"War is coming to Tucson"

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Travis McGee

Jan 12, 2003
NE Florida
Inside Tucson Business
Lionel Waxman

You are not going to like what I have to say today. But it must be said, out loud. People are whispering about it now, but if we don’t face up to it, it will only get worse.

The violent incident in Cananea, Sonora, has hit the consciousness of Tucson squarely between the eyes. Northern Mexico is in a state of war. Who is fighting? That’s hard to say. Officially, it is the drug- and people-traffickers against each other and the government. But in Mexico, you can’t tell the players even with a program. You cannot assume the police or the Army are loyal to their commands. Many are working on their own.

In case you were out of town two weeks ago, about 50 armed men drove into Cananea and killed five policemen and two other residents. The men fled into the hills with police and soldiers in pursuit. In subsequent gunfights, 16 more were killed.

The U.S. State Department has issued a travel announcement saying narcotics-related “violence by criminal elements affects many parts of the country.”

It is not too much to say there is a war going on right across the border. It’s not a hot war with firefights all the time. It is not a cold war, either, with posturing and press releases. Let’s call it a warm war. Violence breaks out from time to time for reasons unknown to us, but completely unpredictable.

And here’s the part you don’t want to hear. Violence has spread across the border and has resulted in several deaths of Americans residents and visitors. Most such crimes are reported as isolated incidents. But the violence in northern Mexico is not stopping at the border. It’s headed this way and a lot of Tucsonans know it.

It is crossing the border because there is little to stop it. The Border Patrol is in virtual rebellion against its supervisors. They have felt betrayed by prosecution of some of them for what they see as doing their job. Union Local 2544 of the Border Patrol has published its position of “no confidence” in supervisory and command personnel. They have called a meeting (members only) for June 13 to consider their options.

You can’t learn about it in most media, but the whispers around town are people saying they are thinking of getting out. It looks like war and it’s coming here. No government has acted to protect Americans living in Southern Arizona. Our federal government is in full collapse as far as the southern border is concerned. All we get from them is talk. The only action we see is toward integrating Mexico into the U.S. and Canada.

What will it mean when the border is actually abandoned and anybody is free to enter without inspection? It will mean that Southern Arizona, specifically Tucson, could become like Cananea and other parts of northern Mexico. Violence will overtake local police. State and federal authorities will look the other way.

Our local news media talks about growth and how we must plan for. But these events will make those plans meaningless. When Tucsonans have to risk their lives to go to work or shopping, this city will empty out. Adequate water supplies will be the least of our problems.

The federal government should put troops on the border to defend the United States and its citizens. The troops should be given orders to use as much force as necessary to accomplish that task. No soldiers should be detailed to do paperwork and forbidden to fire on violators. This is another war and if we don’t act like it, we will lose this one too.

This war isn’t on the other side of the world. This is for our homes, our homes, our homes.

But the feds do nothing. What is happening is according to their plan. Drop in on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America’s website n spp.gov n and read the plans. Watch discussion of the so-called immigration reform bill, which contains legislation advancing the integration of North America. It’s happening whether you like it or not. And Tucson is on the front lines.
Sounds just like a book I wrote last year.

Why don't you like mexicans?;):neener:

And you know darn well that nothing is going to be done about this or any other situation involving illegals. No money in it.
I love Mexicans. Rocio Durcal and Olga Tanon, por exemplo.

But I really like a sovereign, independent American republic, with a Constitution that means what it says, plus the rule of law and that kind of thing.
That Republic died along with the will to fight for it.
All that's left to do now is watch the Republicrats and Democans piss on the ashes
The common citizen may soon find himself in the middle of a two- front war between the mexican and American authorities and their respective targets. Thus I believe it may have some relevance that they be armed and ready to defend their lives and property.
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Join Date: 01-17-07
Location: Southern CA
Posts: 221

I hate to be the wet blanket, but how is this gun related? It's possibly military related......... But the fact remains that this is not gun related and not THR material.
That's just my 2 cents
*puts on flame resistant suit*

Okay, Aaryq, that's your 2 cents. Now put it back in your pocket and step
aside, because I find this very interesting and also gun-related. I mean,
what are people getting shot with in Sonora, spit-wads? And if the
gunfire is spilling over the border all the way to Tucson I think everybody
should be VERY concerned.

