We'll attack, Japan tells North Korea

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WHOA there, I never said "Koreans".


The issue here is the level of hardcore, nonstop professional propaganda the NORTH Koreans have been subjected to by the single most evil regime on the planet today. Yes, the whole lot have been driven clinically insane. That's got nothing to do with genetics or even "Korean culture" per se.

It's the last, most horrific holdout of classic Stalinism going on. The same thing warped Russia's culture something awful and they still haven't gotten over it 100%.
The Nip:
That's why Americans are sending all of our terminally ill to Seoul, right? Or perhaps, that says something about the quality of schools in S. Korea, or the scholastic requirements in Korean colleges. Oh wait....I can't think of a single reputable Korean academic institution.
Actually, many Korean Ph.D.'s received their degrees in the United States. The reason the ratio is so high is because Koreans value education tremendously. Their school kids always place in top three of international math competitions. If you know anything, I mean ANYTHING, about Korea, you'd know that it's difficult to be taken seriously in their politico-economic circles without a doctorate. It's a different culture there - there is very little of the anti-intellectualism that pervades in other countries.
...for third-world labor industries. Last I remembered, Taiwanese employed more children in sweat-shops than India. And "top 20" doesn't really mean much, being that there are barely 20 nations on this planet that don't require funding and aid from countries like us.
I don't know where you got that "sweat-shop" comparison Taiwan and India. Their huge literacy gaps (and their educational implications) invalidate your rantings. Most Indians wish they were as prosperous as the Taiwanese.

And top 20 sure does matter whole lot to those countries. The citizens of those top 20 countries enjoy luxuries that the outside-the-20 can only dream of. As an example, South Korea boasts the highest Internet broadband usage per capita in the world (they also have some of the highest alcohol intake per capita in the world, but that's another story).
Hey, if you're a big fan of Korea then that's your business. I won't look down on anyone for liking a foreign country, God knows, that's where my sorry butt came from.
As usual, you get it wrong. I am not a big fan of Korea. In fact, I am not a big fan of any country except the US. I am an immigrant to the US. I love this country. I'd die for it to preserve it for my children.

But I've travelled and lived overseas extensively. I have the ability (by no means unique) to examine other countries in a rational, factual manner.
Let's just not attribute non-existent qualities to countries that definitely don't deserve them.
I think you need to speak for yourself!

It seems that your hatred of South Korea and Taiwan and your blind love of Japan are robbing you of your ability to see facts and reason from them.

I note, also, that you conveniently fail to respond to my other points that expose your lack of facts and logic.

Jim March:

I agree. Most of my responses were to this character "The Nip."

I do not share your opinion that the North Korean government is rational.

I agree with your assessment of the South Koreans.

Jim March's assertion that the Japanese have the ability to produce nuke's within six months is probably a smoke screen. The real time of production is almost certainly much less when you consider their technical base. Personally, I would not be surprised if sub-assemblies were in existence, needing only the final machining of plutonium and assembly.
Skorz, I don't always agree with you, but sometimes you're dead on. Good reply.
Please "Bahadur." The other name is obsolete (though it may be current on another site, more out of habit than anything else).

And thanks for the compliment. Of course, we don't and shouldn't agree with each either all the time - that'd take the whole fun and learning experience out of forums like this one. :)

Byron Quick:
I do not share your opinion that the North Korean government is rational.

I agree with your assessment of the South Koreans.
Let me put it this way. I think that the North Korean foreign policy is rational in the context of that country's (or better, that regime's) objectives. One of those objectives is the preservation and continuation of the repressive, parasitic and just down right evil regime. Those objectives, I find irrational. But "evil" is always irrational to me (others find such a thinking - benefitting at the expense of suffering by the millions - quite rational).

