VIDEO: What and Why I Carry

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Jan 1, 2011
I had a number of friends ask me about why kind of pistol I use for my EDC and made this video for them, also explaining my "take" on why I conceal carry, particularly given my profession.

What do you guys carry and why?

I get hassled by people for carrying concealed, and I wanted to try to explain it, as clearly as I could.
I tried Crossbreed and it just didn't' feel right, for me, the Galco does. I think it really comes down to what works best/feels best for you.

Yes, I follow Sootch, I'll have to check out Brother's Keeper too. Thanks for the tip.
Though I normally choose not to carry, your video was succinct and to the point, and presented a well-reasoned approach to the RKBA that is difficult to fault. Very nice job!
I still think the best way to avoid being "hassled" about it is keep it to yourself.
I get hassled by people for carrying concealed, and I wanted to try to explain it, as clearly as I could.

I don't get hassled because it's concealed and I see no need to confess even when the discussion is about concealed carry. I can express my beliefs without announcing I'm carrying.
I'm with you surfer. I believe that talking about it is well intended but misguided.
I talk about carrying, RKBA, IDPA, gear, new stuff and anything gun related plenty of the time...especially on social networks where I also try to advertise my friends' local firearm related businesses. I discuss the merits, but never confess. If asked, I politely say that it isn't anyone's business but my own.

To the OP, I really don't want to offend you...but you posted a 9 minute video. Most folks that sit through that are going to be pro-carry themselves (I'm not one of them, especially 9 minutes with no actual shooting). It seems you're preaching to the choir. ;) If you want to put something out there that people of opposing viewpoints may listen to, keep it under 2 minutes. Again, I'm not bashing you, I respect what you're trying to do. Just offering some constructive criticism from my viewpoint.
Thanks for the supportive video Pastor! I was puzzled by your comment that you don't always carry your G26 with one in the chamber.:confused: That extra 3 seconds may cost you your life.

'You carry.' ok. 'Your choice of firearm'. Not mine to make. 'People bug you because you carry'. The answer I gave my dearest friend with 'those eyes' was, "Suppose some dumbass maniac comes into this restaurant and starts shooting the place up. How am I supposed to be 'da man' if I can't protect your ass and mine? Your not wanting to do anything with a firearm ain't no law -I- have to follow! It's MY life! I've survived this long, to give it up to some street thug, would be insanity on my part!"
I don't carry guns. I don't own any guns. That would be my video. However, I've read Crossbreed STD is very nice for a 1911 or Glock 30. Or, the Galco Stow-n-Go for a Glock 26. But, I don't know firsthand per the video I'd make. ;)
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