What is the worst

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Jul 7, 2003
What is the worst, most god awful place you have ever lived?

Mine was Pasadena Texas. I was there for a year in the early '80s.
I couldn't wait for the job to get over so I could leave that place.
I passed thru there again a couple of years ago. Nothings changed.
They don't call it Stinkadena for nothing.

Memphis, TN... sorry to those currently living there, but I sincerely hated the place. :(
You could cut the racial tension with a knife.

BTW, you do realize this thread it destine to be close due to OT, right?
Manassas, Va. Could be worse, but this is my least favorite residences.

BTW, where in Middle Tenn do you live? I used to live in Columbia.

Winton, California

A little hole outside of Merced.

Hot, Dry, I was Counting the days of my one year tour in the USAF until my discharge. I moved from London England to Winton Pop- 2000. Talk about culture shock

I was born and raised in Alexandria, just a hop, skip and a jump from DC. My father worked in the city and the very first memory I have of actually being in the city itself was gunshots in the distance just minutes after leaving the subway (in a metropolitan area, that's not a friendly sound).
The other thing was sirens that you seemed to hear way too often in the distance. Way back in the early 80's and I was still young, but I remember that place scared me enough to hate it.

I suppose I simply don't care much for cities.
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