the history books for ever-- a different history than her husbands."
What a savory election choice...

John F'in Kerry will take your guns away, then
Hitlery Clinton can take away everything else for the 'common good'.

:cuss: :barf:
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The mainstream media would eat that up.

A Kerry/Klinton ticket would have more skeletons than The Ossuary in Sedlec.
I don't think she'll do it.

She's evil, but not dumb. Kerry is going to lose, and she won't want to be associated with a failed campaign. She's going to sit fat and happy in her senate seat, chipping away at our freedoms, then she'll run in 2008 against a non-incumbant Republican.
Rebar NAILED it!!!!!!!!!! Hil is too arrogant to be second to ANYBODY! She wants to be the BULL GOOSE and being vp to jk doesn't fit her plan at all.
Maybe she knows something we don't. Maybe there is a ticking time bomb somewhere that is waiting to destroy the Kerry campaign. It could be a win-win for her. Kerry loses because the scandal bomb detonates. Hillary isn't implicated, but just officially kicked off her 2008 campaign. Kerry wins, then the bomb goes off. He resigns and she is the Pres. Never underestimate a Clinton! :barf:
fix is correct I believe

This could be bad for us.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is she is an arrogant screecher whose big mouth could sink her own election

If it is a Kerry/Hitlery ticket you have to vote for Bush and donate to Nader campaign to siphon votes from the dems.
I don't see what voters Hitlery would bring to Kerry, and ultimately it's his decision, not hers.. Anyone who would vote for Hillary is already voting for Kerry. Kerry is banking an enormous number of people who are currently 'undecided' on whether they like him or not. If those people can't get on board with Kerry at this point, they sure as hell aren't going to be on board with Her Billness in tow.

It doesn't make alot of sense to me. I seriously doubt this is going to happen.

- Gabe
Random thoughts...

Besides the massive media coverage, what would this do? It no more or less guarantees a Kerry victory. The dems have all the media anyway. It's not like she needs the name recognition.

VP's don't influence elections.
VP's don't guarantee a political victory if they decide to run for President.

The thought of Kerry/Clinton is frightening though.

But maybe that's enough to mobilize people towards Bush.

Or maybe it's enough to mobilize the "Hate Bush" crowd to
VOTE FOR Kerry/Clinton instead of AGAINST Bush.
It isn't just sKerry who decides who will be his running mate. It is part of a bigger picture - the Democrat party. They have a say in the matter as they are funding some of sKerry's run for pres.

Hitlery will attract women voters.

Hopefully, she will run with him and some of you knuckleheads who are thinking about voting for the enemy of 2A will reconsider.
That reminds me of a story...

~ ~ Hillary and Arnold ~ ~

Senator Hillary Clinton was attending a party, when she noticed
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

She walked over to him, and in a quiet voice said; "If you were
my husband I would poison your drink."

Schwarzenegger smiled, leaned forward, and whispered in her
ear, "And if you were my wife I would drink it."

Accepting the VP slot would position her for 24 years in the White House.

Played right, she gets...

8 years as co-president with Bill.
8 years as vice-president with Kerry.
8 years as president outright.

Running as VP is the only election Hillary can afford to lose. Runing as president and losing is the death of her aspirations. Running as VP is considered as a resume builder. As VP she will get a good idea of her political draw as president.

If Hillary is Kerry's VP choice, the Democrats just admitted Bush will win the election.
If Hitlary runs as VP,...

... we will be treated to nine years and 364 days of Hitlary as POTUS. that's longer than normally allowed for a prez to stay. I believe that if sKerry is half way thru his term before he "Vince Fosters," Hitlary gets to finish his term and get two of her own terms.

And it won't be like sKerry was assassinated. He will have been recalled by his creator "for the common good."

My prediction is that she'll be vp and she will be sworn in as prez on 21 Jan. 2007.

America isn't dumb enough to elect that Kerry creature.

Maybe not, but I have to wonder if we're dumb enough to not elect Bush...a path which leads to the same destination, and a fact that is apparently lost on many here on this board.
Standing Wolf,Someone once said "You'll never go broke by underestimating the intelligance of the American people".It's possible that you might never lose an election either.I'm willing to bet that sKerry will win,I don't want him to win but I think he will...a vast amount of Americans ARE dumb enough to elect him.
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