Vote or revolt? Long, but good points made.

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Jan 21, 2004
Oregon, in the Willamette Valley
Skipping around the web from link to link, I found this.
I'm not in agreement with all she says, but the woman makes some good points. We all admire our forefathers, and like to think we would stand up and fight against tyranny, but would we? Really? Are we there already and not realizing?

The 2004 Elections

Vote, or Revolt?
By Beth Henry
Apr 2, 2004, 21:50

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April 2, 2004 - Last December, I took my daughter and a friend of hers to a Distillers concert up in Houston. For those of you who have no contact with teen-agers, punk music, culture, and politics are becoming the “new†counter culture (and I have, I swear, actually heard those words used by people twenty years younger than I am). The reason for the quotation marks is that not only are the Distillers, Thrice, and NOFX popular, but so are the Clash, the Ramones, and other punk bands from the past two decades.

At punk concerts, you stand. For hours. This facilitates crowd surfing, which is enough to turn a fifty-year-old mother’s hair white, but reminds me of the “trust†exercises we used to do in acting class, in which we had to fall backwards and trust our classmates to catch us. After a couple of hours of keeping my daughter’s head in view, I was forced to take a restroom break. When I went in, I saw all manner of political and philosophical graffiti on the walls of the stall. I love bars with graffiti-friendly restroom walls, and have contributed my “eloquence†to many. Not having a pen, I took out my lipstick and added this sentiment:

“If you’re revolted, REVOLT!â€

I am revolted. Disgusted, horrified, and outraged. I look back at the history of empire and oppression, and at the hideous cruelty it has wreaked upon human beings. I wonder what I could, or would, have done, had I been alive when those obscene abuses were perpetrated. I have always thought, “I would have stood up. I would have fought. I would not have compromised. I would have fought even in the face of certain defeat and irrevocable loss.â€

That’s what I’ve always expected of myself.

What we have before us now is an opportunity to stand up, to make that choice to resist. To do all that we can to defeat the entrenched, elite imperialists who have turned the dreams of true democracy and equality, which have been the mainstay of our very souls, into a “horse race†in which we have no choice other than the ones offered by the oligarchs who got us into this bloody mess.
I find that I cannot use my vote to lend the legitimacy of democracy to anyone who does not completely reject our government’s rapacious and imperial policies I cannot vote for anyone who believes that our country has a right to kill in order to support its swinish excesses of energy consumption.
I cannot vote for anyone who believes that Israel has a divine right to land and lives and resources that ensures them immunity from any international standards of law or human decency.
I cannot vote for anyone anointed by the corporate-owned media, because I know that, by the very fact of that ordination, he will support capitalist exploitation domestically, and imperial abuses abroad. His policies might, in the short term, pacify people in this country, but they will inevitably continue to pursue, albeit in a more tactful and politic manner, the aims of empire.

The results will ultimately be the same as if George W. Bush was reappointed, but the means by which those results are achieved would be more palatable domestically. There would also be a little more finesse and charm than W has displayed toward other heads of state, most of whom are fellow imperialists. Genocide and free-market abuses of human rights would simply go on under the radar, as they did during the Clinton administration.

I find I have no choice but to revolt, and to inspire others to do so, as well. I listened, on C-Span, to a Republican in the U.S. Senate going on about the failed socialist democracies of Europe. Well, why the hell have they run into trouble? It seems to me that those economies could not compete with economies like our own, which are based on free-market principles of Social Darwinism, elevated and promoted as inextricable from those of democracy and even morality.

For years, I have heard that “the government should be run like a business.†Now we see what happens when the government is run like a business. Our schools beg for crumbs. Our children go without food, health care, and, sometimes, even housing. Because the “defense†industry is the most powerful hammer for enriching the ruling class, every issue before this country becomes a nail. We therefore live in a world in which we are globally hated, and live in fear of reprisal both abroad and in our own country.

A government run like a business, devoted to profit above all other considerations, is what we have now. And it is not run by those who produce anything, but by those who live off the labor of others. It is run by those who believe that their profits are so sacred that they are entitled to kill and destroy populations all over the globe in order to sustain and increase them.

I do not see any media-endorsed candidate for the office of the president of this country who is willing to vocally and openly oppose the lethal and merciless policies of the “free market.†Therefore, I do not see anyone for whom I would vote.
My vote is my sacred pact with my country and fellow-citizens. I cannot cast it knowing it is an act of compromise and appeasement toward an empire run amok with hubris and obscene avarice. I do not see any strategic percentage in choosing the “lesser of evils.†Evil is evil, and there is nothing religious or supernatural about it. I define evil as the will to consume and destroy; as a narcissistic callousness toward life and freedom, and kindness and innocence. I don’t care what mask it wears, nor do I feel inclined to compromise with it, cajole it, or try to work with it in the hope that I can change its essential nature.

I’m revolted. And I will revolt. If all citizens in this country only voted for candidates who represented their interests and their principles, scarcely more than ten percent of registered voters would show up at the polls. Boycotting the vote can be an effective strategy for bringing about revolutionary change, if it is followed up with strategic refusal to serve the aims of empire.

