Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler

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Yes some supressors are used with water. Some use oil.
Some can be used with either with oil being more effective.
Since the supressor actually "spits" a little with every shot so you have to top-off or refill after so many rounds.

Many years ago the u.s. gummint ran some tests to determine how much liquid is splattered back onto the user.
They did this so they'd know if it was safe to use urine in areas where water is not plentiful.

Now that's what I call "hosing" someone with full auto fire. :what:
I had just hung up on The Fat Man. The meeting had been arranged for two days from now.

Reaper’s snooping had shown that Eddie had a penthouse in Vegas. I had arranged the handoff for some innocuous shopping center in Henderson with plenty of eye witnesses, just like they would have expected. My gut told me that though Eddie wouldn’t dare show his face at the handoff, he wouldn’t be able to wait to see his treasure. So it seemed logical that he would be staying at his local residence.

And the night before the handoff, I was going to break in and take care of business. The place wasn’t in his name, rather owned by one of the Montalban family’s shell corporations. He wouldn’t be expecting me. Reaper was en route, and the plan seemed to be coming together. I have to admit to feeling some smug satisfaction as I thought about revenge.

I was heading north and would be in Vegas by dawn, leaving me with plenty of time to scout the place, take care of some business, catch up on some sleep, and get some Thai food. There was this one little hole in the wall place off the strip--

My phone rang. I was expecting Reaper but the caller ID was a surprise. I stared at it for a moment. I had arranged for the drop to be in Nevada once I had figured out that that was the prefix from Jill’s phone, but now with the handoff arranged… she sure had lousy timing.

I flipped the phone open. "Jill?" I asked.

"Guess again, Lorenzo."

The voice was familiar… from Qatar. “Nightcrawler?”

“One and the same.”

It took me a long moment to wrap my brain around that. How had Dead Six found her? “If you hurt her, I swear I’ll—“

He cut me off. “Calm down. I’m not the bad guy here.”

“No, ******-******, I’m the bad guy and I’ll cut your eyes out if you don’t put her on,” I shouted into the phone.

“Shut up and listen. Jill has been kidnapped. I don’t know who did it. I’m trying to help.”

“Why?” This had to be a trap. “Why would you help me?”

There was a long pause. “She told me how you… saved me in Qatar. I’m returning a favor. I’m loyal like that, even though you did try to cut my arm off.”

“Well you shot me.”

“You started it. I’m in a town called Quagmire, Nevada. It is on I-15 near the California border. Where are you?”

I stomped on the gas. “I’m a couple hours away.” The terrorist’s Ford wasn’t built for speed but I would make it work. “What happened?”

“Well, there I was…” he recounted how he had encountered Jill, the shooting of the armed robbers, and the subsequent events. “I was just passing through, I never meant for anything to happen to your friend.”

Who had taken her? There was really only one possibility. “She must have gotten fingerprinted by the local cops as part of the investigation. Dead Six is government, they probably had her flagged.”

“Man, Dead Six is gone. ****, Gordon.” Nightcrawler spat. “I bet it was Gordon, that son of a bitch.”

“Friend of yours?”

“Oh yeah, we’re real tight,” he dripped sarcasm. “If it was Gordon’s men, they won’t take her to an official jail or anything. It will be someplace secret, and when they’re done questioning her, they will kill her. We don’t have much time. I’ll help you find her. I’ve got a score to settle with Gordon.”

Could I trust him? Could I not? “Nightcrawler. If this is a trap, I’m going to take you with me.”

“I'm doing this because you saved my life, and because Jill did me a favor. Don't push it. We declared a truce, remember?”

“Yeah… truce.” And if he was lying, I was going to finish the job we had started in Doha. “I’m on my way.”


To be continued…
Great job

You guys are doing a tremendous job. Thanks for taking the time and sharing your talents. :D
Checked with AAC. You can run water or oil. Water boils off. Oil smokes. See that is why I run mine dry. :)
[voice=William Conrad]

From Adversaries to Allies?

Is that slimey booger-flicker Gordon really behind this?

What mayhem will our combined heros incite?

You can bet it will make the 1950s Nevada nuclear tests pale in comparison.

You don't dare miss our next fallout filled episode;

Truce Or Consequences?


Havoc Nice Day!

Check for updates 6 times a day.:(
Read what is there.:D
Reread what is here.:cool:
Oh yea even Bluesbear.:uhoh:
Oh I do not count the number of times that I check back while surfing.
Since both of my other favorite authors have passed on. In the same year no less.
This is the best and I mean this most sincerely.
Thanks to both of you ops all three of you...
btw who were my favorite authors:scrutiny:

Im the slime oozing out of your TV set....FZ
Quagmire was a typical, piss ant, desert town. The only things that looked new were the McDonalds and the slot machines. I could see why Jill would end up here. She had flown into LAX, then probably picked a direction and drove until she ran out of gas. This should have been a great place to disappear.

