Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler

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Ed Norton as Gordon
Actually, when I think of the Bob character, I think of Brad Garrett.

That is exactly who I was thinking for Bob too.

I agree with a lot of the past posts for casting also though one I have to strongly disagree with is Jack Black as the Fat Man. I would be expecting him to yell out "Nachoooooooooo" at some point in the movie. I'm sorry, but he has been type cast too many times & can't get away from comedy. I just can't see it.
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Edward Norton is to cool to be gordon. When i think of gordon, i don't think of bad mutha f***er, i think of a beurocrat that has figured out he can order people to kill other people so that he can get ahead in his carrear. Does that make sence?
I concur, Edward Norton IS cool but he's also talented enough to pull it off. Plus, me thinks that, at one point, Gordon must have been a bad mutha in order to get in the position he is now in.
There has not been an update from either of our distinguished writers since Aug. 17th, clear back on page 33 of this thread when Eddie got brought down like a big duck. I feel abandoned!
Not dying, but almost concluded. I'm up next. My birthday was this weekend and I did family stuff. Then NC should be up on Thursday or Friday.
Last weekend huh? Well happy belated Birthday Larry. My father's and my best friend's bday was this past Saturday (aug 19) and my brother in laws was this past Sunday (aug 20). Busy weekend for birthdays I suppose.
Last weekend huh? Well happy belated Birthday Larry. My father's and my best friend's bday was this past Saturday (aug 19) and my brother in laws was this past Sunday (aug 20). Busy weekend for birthdays I suppose.

Turkey puts people in the mood I guess :cool:
patience is a virtue

Y'all want this quick or do you want it good? Given that they're writing it as they go and hadn't figured out the end before they started the beginning, you can expect this last bit to take a wee more time than the rest.

Patience, grasshoppers....

I used to have a sign hanging up over my desk that read "You can have it right, or you can have it right now. Choose wisely."
For some reason, my boss never saw the humor in it. :scrutiny: :evil: :D

Anyway, as Springmom said, have a little patience.
After all, it's not like you all wanna hear that Eddie's plane crashed on Gordon as he was trying to make it over the hill, is it? ;) :p

It would be a better ending to have Gordon's body found a little ways from the airport, riddled with Russian machinegun bullets. :D
"Hey, Nightcrawler... so you missed the plane. Look at what you did manage to hit!"
( Remember, all those bullets had to end up somewhere...:evil: :evil: :evil: )

hate to ponder this.

but wondering what I'm going to do when this ends. Where am I going to get my next fix. hmm....

/shout Encore Encore (yeah a little early just don't want it to end)
Somebody was singing.

I awoke in a strange hotel room. There were bandages on my head, arms, and on the back of my legs. My lungs ached and I could still feel the smoke in my sinuses. An IV bag was hanging from the wall light above me. I tracked the tube down and it disappeared under the gauze on my forearm. I hurt everywhere and my eyes grated in my sockets as I scanned the room. Reaper was asleep on the other bed, his arm wrapped in white and strapped across his torso. The kid was snoring.

I could hear the shower running. The singing was Jill. She was off key and loud, but she sounded happy. It was a good sound.

The hotel door clicked as somebody used a card key to open it. Instinctively I looked around for my gun. It was nowhere to be seen. I relaxed as I realized it was Nightcrawler. He entered the room with a fast food bag in one hand and one of those cardboard drink trays full of sodas in the other. “Yo.”

“Yeah,” I responded. “Where are we?”

“Vegas. Wanna hit up a strip club?”

“Only if we can’t get Seigfried and Roy tickets.”

“Seigfried and...no man, one of 'em got eaten by the tiger.”

“No ****? Leave the country for a couple years and everything goes nuts.”

Nightcrawler sat the food on the table and pulled up a chair. He nodded in the direction of the bathroom. “She'll be fine.”

I had to smile. If Jill DelToro was anything, she was tough. “I think she’ll be okay… So what’s our situation?”

“Jill absolutely insisted that I bring you here, and she's hard to say no to. Between your brother and I, we make a half-decent medic, we got you patched up. He had to go, though. Apparently some terrorist shot down an airplane in Quagmire with a surface to air missile. The terror alert is at red level right now. Heh.”

“What’s the world coming to?”

Nightcrawler adjusted his glasses. He looked exhausted. “So your boy is dead.”

“What are you going to do now?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“I’m going to finish what I started,” he stated flatly.

“And then what?” I didn’t know him that well, but I was worried about him. I had seen this kind of attitude before, depressed, violent, hovering on the fine line between homicidal and suicidal. Nightcrawler had a weight on his shoulders, and I didn’t know if removing it would free him, or destroy him.

He shrugged.

“You want help?”


I nodded. “Understand… But if you ever need a hand…”

“You won't see me again," he said, "but there is one thing. Listen to me. Your two friends here, the kid and the girl? You get them out of this life. Look at me. Whatever it is you see? That's their future unless you stop now. You know as well as I do that once you get in, chances to get out are rare."

I looked over at the bathroom door, then back at Nightcrawler. I cringed at the thought of Jill becoming...like him.

“I gotta go. I stuck your mystery case under your bed. Your gun is in the drawer. I got you guys some food. I hope you like burgers.”

“Only communists and hippies don’t like burgers. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“No, I mean for everything. For calling me when Jill was taken, for fighting with us. We couldn’t have done it without you.” I held out my hand. “I know you said sometimes you regret that I saved you in Doha, but trust me, no matter how bad it gets, it will get better. You’ve got friends. And we’re here if you ever need us.”

He looked at my extended hand for a second then shook it hard. He even smiled. “Yeah...well, remember what I said.”

“You want to stick around and say goodbye to Jill?”

“Nah. I talked to her for hours when you were out. She's alright. She's got the hots for you, too."

“Well, I did take a guy’s head off with piano wire for her.”

“Women are into sappy romantic stuff like that. Look, I gotta split. Take it easy."

“Good luck,” I told him.

"Watch the news," he said, turned, and walked out the door.

Goodbye, Mr. Nightcrawler.


To be continued...
Your brother got you guys patched up. Then he got a call and had to leave. Apparently some terrorist shot down an airplane in Quagmire with a surface to air missile. We’re at terror condition red.

I'll bet every traveller trying to get on an airplane is cussing.

If they only knew.
“I know you said sometimes you regret that I saved you in Doha, but trust me, no matter how bad it gets, it will get better. You’ve got friends. And we’re here if you ever need us.”


Thats so beautiful.
Oooo, I like the changes. This story is so great. Knowing it might be winding down makes me tired, like I had been digging ditches all day with a spade or something. Sad, too. I don't want it to quit.
Digging ditches with a spade all day won't make you that tired..

Digging ditches with a pickaxe on the other hand....

(guess how I spent my day)

Great story guys!!! Keeps me rushing home from work hoping for many happy updates.

Ben C
-Landscaper Extraordinaire
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