What Detergents will/won't hurt a FART?

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Nov 8, 2018
So I got a new FART to replace my home-made wet tumbler (it worked beautifully, but I needed the motor and had to disassemble it). While reading through the instructions I noticed they suggest only using the FA-brand cleaning solution, "to prevent damage to the drum, seals, sealing inserts, and caps."

Is this just marketing BS, or are there detergents I should avoid using with the FART? I used Dish soap and lemishine for years in my homemade tumbler without issue (I used applesauce containers for the drums). Recently I switched to woolite HE laundry detergent though (still with lemishine of course), and have been VERY happy with the results. Just want to make sure nobody else has had problems after using either of these?

I read that in their instructions as well and just chalked it up to a brilliant marketing strategy. I primarily use dawn 3x and citric acid and after 4 years no adverse affects, and none expected. I suspect the sun will cause more damage. Good luck.
Are you worried the FART or getting rid of the brown skid marks?

Greased Lightning works GREAT and is CHEAP,
Use gallons of it cleaning gauges, micrometers and other instruments, before calibrating
(available at Home Depot)
I wonder if the pins are not scouring the rubber coating causing "some" of the dark wash water...I have the feeling that the inside coating is somewhat sacrificial....I use Maguire's wash and wax...I suppose you could dedicate a worn out drum to corn cob...I feel like I have had mine for 5+ years with moderate use, it seems fine...
I use a Thumlers and have always gone with anything water based will work OK, and stay away from petroleum based cleaning products as they have hurt neoprene material before. Most detergents and mild acids should be fine. I use Dawn and citric acid now as both are available in industrial quantities at low cost.

I take those "use our products only" in the same reasoning as firearm manufacturers saying not to use reloads LOL.
For over 6½ years I have been exclusively using ArmorAll Wash&Wax (also powdered citric acid, the active ingredient in Lemishine, apparently).

My "drum, seals, sealing inserts, and caps" exhibit zero deterioration. :)


Using AAW&W instead of something like Dawn both keeps brass from tarnishing as quickly & noticeably eases their passage thru sizing dies. ;)
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+1 on Armor All Wash & Wax. My only difference is after 90 min tumble with Dawn and Lemi Shine. I remove all the dirty water then I add AA with hot water no Lemi Shine for an additional 20 min. The water from the added wash comes out a lot cleaner. Then after rinsing the whole batch it's super clean with a wax coating left on the brass. I believe that helps me and my press when resizing. Runs smooth!

Try it you may find it works well. It does for me anyway!!!

I sent this out as a response to a similar thread Titled; Wet Tumbler Resolutions Check it out for more information.

I've been using the process above since I moved to wet tumbling. I don't think using any water based soaps will negatively impact the drum. I hope it helps with your question!!!
Is this just marketing BS,

For best results, use only Porsche brand leather underwear and Porsche brand leather driving gloves when driving your Porsche 944!;)

Solutions that shouldn’t be used in the canister probably shouldn’t be used for cleaning brass at all.
I wouldn’t use gasoline, fuel oil, PETN, muratic acid, fluoritic acid, sulfur hydroxide, nitrated toluene, hydrogen pentoxide, or liquid ether.

These are too caustic to the rubber canister liner and seals, or explosive, except the hydrogen pentoxide. But I don’t like when my skin turns into lipid rocket fuel and bursts into melty meat flames…:D
Use Moet and Chandon Brut, I find that the Grand Cuvee doesn't work any better. (Dry Tumblers work with corn cob...)

Have you tried Boones Farm? The classic Strawberry Hill seems to work the best!

Gads they still make that stuff!!:what:
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