video of a weirdo with a gun...

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Dec 15, 2004
berkeley, CA
video link
all day weirdos like these flowing in and out of this dirt range, not your typical shooters..first timer who had been waiting too long for this having trouble remembering to lean in, expert on the right. Video was an attempt at a little rapid fire fun, but both shooters kept taking time to try and aim (oops) Unsupervised "range", this being California there were of course no interesting weapons, tracer ammo, or pre ban magazines present ...for the it up to HD if you have the link
What's your point? I'm a relative novice so maybe I'm missing something that's obvious ... (puzzled look).
Okay, two guys goofing off at a range.

The guy on the left isn't leaning into the shots and the guy on the right thinks he's Billy the Kid.

What's the point?
Looks fun, the safest place may have been the blue box with the black dot on it...... he he he ;)

I think the point is the "Wierdo" is the poster of the comment, being critical so we dont all pile on.......

Looks to me like a couple of buddies having a little lark out in the woods with their guns. Here in East Tennessee we have a name for that: "Saturday."
Not everyone is an "operator". I didn't see anything unsafe really.

Couple of guys having fun shooting. Calling new and uneducated shooters "weirdos" probably isn't the best way to be encouraging is it? I thought the whole point was to get MORE people shooting.

Now, it's possible the OP meant "weirdo" in the sense that it's what non shooters might think of all of us. Hope that was his intent.
I'm also wondering why you chose the term "wierdo". Is it because of the one fella's dreadlocks? Their clothes? Their informal shooting stance?

Please enlighten those of us who see nothing more than a couple guys having a fun afternoon at the range, why this video warranted such commentary.
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