What would take the place of the present system? We cannot even begin to address that question until we understand that we have exercised our options for changing that system from within to no avail.
The decision concerning whether or not we have reached that point is highly personal and agonizing for any socially responsible human being. I have reached my decision. Axis readers with questions as to the validity of that decision, or the process by which I made it, are welcome to challenge or question me.

At this point, however, I have to say again:

I am revolted, and I will revolt!

Beth Henry lives near the Texas Gulf Coast with her husband and two children. She is an Axis of Logic Founding Member and Contributing Editor. She has worked as a technical writer and security analyst for NASA contractors. She does not hate neo-conservatives; she just feels better when they’re not in charge. Contact the author at [email protected]

© Copyright 2003 by

Well, I will be on the other side of the revolt :rolleyes:

She is a one-worlder looking for social utopia but denies the ability to feed it. and

security analyst for NASA contractors

she works for a contractor which feeds on the government teat.

Hypocrisy? YMMV.
Not bad. Shame she doesn't go into detail about exactly how she's going to revolt. Maybe when I watch the six o'clock news and see her get taken down by a SWAT team for trying to take over a government building armed with sticks of lipstick in a bandolier (possible bomb).

We therefore live in a world in which we are globally hated, and live in fear of reprisal both abroad and in our own country.

Well maybe if the rest of the world wasn't so obsessed with reaping the benefits of capitalism without having to adopt a democratic way of life that should prevent gross wealth disparity and a stratified caste system, it would take a closer look at themselves. "No our people love working in sweatshops for 5 cents a day, and absolutely love selling their children into prostitution, so go away, buy our products, so we can buy Mercedes and Sony goods."

Bashing America is a nice way for screwed up nations to feel good about themselves. Bashing America is a nice way for screwed up Americans to feel good about themselves. Screwed up Americans come in all stripes, from the "I'm not a racist ... I know a lot of Ch**ks and Ni**ers" living-in-denial types (The quoted phrase is something I actually heard once) that make a mockery of the Bill of Rights, to the "America is Evil and Must be Destroyed" Hanoi Jane ingrate types that aid and abet terrorists. Life can be so charming.

I am still waiting for Beth Henry to show up on the 6 o'clock news ... wasn't it the Beatles who sang "So you wanna start a revo~lu~tion oh~ oh~"?

Peace out.
But how many of us are thrilled with our realistic choices for the Presidency? I'm not. I've just decided that gun rights are my linchpin, and that I'll grit my teeth on the other unpleasantness.

And, since Beth and her compadres have disarmed themselves so willingly (and us, unwillingly), by what means does she suppose this revolution will happen? Sit-in, maybe?

When will the Revolution begin? And will we even realize it has?
I am afraid that revolution is out of the question when it comes to the socialist types taking over. There will be no overthrow of the Constitution!
That woman is a blissninny!

Not much else to say!:rolleyes:
For someone claiming to be "The Axis of Logic", she sure rants on with the usual plethora of unsubstantiated Leftist mantras.

We all know the mantras: they fail the reality test at every opportunity.

Lemme skim a few for fun:
"Gov't run like a biz".

FALSE. Our .gov is NOT run like a biz. If it were, it would WORK, at a fraction of the cost.

" our government’s rapacious and imperial policies"

Oh, that's right. We're sending colonists over to the sandbox to steal the oil, aren't we? :barf:


Well, that's as much time as I care to waste on that rant.
All right. The woman is undeniably a blissninny. I sincerely doubt she is advocating a physical revolt. Most of those inclined to take up arms are on our side, after all.
But she made a few points that made me think. See below.

"I look back at the history of empire and oppression, and at the hideous cruelty it has
wreaked upon human beings.
I wonder what I could, or would, have done, had I been alive when those obscene abuses were perpetrated.
I have always thought, I would have stood up. I would have fought.
I would not have compromised.
I would have fought even in the face of certain defeat and irrevocable loss.
That’s what I’ve always expected of myself.
My vote is my sacred pact with my country and fellow-citizens.
I cannot cast it knowing it is an act of compromise and appeasement toward an empire run amok with hubris and obscene avarice.
I do not see any strategic percentage in choosing the lesser of evils.
Evil is evil, and there is nothing religious or supernatural about it.
If all citizens in this country only voted for candidates who represented their interests and their principles,
scarcely more than ten percent of registered voters would show up at the polls."

I know the antis love to claim things are for the children. But really, don't we owe it to our children to win back the rights which have been stolen from us by years of legislation? I want a better life for my daughter, with freedom I have never had. That's why I am leaving CA. Should we be compromising, as I have heard so many advocate? Should we be voting for the lesser evil?
And aren't we glad the antis have been voting for their"lesser evil"?
I agree our choices suck, but her complaint seems scarsely more than an excuse to give up because our choices suck.

Yeah, you go revolt at a punk concert. I'm gonna load mags.