My daughter's family lived in Monterrey for 5 years, moving back to Texas
this past February. Their company moved them back to the U.S. because they finally realized they could NOT guarantee their safety in Mexico.

There are many newspaper reports that the Mexican drug organizations
have moved into the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. That causes me great concern.

Keep us posted, Travis. And keep your powder dry. BTW, Travis, what
do you carry "concealed"?
(Maybe that'll satisfy the 'gun-related' requirement):banghead:

I'll be astonished if the BP Union actually walks away from the border.

God bless those guys and keep them safe... from dangers south of the border as well as north (Enemies Foreign AND Domestic), but they ain't gonna leave us in a lurch.

They might walk out on strike in an official capacity, but I wouldn't put it past them to join up and volunteer as a union to watch the border in their own way, turning illegals over to local law enforcement rather than to BP authorities. Perhaps get deputized by the county sheriff as a protest?
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddles masses yearning to be free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

When was the grand vision of America replaced with, "I got mine - you ain't welcome here!"?

Which do you prefer?

When was the grand vision of America replaced with, "I got mine - you ain't welcome here!"?

It got flushed down the toilet about the same time as the Great Society was born...

Tell ya what... I'll agree to unrestricted border traffic with immediate background checks, if you'll agree to completely eliminate social security, welfare, the departments of HUD and Education, farm subsidies and government hospital subsidies.

The grand vision of America was replaced when we the people, the children and grandchildren of the forefathers who spilled their blood and lost their lives to preserve that freedom became threatened to loose the same to an invasion of illegal aliens who will bring our children to become tired, poor, hudled masses yearning to be free from our own government.

We cannot continue to take in what amounts to another nation and have what we have known and love; and you love and enjoy also, survive!
When was the grand vision of America replaced with, "I got mine - you ain't welcome here!"?

Which do you prefer?
Nice false dichotomy there. No one's advocating hanging a "No Vacancy" sign on the border and not letting anyone in. We would just prefer to know who is coming and going and decide if we want them in or not.

But I guess to you that's just being selfish.
azredhawk44 ++

You eliminate the socialism, I may welcome random, disease-free people.

You eliminate the requirement that I give special racial and gender treatment while enforcing moral blindness, and I may welcome random people.

You keep stealing from me and insisting on giving it to everyone who shows up (except me, of course), and I'll do my best to keep everyone out.

Give me back freedom and control of my life and my own business and butt the hell out, and I won't care who comes.

Quit forcing us to print signs, ballots, instructions, books, product labels, and on and on in some non-English language. Make it absolutely necessary to learn English.

All you have to do is eliminate the "free lunch" (where "free" means "stolen from us"), and I'll be much less concerned.


If you insist on stealing from me and giving it to invaders and insist on special linguistic concessions for those same invaders, I'm gonna do my level best to keep the invaders out.

I mean, you GUARANTEE that you're gonna steal from me and give my money to whoever manages to show up, then just what the hell do you expect me to do?

Of course, you could go farther.

You could show up, armed, at my door in force, and confiscate my weapons and threaten me with death if I resist the theft. I mean, there are places where that's been done. I guess you could call that a precedent.

I'll get back to you when I find out what the precedent is for the response to that enforcement.
And people still wonder why I've been buying body armor, hi-cap magazines, case-quantities of ammo, and going to gun-skool once a year for the past three years...

IMO, Metro Tucson still seems relatively safe, between Tucson P.D., Pima County Sheriffs, and the rest of the "odds-'n-sods" LEO's...however, I've noticed a lot of new CCW students over the past year who live in or near the outlying suburbs south of Tucson, like Rio Rico and Sahuarita.

Sometimes I just wish that somebody somewhere would have the testicular fortitude to emplace a hundred-yard deep minefield along the border, just so that we can at least feel as safe as any other DMZ(De-Militarized Zone) in the rest of the world...
This has been going on for 40 years. My dad was was talking about the lack of border security in the 60's. He talked about crime, disease, welfare, medical, schooling, bilingualism etc etc back then. Everybody thought he was crazy.

