What Mythological Creature Would You Hunt??

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Dec 18, 2009
As the Title says: What Monster/creature of myth would you want to track down and kill? Why? What the heck would you use?

Personally, I'd hunt that Bloody bunyip. God, i hate those things, as a kid my father used to scare the life outa me with stories and pranks involving that horrible Aussie creature!:cuss:

For those who don't know what it is? its a huge dragon Capybura with flaming red eyes and snaggle teeth. Lives in swamps, and eats children.

For that beast, i would use nothing less than a bloody 700 nitro express.
Idk if i could kill a zombie though....I mean i may be able to. but theyre too humanoid for me.
Glad you're so happy about the pending lock. :rolleyes:

I would certainly hunt the dreaded Jack-a-lope. They often contract rabies; tear up farmland even worse than hogs; and have been known to hunt cattle by the pack. :D

Oh yeah, and they make a cool mount, too. LOL!
Mate, why would you hunt the chupacabra? that poor thing only eats goats.

And Jackalope? i totally agree with you there, those lil pests are infuriating =P
Can you imagine the envy of all your friends when they see your shoulder mount of a genuine dragon?

Put a propane cannon in his mouth for extra fun!
Not mythological, but...

hunting this would require time travel, so I declare it fair game in this thread: The Wooly Mammoth. Makes a piker out of the largest African elephant. Would use .458 Win Mag, or .458 Lott, or mebbe a traditional double rifle in .600 Nitro Express.
The pink elephant.

Actually they're not mythical. We saw one in Montana. But the guns were all put away by then.:D

Oh wait... Mythological...
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A Jersey Devil - I hate those things always screaming in the night... Oh wait that was me having nightmares the whole time I lived in NJ:D

Hmmm, I would go for a dragon too... They just look so cool hanging on the wall...
Prehistoric carnivores... large and small.

T-Rex, Veloceraptors, Saber Tooth Tigers... even the 60-pound carnivores were probably tough.

That would be pretty sporting, presuming you'd be hunting them in their own time and place.
Omg....I would totally hunt a bloody jabberwock. Or a bandersnatch, due to the fact that that very poem is one of my Favs. I've never seen the old Dominoes character though.
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