But, having established those motiviations, their means of perpetuating them are quite "rational" in a positivist (not normative) sense.
Jim March's assertion that the Japanese have the ability to produce nuke's within six months is probably a smoke screen. The real time of production is almost certainly much less when you consider their technical base.
I agree. I estimate their technical capacity to produce a nuclear weapon at weeks, not months. Nonetheless, it is a history-altering type of step that the Japanese will not take lightly.
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Like believing that NK is preparing to overfly your country with a plutonium-tipped missile?
Yes, that would seriously affect the Japanese nuclear calculus. Even then, the first Japanese instinct would be to get the US to counter the threat, rather than plunging in the nuclear club themselves.
I don't know if the Japanese would react that way. Personally, if I were a Japanese, I would have doubts as to just how far the US would go to defend Japan.

As far as I know, the North Koreans do not yet (with extreme emphasis on the yet) have the capability to actually build a nuclear device small enough to fit on their available missiles. If I were Japanese, there is no way I would allow them to attain that capability without myself having the capability to blow them to dust bunnies.

Once again, I do not have faith that the North Korean regime is rational or even that the North Korean regime has irrational goals that it is attempting to attain via rational means. I think a good case can be made that the psychopaths are in charge of the asylum.
Didn't know there were still knuckle-dragging Hawaiians around, -probably not a Local anyway.

For those uneducated on the facts:
Japan has one of the largest militaries in the world based on total dollar amount and %GNP. Their military is as technically advanced as the US is. The Japanese just don't like to advertise this to their neighbors. No need to rearm them, they've got enough of everything.

Taiwan doesn't employ child-labor sweatshops. :rolleyes: Last time there were was when Japan colonized them (same for Korea). Taiwan is a world technology exporter. They actually import foriegn workers from Malaysia, Thailand, Philipines to do the hi-tech manufacturing that Taiwan is known for. Part of the employment contract is to provide them with a nightschool education. (at least somebody is getting an education)

I've spent time with & observing N. Koreans (while in China). They've been brainwashed all of their lives. Even if they only believe 1/4 of the stuff they've heard, they still have a seriously distorted impression of what's going on -especially since they don't have any outside info comparison.
Yes, many are fanatics (namely the privileged military & communist cadres), but the vast majority of N. Koreans just want to be able to put food on the table for their families. Most of the crisis currently manufactured by N. Korea is for domestic consumption.
Didn't know there were still knuckle-dragging Hawaiians around, -probably not a Local anyway. --CWL

You're the epitome of the big-headed, self-righteous, pushy mainlander who comes to Hawaii thinking he knows it all, but knows absolutely nothing.

I'd like you to visit Hawaii and repeat that comment in public. You'd see what the "knuckle-dragging" Hawaiians do to mouthy "haoles" like yourself.

Been in Hawaii since 1890...I'm more "local" than you or your military-brat, wish-I-was-local, transplanted kook relatives (unwanted in Hawaii) can ever hope to be.

Byron Quick, sorry, I'm very puzzled by this:

Jim March's assertion that the Japanese have the ability to produce nuke's within six months is probably a smoke screen. The real time of production is almost certainly much less when you consider their technical base. Personally, I would not be surprised if sub-assemblies were in existence, needing only the final machining of plutonium and assembly.

Ehhh...huh? I've been arguing they probably have nukes stashed away NOW. Not a large amount, but a few for a rainy day. They'd be negligent NOT to given the close proximity of a large number of loonies. Could they produce more in a hurry? Hell yes.

You've got me mixed up with somebody else, dude ;).
The Nip:

Now that you admitted that you are a "full-blooded" Japanese-American in another thread, why not simply come out and admit that you hate Koreans and Taiwanese, and are unable to see through your prejudices?

That would certainly be consistent with your notion that Koreans and Taiwanese should "go back to climbing banana trees and eating bugs." Funny, there ain't any banana trees in Korea (the climate for which is too temperate for bananas).
You're the epitome of the big-headed, self-righteous, pushy mainlander who comes to Hawaii thinking he knows it all, but knows absolutely nothing.
Well, some of us mainlanders know enough geography and biology to understand that banana trees don't grow in Korea.
I'd like you to visit Hawaii and repeat that comment in public. You'd see what the "knuckle-dragging" Hawaiians do to mouthy "haoles" like yourself.
That's a real tribute to Hawaiians - that, according to you, they'd engage in mob "justice" to punish someone for saying something they don't like. Maybe you don't realize that this is the US 2003, not Japan 1936.

