What is your bathroom gun?

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Dec 19, 2008
Being in the bathroom is one of the most vulnerable places you can be, besides sleeping in your bed. Part of this comes from the fact that most gun owners don't carry inside their homes and don't keep a gun in the bathroom. Most people falsely believe they are safe in the bathroom and this belief is actually closer to a belief of invincibility because the door locks or something, or because of privacy issues related to the bathroom.

One issue is steam from the shower. I've seen these waterproof boxes at wallys that solve this issue. They're in the fishing section. I keep a handgun in each bathroom. I prefer keeping a gun in the medicine cabinet for the bathroom that isn't used as much.

This really boils down to being prepared for a home invasion. Most people assume that crime won't happen while they're in the bathroom, and they don't realize they are assuming this.
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