Although, honestly, I don't much know what else to do at this point, at least in terms of our choice for a president. Maybe work on cloneing Jefferson.
I found the website for the Axis of Logic, the group that this gal represents

not so logical to me but thats just my opinion....they have hoards and hoards of editorial-articles it looks is their page titled US military

everything is baahhh baaah we are evil

here is their Worker's page more of the same socialist bleetings......baaaah baaah no jobs baaah outsourcing baaah

oh well......let her revolt (and probably try and set up a socialist "democracy"), id like to see how much damage lipstick does

Isn't lipstick and other forms of "makeup" a tool of the Capitalists and yet another form of "oppression?"

(And does she still use the lipstick after writing on bathroom walls with it?)


(And does she still use the lipstick after writing on bathroom walls with it?)

Man, as I sit here at work 9 hours into a 12 hour shift, I don't need to read something like that! My mind has a hard enough time working as it is. And now you go and make me spill part of my life-giving caffine laced beverage.

I have to agree with everyone else...I couldn't tell if she was serious or not at first.

I cannot vote for anyone who believes that our country has a right to kill in order to support its swinish excesses of energy consumption.

And just how many watts of power are being burned by the electric guitars, amplifiers and speakers at this 'Hours' long punk concert?

Now we see what happens when the government is run like a business

Oh my. As a Federal Employee who is being payed ungodly amounts of OT to sit around and surf the internet, and do some oh-so-occasional work, I guarentee you the government is not yet being run like a business.

As someone else stated, this 'Lady' is a contractor working for NASA, which makes her complaining about government excesses just so much cow dung. :fire:

Now've gone and got me fired up on a beautiful Sunday.

She's full of talk and no substance but she hit one nail on the head.

Everytime I hear someone say "Let's run this thing like business" I want to deck'em.

>>>Global Crossing<<<<<

"Let's run this thing like business" = Stupidity in it's purest form.

But Enron and Global Crossing weren't run as businesses. They were houses of cards not that different from my own state government (California) or the poobah regimes of corrupt principalities.

Running gov't as a business, to me, only means getting value for the dollar and not spending money you don't have and can't earn.
What a whiner. She's complaining because she's a left-wing statist and the right-wing statists are the ones in power.

A pox on both their houses!
"But Enron and Global Crossing weren't run as businesses."

Actually they were run precisely like many many business.

Ken and Co sure thought they were running a business. They were robbing it ,but they were still running a business.

If it looks like a duck....

"only means getting value for the dollar and not spending money you don't have and can't earn"

Thankfullly there are alternatives to skinning that cat other than the corporate approach.

NFI longeyes, we agree on too many things, just not this one.

Wow. Now, that is one spaced-out rant.

OK, your point ... yes, I think most of us are overly optimistic about how we would / will react in a revolt. However, I suspect most great people have also been unsure of how they would react ... until their moment of greatness came. We'll see what the future holds.

Other than "gee, we don't have very good choices for President" (so, what's new?), I can't find a good point.

It seems to me that those economies could not compete with economies like our own, which are based on free-market principles of Social Darwinism, elevated and promoted as inextricable from those of democracy and even morality.

One of my favorite quotes. The fact that America has developed the highest standard of living, even on average, that the world has ever seen ... and the failure of other economies is our fault because we compete too efficiently? Well, I suppose that figures ... poor students always resent those with A's ... they ruin the curve.

This woman may write with passion and superficial intelligence ... but she is a sicko who is woefully ignorant of economic and political reality. Much easier for people like her to invent vast conspiracies for the many parts of reality she cannot comprehend. Those NASA contractors might want to reconsider if this woman should be involved with any of their security decisions ...

Regards from TX
How many times have we all heard some similar story from some other liberal. "I'm revolting...I'm revolting...".

Yeah, right...whatever. If there was anyone of them that had the stones to try I might have more respect for them. To date, their "revolts" have consisted of cutesy little bumber-sticker slogans and candle-light vigils.

Revolting...why, yes... you are.

Actually, their scheming revolt has brought us the Great Society, Wealth Redistribution, Appeasement, Victimology, Personal Irresponsibility, Tyranny, all through the buying of votes with your money.

Leftists do not do their own dirty work. They let the state do it. Ask Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Mao, and the IRS.
I am still amazed how many people who consider themselves to be fearce individualists (artists, musicians, punks, etc) who embrace a form of government that damands the complete elimination of individualism for "the common good". :rolleyes:

The thing that angers me most about this woman's mindless diatribe is that she's allowed by the media elites to say this with no trouble.

If I where to post an editorial encouraging people to revolt, I'd end up on the news as another crackpot shot by swat after a lengthy standoff and in the ashes of my home the'd find an "arsenel" (thats 2 rifles, 1 shotgun and 3 handguns) plus large amounts of "right wing literature" (namely a couple books by Thomas Sowell and Friedrich Hayek).

:rolleyes: :banghead: or :fire: I haven't made up my mind.

Well, trying to address what seemed like the point of the original thread, I don't know what I would do.

There are some out there who felt we have already waited too long, and that none of us left are 'Real' Americans.

But, that's the problem. If you decide all on your own that a revolt is needed, and you are someone who believes in using force to enact that revolt, you are a wacko.

And, if you wait long enough to have a concensus, then, you will never act. The problem is walking that fine line between acting alone, and having just enough support so you can rationalize your actions.

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