What causes high & left POI

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Dec 24, 2002
I've noticed I tend to shoot all my handguns high and left.
Being more of a rifle guy myself, I've been ignoring this for a while.
However, I'm a bit annoyed now that I've become proficient enough with my 1911s to consistantly print 2" groups at 20 or so feet (which is good for me), yet these groups always tend to be and inch high and left every damn time. I've noticed the POI closes in on the POA when I switch from an isosceles to a weaver stance, so I know the problem is correctable.

I vaguely remember a chart in an old gun rag that explained the likely reasons and fixes.
Has anyone had similar problems and if so, how difficult was it to correct?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the rapid response, ProguninTN.
One of the problems I'm having with an internet search is the screening my company uses to control access. Anything having to do with "weapons" is forbidden and will not display. How THR gets through is a mystery.

Until I make the switch to another type of broadband (lost my home cable internet when I switched from cable to Dish Network), this site will be the only firearm related resource available.

Any tips I can get here will be great! Thanks.
When clicking on the link, this is all I get:

Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.

The Websense category "Weapons" is filtered.



You're welcome for the quick response. That link is for the picture that daysleeprx and yayarx7 posted.
That's precisely what I was looking for! Thanks everyone for the help!
Keeping in mind of course that the chart is for right handed shooting. For us southpaws you'd have to flip the chart over (and probably learn to read backwards <grin>):neener:
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