What did you guys get for Black Friday?

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Same gun I got. I walked in Academy at 510am and was home by 6am. Store was packed but seeing I had a CHL, I did not have to wait for a background check.....chris3 P1000191.jpg
I wasn't GOING to buy anything.....then got the Menards flyer on Thanksgiving and saw the safe on sale for $399. Did some checking around and the lowest that I could find the safe online for was $775 PLUS shipping (a couple hundred, for sure). Told the wife about it and she said the LAST thing we needed was to spend $400 on something we DON'T need. So I didn't get up and wait in line at some crazy morning hour. On the way to drive HER to work (she works retail), I mentioned the Menards deal again...telling her it's the best deal I'd seen on ANYTHING this year. I knew I had missed it by then....it was after 8am at that point. She said, "You REALLY think there's that many people in our town that have $400 for a damn gun safe?? I bet if you go over there now they'll still have some left!". That sounded like an OFFER to me, so on the way home (about 9am) I stopped by the Menards and surprisingly, they DID still have 6 left (they had a LOT of boxes in the back when I went to pick mine up, so they sold a boatload of these things!). Anyway, for $400 this is a huge upgrade from the "locker" that I had been jamming my guns into. Good thing my 18 year old son is strong as a bull, or this thing NEVER would have gotten into my basement in one piece.....or at least *I* wouldn't have been in one piece!


PS - I've since shuffled things around a bit so all that heavy ammo isn't on the top shelf anymore.


Camera; could have bought an AR for what I paid for it.
Set of metering extension tubes for my DSLR to replace the cheap non-metering tubes I already had.

I like to do macro photography. The non-metered tubes made it hard since they prevented auto-focus, and more importantly auto exposure control.

I was planning to buy a fixed power macro lens, but the local camera store's newspaper flier only showed discount, not actual price, which was more than I was willing to spend right now, by a factor of two.
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The only thing I got on Black Friday was good and tired. Digging ditches and helping a friend move. Fun. :)

But on Cyber Monday, I got a PSA stripped AR lower and lower build kit. Maybe I'll be able to by an upper in time for a Christmas present for myself! :D
I slept in, drank some coffee, took a nap. Welcomed my wife and number 2 daughter when they got home. Read a book for awhile, cleaned a gun.
That's about it.
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