What is the #1 reason why the Left's philosophy doesn't hold water?

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Dec 25, 2002
Inspired by pax's thread I figured I'd start my own. You tell me your opinion on it, eventually I'll chime in with mine. Have at it!
Human nature is the flaw. Humans are motivated to produce something because they receive something in return, i.e. Capitalism. If one receives something for doing nothing, they will continue to do nothing. In addtion, the one that does produce will be motivated to stop because they are not recieving the benefits of their work. Its a lose/lose propostion and exaclty opposite to why our country was founded.
Being gun related, that bad guys follow will follow the rules. They're BAD GUYS. They go out of their way to harm others and infringe upon decent folks' life, liberty and property. What makes you think they're going to register a centerfire rifle with one or more of the following parts?

With everything else, I'm on break and don't have time to jump into that one just yet!
They don’t reconcile the gap between discontinuous core ideas.

Example: Everyone is equal but celebrate the diversity of certain folks.

Therefore, their plan doesn't lead to a set goal by a clear and continuous path. Its a lot like trying to use an M.C. Escher drawing as a road map.
Good stuff everyone!

I would echo what Tamara said. My problem is exactly what Tamara describes. The more I hear the Left, the more I realize that they will blame everything on somebody else. But they NEVER, EVER EVER, roll up their sleeves, and get to work.
Leftism is completely unrealistic. It's based on fear, envy, spite, hatred, and more fear. It apes logic while having no intellectual content of its own.

I think of it as a psychological disease.
Short version:

Liberalism is a philosphy based on wishes and happy thoughts that can not survive on its own when applied to the real world.
"Misfortune on the part of A does not automatically create obligation on the part of B."

Since we are humans and supposedly superior to animals, it all depends upon how 'automatically', 'misfortune' and 'obligation' is defined in the context as stated above.

My beef with the left's philosophy is that they believe better than I what is and is not good for me.
Blackhawk- I was thinking that too. Then I realized that the Left redefines natural rights. For example, now somehow they think that everyone has the natural right to "feel safe" or to "good healthcare". :barf:
The left's flaw is that it is based on two assumptions, the first being the whole of the collective is greater than the sum of its parts and the second being that people won't cheat when given the opportunity during the practice of communism's distribution 'from each according to their ability to each according to their need'.

The first assumption is only vailid when working for the group can inspire individuals to work harder, longer and smarter than they would otherwise.

The second is only possible in a beehive.
Weakness of charachter

If one suffers from arrogance and jealousy, it is very natural to think of oneself as superior to of others, and to covet the possessions of those that have more.

If one is a reactive person, they look outward to distribute blame for what they percieve to be wrong, as well as the source of it's correction.

That's it in a nutshell. All other arguements that they throw out are merely intellectualized attemopts to justify what their flawed charachter emotionally wants to believe. To accept that what one wants to believe does not correspond with reality is a very painful and uncomfortable process. In the industry, we refer to this as cognitave dissonance.

Why would someone want to go through pain and discomfort? For the same reason that they wouldn't want to go through the cold, harsh reality that is life. Forget that, let me back in the womb, or the nanny state, for that matter.
The main weakness of socialist ideology is its lack of consistency. It lacks consistency becasue it is based on emotions, not logic. Since emotions are subjective and internal, it is bad to make public policy based on them.
Call me crazy...

...but i had a thought the other day that many liberals believe what they believe not because it is right, but because it is attractive to them and attractive to people who might vote for them....
if i wanted political power (assuming i had not compunctions or principles) i would tell the masses i would take care of them......feed them....clothe them......heal them....on and on.....unfortunately, when you let the govt do those things, you let it make decisions it has no business doing....and America did not become a great nation by making everyone equal and giving everyone healthcare and food.....granted i want everyone to be happy and healthy and all that, but i dont think a nanny state is right
Some/Most/Many liberals (i dont know) might not think like i described in the first paragraph, but I believe...check that KNOW that there are politicians out there who are betraying the principles that made American great for power
If one were to start with Glockler's statement, one would result in Tamara's, lendringser's, Meek and Mild's, SodaPop's, etc. statements. Then ultimately in what BowStreetRunner said.
If I could wax philosophical about this for a moment...

I've encountered extreme Left philosophies in action in Africa, Europe and South America, as well as here in the USA, and I think I can speak with some depth of knowledge and experience about them.

To me the deepest root of the problem is very simply defined. The Left will work for, or against, an idea and/or a thing, but not a person. They have a fundamental blind spot about the value of the individual. Their hysterical cries about "human rights" and "it's for the children!!!" are actually inhuman in the effects they have on individuals. They regard society - the broad mass of the people - as fundamentally more important than each individual member who makes up that society. This is why they so often try to take over, or alternatively divorce themselves from, faith-based communities: every major deistic faith emphasizes that the individual is important, that individual decisions and actions count.

This is illustrated very clearly in the RKBA battle. The Left decries the thing - the gun - and ignores the person wielding it. The Left also ignores the effects of disarming the righteous - they're satisfied that the "evil thing" has been removed, and ignore the effect on now-defenceless individuals.

Of course, many right-wing movements have precisely the same problem. They try to mobilize people into a mass movement, just as does the Left. This is why, IMHO, the dimension of religion and spirituality is so vitally important - it's often the only area of society that consistently practices, and preaches, individual responsibility (which, of course, translates into individual rights of the proper kind - taking responsibility for exercising a right, rather than demanding to be able to exercise the right without the corresponding duties and responsibilities). I know there are many who will disagree with me on the importance of the religious dimension, but there we are...
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