We cannot carry weapons!!!

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Anti-troll trolling is nearly as irritating as actual trolling.

He does appear to be posting from Venezuela, and Chavéz is an out and out Socialist with obvious totalitarian leanings.

Whether or not Linkfax is lying isn't something that I can verify, but he's not posting from Sheboygan.

Thanks for your comments my friends!.

Mr. Justin, (our Moderator) you can view my IP, I am posting from Venezuela, from Caracas. You can verify me. I am only a desperate guy that is trying to show the Venezuelan government's violations:

Hugo's Chavez government gives oil and money to the Cuban government (Fidel Castro). Plus, he treated Saddam Hussein like to a good friend, there are videos in those that you can see to Chavez deiving Hussein's car like he was his chauffeur. Than´s good that Saddam is in jail :evil:

I don´t know what is doing the American Goverment to stop this criminal, but a group of people here are fighting day by day to stop him... Thanks again my friends. The world need to know.
As an american, Its too bad we're not there to help you. It's too bad I cant be there to help you.

Linkfax, that is indeed what I did. While I've no doubt that it wouldn't be possible for someone to bounce a connection through a server in Venezuela, it doesn't seem to satisfy Occam's Razor.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot leave, I would strongly suggest that you get ahold of a digital camera. It never hurts to spread evidence of evil actions all over the internet.
This is an incredible story.

History in the making, recorded in words.

Justin, thanks for sleuthing and verifying.
(What are we paying you moderators for anyway. ;) )

Linkfax, knowing what I know of global conditions,
and the motivations and actions of totalitarian dictators
(including several in the USA),
I'm going to trust your story.

It is a sobering reminder of what could happen anywhere,
from Zimbabwe to Albuquerque.

Best of luck to you.

I wish you swift and peaceful resolution,
along with many rounds & accurate shooting if it's not peaceful.

Excellent my friends. Justin, thank you for your suggestion: I will place pictures in Internet... I hope that helps us.
I have an acquaintance in Venezuela who wrote much the same info recently. She asked her parents to teach her to shoot, the father refused saying it wasn't girl's skill to learn. :banghead:

I just found this thread. Even though it starts out about shotguns, it should probably be moved (and possibly stickied) elsewhere. I suggest that it is too important to remain where it is.

I feel for you and all freedom-loving Venuzualans. It would be hard for me to say that revolt is not justified, indeed I believe it is. Chavez is clearly a vile socialist dictator out to oppress the people of Venezuala.

But beware: the United States, and its CIA, may want to intervene to "help" you. Don't buy it. These people have their own agenda, and it has nothing to do with the freedom or well-being of the people of Venezuala.

Good luck!
This sounds totally believable.

I heard Chavez is even disarming the police. :confused:
I feel for you. I read that most of the middle and upper middle class have been running to Mexico City and setting up shop. Pissing off the locals becuse they are changing there culture.... Hmm sound familiar oh I digress.

IMHO I belive in GUNS not BUTTER. If we would arm all the people in sudan the massacre would not have happened.
I Belive everyone should be in control of there gun.
Good luck Linkfax My prayers are with yall.
an armed populace is tyrannies worst fear.
Regardless of the rest of this mess, this statement is absolutely stupid. A few thousand poorly trained AK wielding people wouldn't stop any US invasion... wouldn't even be a speed bump. Most people there probably don't realize that... so it makes a good excuse while he uses them for something else... maybe not so stupid after all.

Chavez repeatedly has claimed that these arms and troops are needed to protect Venezuela from a U.S. invasion.
I, too, remember the news of Police vs Police or Police vs Army fighting.
Chavez would seek to only have his aparachnik armed and not his
opposition. I would imagine that he his quietly purging the ranks while
the world's attention is focused elsewhere.

As far as going to Colombia: when the local wolf is at the front door,
I would not suggest running out the back door, across the back yard
and into the hunting area of the rest of the pack.