You would think.

Nightcrawler had given me directions to his hotel. Dawn would be here soon and the street was mostly deserted. Heck of a time for an ambush. If Nightcrawler had set me up, I was walking right into it. Strangely enough, I found that I believed him. I still didn’t trust him, but I did believe his story.

I parked next to a nondescript Taurus and got out. I could feel the weight of the STI on my belt. It was comforting, but if this was a professional set up, it wouldn’t do me a bit of good. I spotted the room number, knocked, and waited. If I was the hitter in this situation this is when I would shoot them through the door.

There was a noise as the door was unlocked, then it creaked open.


He was a pretty big dude. Dark hair, baby face, glasses, didn’t look like much, but I had already gotten my face smashed in once by this guy, so I knew that looks could be deceiving. He had a long scar on his face from where I had cut him.


“Hey.” He leaned his head out of the doorway, and looked around the parking lot. I don’t know what he was expecting to see. It wasn’t like I would need to bring friends if I was going to waste him. Nightcrawler regarded me warily, like most people would look at an unfamiliar dog. Finally he turned into the room, nodding his head for me to follow.

The inside of the room was artificially cool from the blasting air conditioner. It was an awkward moment. Neither one of us offered to shake hands. I stepped inside and he gestured towards a chair.

“No thanks. I’ll stand.” It was slower to draw from a hip holster while seated and I didn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

“Suit yourself.” He closed the door.

“Anything new on Jill?”

“Nothing. There ain't much to Quagmire, so she's probably not here. I don't know where they've taken her.”

“Did you even look?” I snapped.

Nightcrawler glared at me, his right eye twitching slightly. He was kind of scary looking when he was angry.

“Listen *******. Apparently you saved my life overseas. Been a lotta times where I wished you hadn't, but you did. I saved your little friend's life. The way I see it we're square. So I'm doing you a favor. You want to go, go. You want to fight again, we're both packin', so it'll be over quick. You want my help, let's do this. Those are your options. Don’t like 'em? Bite me.”

“Sorry, I’ve been driving all night.” I relented and sat in the chair. After a moment of fuming he pulled up the other chair and sat down too. “I’ve been under a lot of stress.”

“No ****. Anyway, she's a nice girl. Didn't shoot me in the head. And this is partially my fault anyway.” He looked older now that in Qatar. Tired and run down. When I had seen him at Johnny Rockets with his girlfriend, he had seemed so young and happy, so alive. Now he looked... broken. “And yes, I did look. Like I said, there ain't much to Quagmire. Money says she's long gone by now.” Nightcrawler adjusted his glasses. "Sorry. That's all I got.”

“I’ve called in some help. My associates will be here soon.” It sounded more important to say associates, rather than lone techno-geek. “They are good at shaking the trees and seeing what falls out.”

My phone rang. “Excuse me a second.” I was hoping that it would be Bob with good news about how he had arranged to get the family to safety. I did not recognize the number.

“Mr. Lorenzo.” The voice was electronically distorted.

“Yeah.” My frown must have indicated to Nightcrawler that something was up. He stood, looking nervous, and peaked through the blinds.

“We have your friend, Jill DelToro. If you ever want to see her alive again, you will do exactly what I say.”

“I’m listening,” I replied calmly. Inside I was raging, wanting to kill, to murder, to put my thumbs through somebody’s eye sockets and wrench their skull off their neck. “What do you want?”

“You have two videos of Americans in Qatar. One video of two American’s executing a man. A second video of a gun battle between Americans and the Qatari army. You will deliver those to us. You will do so in person. If you do not Miss DelToro will die.”

Videos? I hadn’t even thought of those since Qatar. As far as I was aware, Reaper had those on his laptop. Jill must have told Gordon’s men about them while being interrogated.

“Let me speak to Jill so that I can know she’s okay.”

The line was silent for a few seconds. Then Jill’s voice, desperate, “Lorenzo! It’s a tra—“ then she was gone.

Of course it was a trap. Why else would they want me in person? I could have made copies. They wanted the witnesses dead.

Back to the distorted voice, the speaker sounded vaguely demonic. “Where are you now?”

“Maine.” My cell phone was untraceable. It might buy me some time.

“You have twenty-four hours to get to Nevada. Go to the state line at Interstate 15. We will contact you then.”

“I want to see her in person or you don’t get the videos.”

“Of course.” The line went dead. I resisted the urge to chuck the phone across the room.

Nightcrawler scowled at me. I told him what the voice had said. “It’s Gordon. He’s gonna try to kill you.”