BTW, I go to Hawaii every year and have many Hawaiian friends of all colors and ethnic backgrounds. It is my observation that most Hawaiians consider themselves Hawaiian first, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Polynesian, Filippino, Portuguese, English (and whatever) else second. Meaning, there is this whole "we're all Hawaiians" bond thing. I guess you are not one of those...

Again, I note that you fail to address CWL's factual points and instead concentrate on personal/personality attacks. Why not try arguing facts for a while instead of trading personal attacks?
You're the epitome of the big-headed, self-righteous, pushy mainlander who comes to Hawaii thinking he knows it all, but knows absolutely nothing.

May be true...but who pays more bills; Dole fruit company or the big headed tourists?

I'd be more appreciative of the folks that keep the lights on.

Sorry about the "Skorzeny" reference, Bahadur...Old habits and all...
Now that you admitted that you are a "full-blooded" Japanese-American in another thread, why not simply come out and admit that you hate Koreans and Taiwanese, and are unable to see through your prejudices?

I'm now sure how/why you've pieced together this fantasy, but what in the world makes you think I HATE anyone? On the contrary...

Being that I'm from Hawaii, I'm related (through marriage) to MANY Chinese/Taiwanese, and a handful of Koreans, also. Most of my best friends since childhood-- the guys I go drinking/shooting with-- are half Chinese, come to think of it. I hate them? I don't think so, buddy....but since you're a self-proclaimed expert in Hawaii's ethnic make-up through your vastly enlightening visits here...

That's a real tribute to Hawaiians - that, according to you, they'd engage in mob "justice" to punish someone for saying something they don't like.

Nevermind. Obviously, you haven't spent much time here. That sort of behavior is not only common, but accepted here...though only to punish "outsiders" when they start mouthing off for no reason. It's not something I'm proud of stating, but that's just how things are. What can I say?

Perhaps on your next visit, you might visit "homestead" land (ask your local friends what this means). That should give you a MUCH clearer view of how social interactions can erode here in Hawaii.

It is my observation that most Hawaiians consider themselves Hawaiian first, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Polynesian, Filippino, Portuguese, English (and whatever) else second.

You've observed wrong, yet again. Only Hawaiian "blooded" locals identify themselves as Hawaiian. The rest of us (the vast majority of the state) might identify ourselves as "hawaii boys" (again, go ask your local buddies how this works), but as far as ethnicity, identify first with our actual ethnic backgrounds.

Bahadur, in the short time I've been on this board I've noticed that the members here are generally much more educated, articulate and well-spoken than those on, say...GlockTalk. I won't question your stance on most issues because you're obviously much more capable than myself in addressing those matters.

Race relations in Hawaii, however, is not your area. Why this interests you, I have no idea....but rest assured that no matter how many "friends of all colors" you might have here, non-locals generally have a VERY hard time understanding this place.

With all due respect...

Eating bugs and climbing trees (in search of bugs) is EXACTLY what most of these countries in question would be doing without the help of AMERICA, and OUR MONEY.

If you disagree, then support the complete abandonment of our aid for these countries.

If a people living in a geographically sound area containing numerous resouces cannot guide and govern themselves productively and efficiently, and cannot enact positive social interactions and proceducres which allow them to benefit and advance with technology, then yes....they're apparently primates.

Primates which, I might add, usually become burdens on American taxpayers.

I've had a few drinks tonight; pleeease don't get me started on Micronesia's effects on Hawaii.

Quite presumptuous of you, isn't that? My "beloved Japanese"? You may not realize it, but that statement reeks of the 1940's stereotype that "all japs stick other japs."