Search: FARC Chavez

I had to come back and add this:


"Under President Chavez's administration, new laws have been passed to allow the state to seize underused ranches without compensation."

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Linkfax, when ppl are fighting and asking for American support to overthrow the man who was elected multiple times though internationally-scrutineered elections, you're sort of proving Chavez's paranoia to be less unrealistic.

Unlike many, I don't quite believe you, but I can put that aside.

What my problem is is that I actually honestly BELIEVE in DEMOCRACY. It's not just some BS phrase to be thrown around when you want to go to war. It's a real freaking thing, it's a real freaking process. And it's NOT something you just IGNORE when you don't get your way. It requires you to ACCEPT governments you didn't vote for, because you expect people to accept the government you did vote for if it wins.

So how about using DEMOCRACY to change your freaking society?

And I apologize for sounding rude. But I must also ask you for ANY source to corroborate your statements. The people who AGREE with you posted links defaming Chavez, but they evidence they show is that he is actually arming the populace... You suggest he is DIS arming them. Heck, you could just take an article from your newspaper and type/translate it here.
Sad to say, it's damn near impossible to prevent a determined and intelligent person from killing someone. Especially if that person is willing to sacrifice their own life. If Chavez is truly committing these atrocities, killing him would seem a just and righteous thing to do.
I'd suggest either long range aimed fire if you have weapon systems capable of accuracy at the required distance, or a good old fashioned bomb/grenade attack. I suppose it would depend on how reclusive he is. Frequent public appearances are an invitation to get waxed. Hell, if you got any friends in the army a good old mortar can do wonders.
Whatever you do, tyrants unchecked inevitably = genocide. Just ask the Russians, or the Chinese, or the European Jews, or the Sudanese etc. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'd rather die fighting evil than hiding from it.

Edit to add: for those who've forgotten, Hitler was democratically elected. I'm sure that was great consolation to all the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, cripples etc who were destroyed. It's hard to change the fed.gov democratically when you're kneeling before a mass grave with piano wire around your thumbs. Just a little reality check about the wonders of democracy ie mob rule. Me, I believe in a limited democratic republic. You know, like the US used to be.
Chavez is the new darling of the far left both here in in Europe. But he's nothing but the same bad old medicine in a new bottle.
Man Orwell saw this coming all right. People will believe 2 contradicting view, so strange.

Chavez is crazy, he thinks we want to kill him. Anyway I really want to kill him, or have someone else kill him.

Chavez is the opposite of America, he wants to conquer other ppl. So anyway how can we conquer him?

Chavez is anti-gun, he's taking guns! Chavez is a war-monger, he wants 1.5million civilians to be a citizen militia, he's buying too many rifles!

Democracy is bad, Hitler was elected! Saddam Hussein is bad, he wasn't elected!

I don't think there's going to be anything educational here, so I'll just throw this out there - Hitler was not RE-ELECTED. OK??? OK!!?

Ahh forget it, lol :banghead:
Everyone with a brain and money for plane tickets has already left Venezuela.

Why we tolerate these marxist pricks in our hemisphere is beyond me. Considering all the problems we have had with Cuba, you think we would learn from our mistakes.
You know all the names we call those ppl who flew airplanes into the WTC? You know, all the words we use to describe them? Well guess what, when you attack another country because you don't like how they live, or are afraid they might influence others to live like them, then you are the same as those guys.

That's right. I said it. And I stand by it. It's the same freaking principles. Live and freaking let live. Why does every country have to be the same, the way we want it.

I believe in FREEDOM, and that means that I ACTUALLY BELIEVE that if you aren't hurting me you can do what you freaking like. And that includes other countries. "Oh - my- god - on Venezuela they are giving people free houses. Those people didn't earn them! WAR!! WAR!!!"

But who gives a damn about principles anymore. Freedom, it's a buzz word. Liberty, something they stamp on a coin. Democracy, only when you like who's elected.

Can't stand this, can't avoid this, I guess I just have to stop caring bout this stuff.
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