Weak Borders

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Sep 12, 2006
With as often as the SHTF scenarios are mentioned on this and other sites, i find it interesting and concerning that the states that are becoming more and more gun hating happen to be coastal states. I have heard that the Japanese actually considered a direct invasion of the U.S but never persued it because they knew that, at the time, a large number of American Citizens would be able to fight back due to their proficiency with firearms. Haters like Rosie love to pretend that the benefits of gun ownership have long been expired. 65 years is not long at all. I strongly feel that what America needs is more gun owners, properly trained and prepared to protect their country. It seems it would be a huge deterent.

Liberals often disagree with drug laws siting that they are expensive to enforce and make law breakers rich. What studies have found is that whenever the focus on drug prevention was on education of youth, drug abuse went down much more than when the focus was on law enforcement. I believe the same idea applies to guns. If we educate our youth to understand firearms they will not be so inclined to mishandle them. They should be prepared and taught. Then i believe gun abuse will also decrease. If all the money spent on removing gun rights were spent on gun education, we would see a decrease in accidents caused by ignorance. Everyone wins. Am i confused? Or is common sense just growing less and less common?
Hey, I'm with you 100%. It sounds good to me. The problem is that what seems like common sense to us seems asinine to people on the other side of the fence. They think common sense would be to keep everyone from getting their hands on guns.

Neither solution could possibly be perfect. We can't just assume we are right and that everyone else is stupid (I don't mean to suggest that this is what you are saying, but the attitude I'm talking about is all too common here, though less so than on other firearms boards.)...if we want things to change we need to convince the other side that our way is better, not simply tell them that we are right and dismiss them as idiots, because they are not (though it may seem that way sometimes).
Are you saying that if kids are taught by their parents from a young age not to do dangerous things, they won't do them? Are you saying that criminals will break laws no matter what, and the best we can do is arrest real and actual criminals who hurt other people, not try to prevent every potential crime by pre-emptive laws?

What is this thing called "logic" of which you speak? I have seen precious little use of it in my lifetime.

-Sans Authoritas
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