Don't worry....I'm not offended.

For the record, I could care less about Japanese issues, and I'm certainly not going to stick up for them. Fact is, Japan is beginning to disgust me as of late.

To be fair, however, I will venture a guess that the money the USA spent on rebuilding Japan after WWII doesn't come anywhere NEAR the amount we've spent on worthless 3rd-world countries (who later wage holy wars on us, or kill our economy with illegal immigrants) in the past ten years.

Just a guess....

Quite presumptuous of you, isn't that? My "beloved Japanese"? You may not realize it, but that statement reeks of the 1940's stereotype that "all japs stick other japs."

Presumptuous? As has been pointed out in other threads, your motivations and affinities are about as unobtrusive as Bob Dole at a Ja Rule concert.
The Nip:
I'm now sure how/why you've pieced together this fantasy, but what in the world makes you think I HATE anyone? On the contrary...
Uh, Thumper got to you first, but that "primate... banana tree... eating bugs" reference sure does sound suspect.
Nevermind. Obviously, you haven't spent much time here. That sort of behavior is not only common, but accepted here...though only to punish "outsiders" when they start mouthing off for no reason. It's not something I'm proud of stating, but that's just how things are. What can I say?
We have such behavior on the mainland as well. I've seen it in Brooklyn, West Texas, South Central Los Angeles, what have you. It's called a "riot" or "mob attack." And the people who perpetrate such actions are called "thugs" and "criminals." I have spent much time in Hawaii, and I daresay that my friends there would be most displeased if I were to suggest that all, or even most, Hawaiians engage in such thuggish behavior. But then again, my Hawaiian friends are educated, rational people, not the kind who resort to violence just because a visitor expresses his dislike of something Hawaiian (most would just shrug and probably say something like "I am happy here. You can leave if you are unhappy here").

Perhaps your observances of such behavior as "routine" has more to do with where you live and whom you associate with than with Hawaii itself.
You've observed wrong, yet again. Only Hawaiian "blooded" locals identify themselves as Hawaiian. The rest of us (the vast majority of the state) might identify ourselves as "hawaii boys" (again, go ask your local buddies how this works), but as far as ethnicity, identify first with our actual ethnic backgrounds.
Actually, I did not "observed wrong." I observed what I observed. You can certainly argue that what I experienced is atypical of Hawaiians, but that'd be too logical for you.

When I said that Hawaiians identify themselves as Hawaiian first something else second, I meant "Hawaii" as in the state, not Hawaiian "blood" as you call it. But it's nice to know that you distort what I say to suit whatever you feel like saying.
Bahadur, in the short time I've been on this board I've noticed that the members here are generally much more educated, articulate and well-spoken than those on, say...GlockTalk. I won't question your stance on most issues because you're obviously much more capable than myself in addressing those matters.
You mean like a little fact of geography/biology like the fact that banana trees don't grow in Korea? Me thinks you need some travelling to countries you purport to know.

I don't know whether you've ever been to Taiwan or South Korea, but we don't really provide any aid to those countries anymore. They are both quite prosperous and technologically well-developed. I know it might be shocking for you, but South Korea actually has the highest broadband Internet usage per capita, not to mention one of the higest digital cellphone usage rates per capita in the world. If anything, these countries possess much better developed infrastructre technologically than, say, Hawaii does. Perhaps you should go climb banana trees and eat bugs.

You know what else? God knows I like Hawaii very much, but the work pace there drives me up the wall. I wouldn't call it that, but some people do call it "laziness." If it weren't for the US government and tourism, where would Hawaii be today? A bunch of failing plantations, that what.