I nodded. “They won’t expect you though. You handy with a rifle?”

"I do okay," he said. I suspected it was more smug understatement than modesty. “Can you shoot?”

“I run a rifle like it’s the hammer of Thor,” I answered truthfully.

“So that’s the plan then? Show up and kill everybody?"

“Except for Jill, but that’s the general idea.”

Nightcrawler smiled for the first time. “**** it. Let's do this. I need to break in my rifle anyway.” Nightcrawler either didn’t care about living, or the idea of getting into a gunfight with Gordon’s men just sounded like a good time. He held out one hand.

I didn’t trust him. I didn’t like him. But I knew he could fight, and he was the best option Jill or I had right now.

We shook on it.


To be continued...
You guys crack me up. Someone needs to edit out everything BUT the storyline and post and/or publish these fantastic writer's ramblings. It's worthy of a few dollars spent in paperback form... as are LawDog's works.

Maybe Bracken can recommend a good publisher?
[voice=William Conrad]

Our hereos have a plan.

But is it a good plan?

Who cares as long as the bad guys get their comeuppance.

Or is that their godownance?

Either way you can bet our heros will put up a good fight.
If they can just stop fighting with each other.

And will there be a finale out on Highway 15?
Or is that just the starting line on a long road to danger?

Find out more in the next traffic snarled episode;

Just Desert
Just Desserts


Shake, Rattle and Rock & Roll!

Baba Louie, my book, Monster Hunter International will be available from Infinity Publishing around the end of 2006. And it was actually written in more than thirty minute blocks. :)
You'll please let us know how to get a copy or three... right? Oh boy, more good reading coming up. Nothing wrong w/ 30 minute blocks of written word... translates into 3 - 4 minutes of read time on a good day for moi.
I just found this thread this morning

...and blast it all, it's now almost 12:30 CDT and I just finished. I'm impressed. You guys are writing a story that is significantly better than a lot of the Clive Cussler stuff my husband regularly reads, and for my money, more interesting than Tom Clancy. I don't normally spend an entire morning reading one thread on the 'net.

You guys get this published, I guarantee you I'll buy a copy! Keep it coming!!!

wHoley carp you guy's are great. I discovered this story because I typed Glock 27 into a search on this website. i started reading last night at 11:00 i stayed up till 2 and didnt finish. Keep up the good work.

minor edit for slang thanks
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LA Women -by the Doors is running thru my mind, there is a stillness in the air, and I have a coppery taste in my mouth...

get a taste of some chloroform there?

It's been a long time since I've been chloroformed. Still got that little zing to it,though.
Tastes like they put a bunch of pennies in your mouth, doesn't it?
-Bruce Willis Whole Ten Yards
Blood leaves a coppery taste in one's mouth.

It does not have to be one's own blood either. Experienced this in cleaning game and other exposures in my life as well and before I worked in a Main OR at one time.

Main OR -
Just walking down the hall, one would get this. There is are other tastes, I cannot put into words. Such as burning flesh from a cautery, or bone being drilled for titanium nails, and...

Not even wintergreen oil on a mask prevents the copper taste and these other taste from happening.

Almond is another I can taste from experience. Cyanide. I worked with cyanide a lot too. Very very slippery , and a very distinct Almond smell.

Smell almonds, then triple check everything before you use nitric, or any other acid. That brown, gray or whitish smoke will kill you and everyone else in the room.

Just in case anyone finds themselves smelling and having certain tastes in their mouths...

Might explain why some medical folks are not fond of wintergreen mints, gum and all too...
For sure if I smell Almonds - I am checking matters out real good as to the source of that smell.

chrisbob said:
I am late can I rewind or be informed when the book comes out ??
Correia has a book coming out towards the end of this year titled, Monster Hunter International and Oleg Volk will be doing the graphics for the cover. Both Nightcrawler and Correia have been encouraged by the readers and posters on this thread to compile these writings and submit it for another book. Personally, I agree with that. This has been and is a very good read.
for what it's worth...

Obviously you guys are doing a good job and everyone is enjoying the story, so please just take this as a thought. As of now you are both doing first person storylines. What if you would throw in (in all your free time) secondary storylines (third person) of people like Jill, Jeff, Ling or even Big Eddie? Just to weave more interest and to continue to add depth to the characters? As someone gets killed off, obviously the storyline also dies, but things like the thoughts and end goals Gordon has striving for, or Big Eddie's conversations in the palace and then the dialog when sending the hitman into the trunk, Ling's thoughts when about to storm the building, etc.
It would just add more depth to the main characters while giving you the opportunity to travel down other literary roads and sub stories. Seriously, you are doing a tremendous job as it is... just some thoughts. Call it the dayjob getting in the way of a good read, if what I said offends anyone's thoughts.
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