Wearing a CCW Badge...

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XD 45acp

Nov 27, 2011
Um, I am a bit curious about something... I have seen these metal badges out there that are like a P.D. badge, but all it says is " Concealed Carry" on it. Now, I'd never get one of these as being CCW is to have the element of suprise on your side. I saw a man in the mall with one of those hanging on his belt. Other than to be a big shot show off, can you guys think of any reason to have one of those? Maybe I'm missing something here.....:confused:
Waste of time and money, and possibly a compromise in safety.

Impersonating an officer?
I don't think I would wear one as well. You could be mistaken as a police officer. CCW is for concealment so why do you need to be showing off a badge?
Just stupid. I see these things at gun shows all the time and just wonder about who would be dumb enough to wear one.

I agree with the above...concealed means concealed.
+1 I'm sure mall ninja is also the guy giving all kinds on crappy unsolicited advice to others at the range, as well.
If I was a criminal I'd want to wear one so if I shot a non wearing ccw civilian I'd give the police the wrong idea. This is an answer to a question that no one its asking.
We used to have a guy in my town who was mildly retarded. He wanted to be a cop really badly and talked about it all the time. I suppose he thought that becig a cop would give him some respect in a world where everyone treated him like a child. He used to dress in an old security guard uniform and walk around downtown with a badge on his shirt. Everyone knew that he was harmless so the local police tolerated him. He actually was allowed to do a little night watchman work every now and then, sort of like wannabees who don't have what it takes to become real police officers have to settle for mall security jobs.

This is what I think of when I see people with CCW badges.
Just when you figure you have seen it all something else new and dumb comes along. What is it that people have this thing about badges?

Why would any person carrying a firearm have a desire to call attention to themselves?

I would offer up 10:1 odds the person wearing a CCW (or whatever we call it) badge is sans a gun. :)

I'd only get one if you are willing to also wear a tactical fishing vest with it, and possibly a kilt.
if you're willing to wear all three together please post pics.
Imagine you're a 13-yr-old boy, and you can become invisible at will. You walk into the girls' locker room after gym class, but you choose to remain visible.

When you're thirty, you'll go to the mall wearing a CCW badge.
Why not save the money and just announce "Hey everybody! I'm carrying a gun!" when you enter wherever you're going. I wouldn't ever get one of these things for the following reasons:
1) It defeats the purpose of carrying concealed to announce it to everyone.
2) Waste of money
3) You could be mistaken for a police officer, or the case could be made that you misrepresented yourself as a police officer, either of which could get you in BIG trouble.
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