What motivates your gun-related expenditures?

What motivates your gun-related expenditures?

  • Need. I'm a minimalist and I buy only what I need for a specific purpose.

    Votes: 5 4.0%
  • Utility. I make select purchases that expand the functionality of what I already have.

    Votes: 40 32.0%
  • Exploration. I like to try new things: a new cartridge, a new platform, a new reloading tool, etc.

    Votes: 33 26.4%
  • Collecting. I enjoy the pride of ownership of lots of guns, with or without a theme.

    Votes: 28 22.4%
  • Addiction. I can't help myself; if it looks cool, I buy it.

    Votes: 19 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Contributing Member
Dec 24, 2002
So what is the primary motivation for your gun-related purchases? I know these categories are neither discrete nor all encompassing. I tried to avoid specific applications (hunting, self-defense, competition, etc.) and come up with categories that could apply to any application. I think of myself primarily as a hunter, but I haven't hunted in several years (I won't pay a lease to shoot scrawny deer over bait in TX). And I'm at a stage of life that I can afford what I choose to buy.

In the schema presented, I'd have to call myself an Explorer. I have no "need" for my recent ventures with 6.5 Grendel and 6mm ARC, but I've enjoyed getting acquainted with the cartridges. My recent purchase of a Garmin Xero was motivated by utility. My intention is to move more toward Utility by downsizing and focusing, but I'm not there yet; I am definitely not a Collector.

What say you? Vote and give us a summary.
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You forgot the all-encompassing #6: All of the above

At some time or another I have been fueled by each and every motivational aspect that you have selected; quite often several of them all at the same time! This occasionally happens at gun shops and way too many times at a gun show!
@bannockburn, I didn't forget. My purchase patterns have definitely evolved over time. I'm simply interested in a point-in-time snapshot. I could speculate as to category some of our members might fall into, but I'm more interested in finding out how they view themselves. A forced choice is more thought-provoking than "all of the above." How would you categorize yourself today?
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How would you categorize yourself today?

Today I would say a combination of #2 Utility and #4 Collecting.

Not really a #1Minimalist, too much variety out there to get stuck on one gun, and one gun only.

With #3 Exploration I do like to look at new things but prefer to wait until reports from the field come in.

As for #6 Addiction, I pretty much stick to the "look but don't touch" school of gun buying, that is until I'm ready to buy!
I am not a minimalist by any means. But all of my guns were purchased for a specific reason and I don't believe I have ever duplicated any particular.gun in caliber, size, type of firearm, etc. so put me in utility category. I can't afford to be a collector or explorer. I will try something new if it suits the purpose I am buying it for but I don't buy just to try.
Collecting comes closest, but these days it's mainly a matter of opportunity regarding the guns themselves. I've got long mental lists and getting the stars aligned when my pocketbook can stand the strain is often in the hands of Dame Fortune.

Since you say 'gun-related', things like optics and reloading tools/supplies are camp followers. I've occasionally bought a few interesting items in anticipation of later acquisition; I recently bought some .30 Luger cases because I'd like a Swiss Parabellum pistol someday and you can never tell about brass availability.

One gun-related item I'll also buy when opportunity presents is just about any good book about the history and development of an interesting firearm. I've got plenty of those works covering arms I'll probably never own.
I can't really generalize like this.

My hunting related guns/accessories are all based on utility.

Conceal carry is based on need/utility

Strickly need as far as what I buy for reloading, although I got into it for exploration/curiosity.

I've purchased, sold, or traded many guns for curiosity and because it was a price I knew I'd at least break even if I tired of it so there's an exploration piece there for sure.

I'm on a kick to own the common military 9mm's of the world, so in that regard I'm collecting.

And I have a bit of an addiction to .22lr firearms, owning way more than I can reasonably shoot with any regularity.
More complicated than all the above. When you've tried so much your trading and buying back what ended up what you really liked and needed for certain purposes without excess. Money spent is the cost of education. This is the short version.
I recognize that "utility" can be pretty expansive. One can be into hunting, target shooting, competition, and self defense and still be pretty focused within each purpose. But I think most of us have a "dominant logic" to our purchases. Interested that no one has yet voted "Need/Minimalist." I know a couple who walk The High Road.

I still don't like the "all of the above" option, but I'm interested the responses that might define new categories.
I recognize that "utility" can be pretty expansive. One can be into hunting, target shooting, competition, and self defense and still be pretty focused within each purpose. But I think most of us have a "dominant logic" to our purchases. Interested that no one has yet voted "Need/Minimalist." I know a couple who walk The High Road.

I still don't like the "all of the above" option, but I'm interested the responses that might define new categories.
Maybe the need/minimalist croud are busy making a living instead of on the phone like us.
Shooting is my main hobby, competing and self defense. I don't spend a lot on other things, big vacations, etc. When I used to golf my wife considered it a complete waste of time and money. Being able to shoot well is a viable skill to have as far as she's concerned. She shoots too.