What do you like best about handling your gun?

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Jan 8, 2008
San Diego, CA
We've all done it - brought out your favorite handgun just to admire it. What do you like best? Do you like the way the grips feel in your hand? If it's a semi-auto, is it the tightness of the slide? If it's a revolver, is it the way the cylinder spins? Is it the smell of the gun - the combination of the oil and the faint, burnt powder? Is it the knowing of how well it's put together? Or is it the way it fits and draws from its holster? For me, it's a combination. I love the way it's balanced in my hand and the feel of the checkered grips. I like the gun smell mixed with the leather holster smell. It just gives me an appreciation for what the gun is, and reminds me of the rights we, as Americans, enjoy.
Yes yes and yes.
I grab my .243 and know that what the crosshairs are on can be destroyed, I love the scope and the ease of adjustments on the turrets.
I'll pick up my 870 and know it will always go bang, I pick up my Marlin 336 30-30 and know that the man that owned it before me (grandpa) LOVED this rifle and carried it with him in his truck, tractor and combine and like me just liked to sit and hold it. Back when he was able to be taken out of the nursing home once in a while he was out at mom and dad's on a birthday or something and asked if I'd bring him the 30-30 that is now mine, he sat on the deck for an hour just looking through the scope and telling stories.
Then there is my bird hunting gun, while it is only 4 years old it has racked up alot of quail and pheasants and lots of memories with it already, and of course my .22 that I have filled semi trucks with squirrels.

So yes I have a sentimental attachment to my firearms.
For me its the feel.

(The following all occurs while unloaded and fully willing to destroy said doorknobs)

Knowing that while I look at something else (t.v. kids etc.) That I can point at a doorknob or something inanimate, then while not moving, that the sights line up perfect. A natural point/aim for the firearm.
I like the fit and feel of quality workmanship. The smell of fine saddle leather & the smell of oil.

Having put myself through college several years ago as a machinist, I appreciate the labor that went into the piece , be it a well made gun or a well made tool.
I like the slamin' of the slide...the slight twist in my wrist...the strong finger rap-around the perfect fitted grip...the sights droppin' in line...the tip of the trigger finger sets in place...the POWER !
A little FMJ reference.. Very good.
How about another one.

Army Basic - 1964:
Screamed at the top of your voice!
This is my rifle. (Presenting rifle)
This is my gun. (Touching a place on your body)
My rifle's for killing.
My gun is for fun.

The U. S. Army considered it very important that you knew the differance, I guess!

I like handling and admiring my pre-27 just because the bluing is so deep that it looks nickel plated if I'm handling it in a white room.

I realize S&W will never produce something of that finish quality ever again, and it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy deep down inside.

Honestly, handle an original 27 vs. one of the new "27 classics". The "27 classic" would have been more appropriately called the "28 classic"
Physical appearance is important, as is quality of machining, fitting of parts, and design. The 29-3 in nickel with 5 7/8 inch barrel probably is my favorite "fondle" gun, followed by the 1911-dated Colt Officer's Model Target with 7 1/2 inch barrel.
The happy ending?

Umm, I like the faint scent of Hoppes #9...

Duke of Doubt, I have old souvenir glasses with you on them.

"I'm the Duke of Doubt, and doubting's what I do. It doesn't matter what it is, I doubt it through and through."

Wow. I just went there...

1911's 'fit' my hand better than most other handguns. I like Houge monogrips with fingergrooves on 'serious' pistols. Adding that grip to a BHP made it feel more LIKE a Colt...

I love the smell of Hoppes #9.

And I like prewar craftsmanship and Colt blue.

I can picture/feel how each of my handguns feels in my hand, and its a reassuring thing.
Do you like the way the grips feel in your hand? If it's a semi-auto, is it the tightness of the slide? If it's a revolver, is it the way the cylinder spins? Is it the smell of the gun - the combination of the oil and the faint, burnt powder? Is it the knowing of how well it's put together? Or is it the way it fits and draws from its holster? For me, it's a combination.

That all pretty well sums it up for me.
Other than the apparent fact that Hoppes #9

Is a potential designer fragrance -

Ralph Lauren, take note, for

The 2009 Season,

We have this:


Get real.

Guns are just one of a number of tools for living.

Along with handsaws, vegetable gardening, and

The ability to spin and weave, for example, wool.

You can kill a man with a pickaxe

Or a pistol.


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