what if i wanted something similar to the .357 magnum desert eagle L5

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i kind of want something with more stopping power then a 9mm though

The important question is “why”? For defending your home, 9mm 40, or 45 should be adequate. If you want something for hiking and camping where predators may be an issue, a larger caliber cartridge that fires faster projectiles might be a better option.
maybe its just a personal thing,but i kind of want something more powerful then just 9mm.but im wondering if by

the videos ive seen where i wasnt really impressed by the difference between a 9mm and .40 S&W had more to do with the type of round they were using and not the caliber

Really, the .40 is not a very big step up from a 9mm. You should think of .357 Sig as a step up. Now, you must realize that 90% of ..357 sig loads are under loaded to .40 performance. If you want to get true .357 Mag performance you need to go to Underwood or Doubletap. Use the .40 S&W for pracice.




The important question is “why”? For defending your home, 9mm 40, or 45 should be adequate. If you want something for hiking and camping where predators may be an issue, a larger caliber cartridge that fires faster projectiles might be a better option.

i dont know,i guess its just personal preferance.maybe ill just go with .40 or 45
Really, the .40 is not a very big step up from a 9mm.
.40 S&W will give greater barrier penetration (apartment walls, doors, etc.) than the comparable 9mm. I'd consider that a disadvantage for small house/apartment use.

The LE that still choose .40 S&W, .357 SIG, or .45 Auto, typically do so for barrier penetration advantages.
.40 S&W will give greater barrier penetration (apartment walls, doors, etc.) than the comparable 9mm. I'd consider that a disadvantage for small house/apartment use.

even if your using hollow points?
The greater mass can still lead to over penetration even with hollow points. Unless loaded at fairly low powder charges, or a light bullet is being used.

i guess i never considered that,i figured hollow points would of been good enough over penetration wise.maybe 9mm really is the best option
p227 - 10 rds of .45 acp goodness

View attachment 843774

Sig Sauer P227 45 ACP Semi-Automatic Pistol

Hickock 45

Sig Sauer P227 .45 ACP Pistol | Gun Review
P227 is discontinued, though the P220 is still available.

Good choice, but yes discontinued. Though there are still many out there for sale, and used.

Personally I’d try to dig up a CZ97, or HK45. Or if you really want a lot of 45 on tap the FNX45 or XDm 45.
i guess i never considered that,i figured hollow points would of been good enough over penetration wise.maybe 9mm really is the best option
Keep this in mind, nobody says you can’t have more than one.

You could always do some more research, go to a few gun shows and shops and handle some 9’s, 40’s, and 45’s, and see what feels right from a model standpoint. Go with something adequate for home defense, as suggested in this thread, and later on if you want something more powerful, buy a second gun.
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also,some of these sig sauer ones posted on here i cant even find on their website.or would pretty much any .45 acp be good
i guess,its just.if i was buying more then one firearm.id probably have my 2nd one be something like a sbr rifle or an ar 15
It certainly can be.

I started on an ar15 twelve years ago. Ten years ago I bought this.
View media item 94
The ar15 was traded away. But now, I have 4 rifles and 15 pistols.

Handguns breed like rabbits, and I consider my collection to be very conservative.

Just be prepared to spend money.

Pro training isn’t a bad idea either.
It certainly can be.

yeah,the only reason why im more interested in handguns is because i figured in terms of something for a small apartment/home defense if your worried about over penetration a handgun would be better
yeah,my main point was looking at sigsauer's website and it saying hunting.since i dont plan to hunt with it
Because it is a P220 in 10mm, and the "Hunter" versions come with a 5" barrel which is intended for the hunters.
Because it is a P220 in 10mm, and the "Hunter" versions come with a 5" barrel which is intended for the hunters.

wierd,i could of sworn i wasnt at looking 10mm's when i saw it.whatever
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