I say, come if you want to be an American, assimilate into our culture (which you will change a little bit, and it's usually for the better) learn the language, work, own property and contribute as an American. Tell me who you are and what you intend to do to cause our country to be better and what you will do to protect our nation, not turn it into some 3rd world swamp.

As Teddy Roosevelt said, and I paraphrase, You are not longer what you were because you have left that behind. If you refuse to assimilate, you are not an American either. What are you then? Better for you to be set adrift in a boat in the ocean...
Sorry if I don't take this very seriously, after reading this article my panic meter jumped about .01%
Mhhh...odd, seeing as you're closer to the mess than I am, and I'm getting annoyed at the impact the mess is making in my region.

But you go right on ahead rearranging the deck chairs, and pay no attention to that iceberg people claim is dead in front of us. ;)
Now there is a sure-fire cure for illegals, a mine field, no need to pay the BP, let the vultures clean up the mess.Add some remote control IEDs for the coyotes driving trucks and the problem disappears. but it won't happen, we are much too PC. We have to put out water stations so the illegals don't die of thirst.
When was the grand vision of America replaced with, "I got mine - you ain't welcome here!"?

Another thread, another advocate for open borders .

My answer : When they started sneaking in the back door !

Do I blame them ? Not nearly as much as I blame the people who hire them, and the politicians who allow the laws to be broken so that their wealthy friends can have cheap labor.

Not to mention those folks who welcome them (illegals) thinking it is the right thing to do moraly, while they don't seem to give a rats butt that their fellow citizens are having to carry the burdon with higher taxes and loss of jobs.
"The Grand Vision" hails from another time and place. Back then this was a still growing country with a need for willing manual labor. The people who came here made a real break with the old country and expected to fit in with us--not us with them. What you have now is a lot of gate-crashers.

If there is any reason we need millions of minimally educated, minimally skilled people from a next-door failed country, I'd like to know what it is. I'm not a Democratic politician pandering for votes, nor a "respectable" businessman looking for an endless source of cheap, docile labor--just a citizen who cares about his country.

And yes, it's going to get very, very dicey down the road.

Guess all those years of looking the other way and all that "cheap" labor will get expensive after all.

But I was only an INS agent for 22 years. What the hell do I know?
The "give me your tired, poor, and huddled masses etc" sign is all well and good, provided said tired poor and huddled people go thru the correct and legal channels to enter this country LEGALLY!! I don't have a problem with the people who take the time, effort, and expense to do it right. I DO take issue with the urchins that ener this country looking for a hand out. I DO take issue with the pregnant women (EVERY Mexican woman) who crosses the border just to plop her brat out in our country so she gets free health care during and after the birthing (at our expense) and her and he dirty litte brat get the added perk of becoming automatic U.S. Residents, no paperwork or anything required, and they then get to suck off the government tit even more. I DO take issue with the people saying its ok to hire illegals to work the so called "jobs that nobody else will do." thats B.S. theres plenty of homeless and unemployed people who woull be glad to do it, bu they can't because someone would rather hire an illegal and pay him under the table so said person doesn't have to pay taxes on said salary. I DO take issue with our lazy teenagers who up until a few year ago would have gladly taken those minimum wage jobs.

Face it, we need to do something about this and soon. the time to be PC and happy is over. Its time to get serious and use force. If Mexico sucks so bad these people need to stay there and fix it istead of coming here and taking our country down too.

for the record I like the minefield idea, that or volunteers armed at the borderto put them down before they set foot on U.S. soil. by trying o enter this country illegally they are breaking the law and should well be treated as such. No more free rides
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We could all invade Mexico and let them come up here.. re-establish government while making firearms/training mandatory for all... re-invade the U.S territory and force all the new residents up into Canada..

We win.
When was the grand vision of America replaced with, "I got mine - you ain't welcome here!"?
Give me your tired, your poor, etc. is on the Statue of Liberty, which is by Ellis Island, which is where many of the legal immigrants came to join our country and contribute to it.

You ain't welcome is directed to criminals.

Do you see the difference?

What's happening near Tucson is a good illustration of the results.
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