We had a burglar today...

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After your next range trip, how about posting some of your targets near the doors and windows. One of my neighbors tried that, and gave the burglar a severe case of second thoughts.
How does the Castle Doctrine work, regarding say, you caught him as he was climbing in the window? Would that be covered, or would he have to be in?
Cool headed kids = good dad. <thumbs up>

I had my house broken into when I was in Singapore, my wife at the time, wasn't home yet, but came home to a really messed up house, and quite a few things stolen.

Thieves are SCUM. Boy, if I ever catch my thief, I'm going to pour tabasco in his eyes..
And this folks is why EVERYONE in your home needs to be educated and trained in the use of a firearm.

Glad it turned out ok.
My golden retriever barks at anything that nears the house, although his hearing is dwindling due to his being around 13 years of age. Get a dog for sure.
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Imagine how it could have ended up if he didn't hear your wife. Many people, in the same situation, hide and grab the phone without making their presence known. Your sons probably would've had to make that difficult decision to shoot to kill, something no one wants to experience, plus you'd have a dead guy in your house. Bad juju all 'round. My vote is for a security system (with certain standards being met). Dogs are good, but limited in their effectiveness in preventing break-ins. Good residential protection involves many different factors, but the biggest compromise is leaving a security system out of the equation.
You ought to see how people react when my 7 pomeranians get going . The even terrorize my neighbors chow/lab mix . Their so effectve that the PUD meter reader won't entire my yard , he just breaks out the binoculars .:evil:
There is a film that can be applied to your window glass, that while not unbreakable, will require a whole lot of determined bashing to get through, kind of like the laminate on windshields.
One such is Shattergard (www.shattergard.com) however I have had no experience with this company and am not recomending it specifically, rather these types of products in general.. check out their web site for info on these films.

Saw this stuff installed on the "Takes A Thief" program, you know, where the two guys film them burglarizing houses and then give away a security upgrade? It withstood about 3 bashes with a metal ball bat before breaking, and then it still was not broken out, just spiderwebbed.
I am glad to hear that everything turned out OK. It sounds like your wife and kids all get an A+ for doing the right thing.
Thanks for all your kind remarks.

Mrs. FiVe wasn't armed because son#1 and son#2 reacted so quickly. She decided to "man" the phone. At first, she thought it was a co-worker playing a practical joke. She reached me about the time the screen came off & the glass broke. I told her to immediately call 911.

Son #1 had already determined that if the dude came in, he'd be screaming for him to get down on the floor or be taken down.

We were the perp's 2nd stop.

This afternoon, a detective called and talked to my wife. It was mainly to just check up on us and clarify some minor details. He told her the guy is a felon--released from prison a few months ago--and they've already linked him to several buglaries in the area. Apparently the guy's penchant is jewelry, and they've recovered several pieces that were reported stolen.

I also find it curious that he chose the smaller, higher window.

We've been doing MUCH review over important things. I was alert before--even more so now.

Its not a science, especially with losers like this guy, but I've seen a lot of similar break-ins...the bigger the window the bigger the noise when its broken.
We've got bars on the lower windows here, as do most houses that were built before security alarms... most that don't have bars, have ADT or other signs out front.

After my car was stolen I took down a hedge that shaded the car from the streetlight, and put in a motion detector light there. I've since found those lights cheaper at CostCo, by the way.

I've also added a deadbolt to the door in from the garage, and made sure there's no automatic garage door opener left in any of the cars out front, after a little scare we had once.

But yeah- takes time.
I'd also be a nice guy and go door to door some evening informing your neighbors. If they aren't jerks they might appreciate the heads up and it would be a good way to keep track of the neighborhood.
Dogs are a good early warning system. They won't necessarly stop a determined person, but they can allow you time to think and react. I have a Walker-Coon hound mix and she is old and gentle but sure does let me know if someone comes in the yard or near the house. I keep her inside and she sleeps in the bedroom and I am never surprised by a knock on the door.
12 gauge for backup though.
This might be a silly question, but why can't you sue him for the cost of the window? Get together everybody whose window was broken, and go in together for a lawyer who will work on contingency. I realize that he probably has no money, but don't they usually work (and get paid a very little) in prison? Maybe you could get his paycheck garnered or whatever.

I would be interested in a reply.
"You could get yourself a Great Dane. Not only will it bark at anything that you can't hear, but it's very territorial with strangers on your property. It will not only warn you, but protect you. They can be had over 200 lbs. and are solid muscle. Its bark is deep and loud, and any would-be burglar will be getting the ---- Outta Dodge if he hears or sees it. A better guard dog doesn't exist."

:scrutiny: You have awoken a sleeping giant with that last sentence. My chow/lab mix was a great dog as far as alerting me whenever someone came down the driveway. She woke me up countless times with her barking when ever she saw a deer in the woods. Had I been a hunter, I would have never even needed to leave my porch to bag a buck:D . I have seen her get ready to attack a dog twice her size before I pulled her away & put her where she'd be safe. I have no doubt that if a BG tried to kill me while she was there, she'd have ripped him apart.

"You ought to see how people react when my 7 pomeranians get going . The even terrorize my neighbors chow/lab mix ."

Bear would have ate your pomeranians.:D
all i can add to this topic is

" I am glad your family is safe and that no one was killed i think everyone here at THR can agree if no one has to be killed and the bad guy is caught that is as good as it gets with out it not happening at all."
Im glad you and your family are ok! Sounds to me like it was a local junkie trying to get something to pawn. Am I right about the junkie part?
First off, I'm glad you and your family are OK. My hat's off to your sons and wife for responding the way they did.

People can argue about what breed is the best for home security, but it all comes down to the dog. All dogs of a certain breed are not the same; breeds can turn into stereotypes, both good and bad.

The fact is, any dog is better than no dog. When raising your dog: if your puppy starts barking at someone at the door or someone outside in your yard, say "good boy/girl" and give them a treat. It's as simple as that...you can train your dog to bark at strangers.

My wife and I don't have to worry about waking up groggy to a "bump in the night" because our Athena (Great Dane/Boxer mix) will scare the grogginess right out of us. I swear I jump a foot off the bed when she hears a noise.

Bottom line_________: don't worry about the breed as long as you train your dog to do what you want him/her to do.

I am glad your family is alright.

Here in California, these daylight invasions are becoming more common as well as where the BG knocks on your door and when you answer they plow right past you.

I have had to teach our 8 year old that she is not to open the door whenever someone knocks. She had a bad habit of opening the door all the way, by herself regardless of who knocked.
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