What role did RKBA fill in election

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its not an issue because we gunowners aren't making it the issue; it is easily swept under the rug.

i've written several emails to the media (cnn, wall street journal, abc, etc) to let them know why i felt the Democrats took a whoopin' this round...

i actually got a response from the wall street journal. i emailed regarding the post-mortem of daschle's bid for re-election, and nowhere did they mention guns. i let them know, and i got a response that said something along the lines of 'the gun issue probably would've been a good issue to mention because it probably did play a role in daschle's defeat...' or something along those lines.

if we email, write, call, whatever and let them know why we voted against kerry/daschle/whoever, then it will eventually have to be faced. i voted strictly w/ the nra endorsement, and the candidates i voted for won. the candidates also know why they got my vote because i told 'em, and i have actually gotten responses from them, bearing their message of support for the 2-a cause.
I'd like to believe not only that we influenced the election but also that Mr. Bush knows it.
For if he feels indebted to us, he will pay the tab -- I do believe that.

But it looks to me like NRA and other movements were totally NON-effective in Wisconsin. How could that state (which I love) re-elect every single anti-gun non-NRA-recommended legislator on the ballots, including that turncoat son-of-a-beeswax that cost the state it's Shall-Carry rights just this last session? And if we were so perfectly ZERO in that state, then how can we feel good about all the others?

I also believe Bush will do his best to live up to his own billing as a "joiner, not a divider". But on which issues will he "reach across the aisle", huh?
Not Iraq, Not social security, and not on illegal aliens (He owes the Latino's BIG TIME!!!!).
One of the few places he is free to "reach" is gun-control.
Oh, he may support a move to permit armed pilots (and dam well should. That's a no-brainer.)
But he won't spend any of his precious capital fighting "reasonable gun control laws", "Closing loopholes" and the like.
There will be new laws -- soon.
Unless - - - - -

Unless 51% of America is saying we're tired of being told we need to give up our identities and let big brother take care of us (Social Security, Police protection, Medical care, and more).

Unless people realise that it is we, "the militia", who are the first line of defense against terror and lawlessness.

Then we'll do just fine.
Malone LaVeigh said:
Well, thanks, all, I guess. Not much help really. I guess I should have expected the usual "liberal media" porrige.

A story in the media about how influential the gun vote was would validate a power they strongly oppose. We shouldn't look to them for any affirming publicity or polls that would include our issues.

I think the fact is that gun votes and passionate Christian votes are about the same number, pretty equally deserving mention in the 4 million range, although often one and the same vote. But no-o-o-o-o. Check out the GOP platform, and you'll get the idea. It's about morality and family, evading many of the realities of government and who it should represent.

The 2nd Amendment remains an embarassment.
I'd like to believe not only that we influenced the election but also that Mr. Bush knows it.
For if he feels indebted to us, he will pay the tab -- I do believe that.

If you believe Bush remembers who elected him, I've got some lovely ocean-front property in Kansas to sell you, friend.
Standing Wolf said:
If you believe Bush remembers who elected him, I've got some lovely ocean-front property in Kansas to sell you, friend.

Actually, I do think Bush is a direct reflection of the GOP, either personally or through the Karl Rove connection. The voter base will be served in proportion to any concern for maintaining the segment. The question at this point is how much difference we will see when the party wants to be reelected (in 2008), but Bush will be ineligible. It seems to me that gun owner's message to the GOP was pretty cloudy in this election. I think they will respond accordingly. We might have maintained some status quo, but that's about it. We would be hard pressed to claim predominant credit for the increase in the GOP majority in Congress. We did not establish metrics to prove it other than an endorsement by NRA.

Bush will be working on his legacy from this point forward, so it will be interesting, hopefully not too disturbing. I am optimistic but am quite sure I won't like everything in the next four years. Immigration is a real sore point currently. He is more than scary in total, but I will side with John McCain on that one. Arizona knows what it's all about.
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