If you have ever been to Taiwan or Korea, you'd know that, generally, Taiwanese and Koreans are exceptionally industrial, hard-working people. During the 1980s, these countries boasted perhaps the highest number of work hours per week (even higher than Japan). There was a joke that reflected this fact well: what do Korean workers think of the Japanese workers? Answer: very good workers, but a little lazy. Of course, this is only funny to us Westerners who think that the Japanese work ungodly high number of hours.
Quite presumptuous of you, isn't that? My "beloved Japanese"? You may not realize it, but that statement reeks of the 1940's stereotype that "all japs stick other japs."
Not at all. You may think that Thumper and I are brainless morons with no memory, but you see, we do have it. We remember full well that you wanted the US to "allow" Japan to exterminate Korea and Taiwan during WWII in another thread. You have demonstrated, time and again, that you view the Japanese to be superior human beings to, say, Taiwanese, Chinese and Koreans. That's ignorant ethnic prejudice, last time I checked. Stop inverting and stop accusing Thumper of racism when it is you who need some history, biology, geography, anthropology (among others) lessons.
For the record, I could care less about Japanese issues, and I'm certainly not going to stick up for them. Fact is, Japan is beginning to disgust me as of late.
I see, you have an "evolving" view of Japan that has changed in the last few days.
To be fair, however, I will venture a guess that the money the USA spent on rebuilding Japan after WWII doesn't come anywhere NEAR the amount we've spent on worthless 3rd-world countries (who later wage holy wars on us, or kill our economy with illegal immigrants) in the past ten years.
Well, it's hard to argue with this since your definition of "third-world" is very broad and include some of the richest countries in the world. Suffice to say, in today terms, the amount of money we spent on the reconstruction of Japan and Europe was massive.
Just a guess....
Next time, try some education rather than "just a guess" based on bizzarre racial prejudices and a complete absence of knowledge in basic geography.
Been in Hawaii since 1890

Letsee, that'd make you at least 113 years old, I guess we'd have to give you some slack due to your advanced age. Leaving Japan at that time would indicate that you left to escape the growing militarism and poverty to seek economic advantages in Hawaii's cane & pineapple fields. The only people to accept the Japanese in Hawaii were the Chinese, Philipino and Koreans. Fortunately, you are not the ambassador of Hawaiian heritage.

Don't think that everyone is ignorant or uneducated on this board, some of us have been around and been around again a few times, there is knowledge to be shared & learned. As with intelligence, ignorance, prejudice and stupidity is hard to hide.
The only people to accept the Japanese in Hawaii were the Chinese, Philipino and Koreans. Fortunately, you are not the ambassador of Hawaiian heritage.

CWL, since you seem open to the idea, allow me offer you some "education" on the topic. On your quests "around and around again," you apparently picked up some wrong information.

First of all, Chinese were the first imported field workers in Hawaii. Soon after, the U.S. struck a deal with Japan's emperor to allow several thousand Japanese workers over; within a few years, the plantation owners had brought over 200,000 from Japan.

So contrary to your statement, Philipinos and Koreans had NOTHING to do with "accepting" Japs in Hawaii, as they were still snoozing in their homelands. The only people that "accepted" Japanese in Hawaii were, of course, the wealthy white plantation owners who found extremely hard-working and reliable laborers in the Japanese.

However, would you like to know WHY the plantation owners eventually requested workers from the Philippines and Korea?

The Japanese were getting too strong on plantations, building schools for their children (which the plantations owners promptly burned down), and forming what was beginning to look like a labor union. To combat this, the owners brought in Filipino workers; they assumed that Japs and Flips couldn't coexist peacefully, and the resulting conflicts would ruin any prospect of a Jap Union.

Unfortunately, it didn't work-- within five years, the Japanese formed a partnership with the Filipinos, and the first labor union in Hawaii was born.

That's why such a great partnership in politics and business still exists today, between old-time Japs and Flips.

SO, the plantation owners, now fearing that their Jap workers wouldn't be around much longer to work for them, decided THEN to bring in Koreans. I believe fewer than 5,000 Koreans were brought over, however, because the plantation owners preferred the Filipinos due to their work ethic. This was already in the early years of the 20th century.

See? You learn something new every day.

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