What should I do?

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^^I agree.

Mainly because the after accessorizing the AR, you'll look down at your nearly maxed out credit card and think "hey...what's another hundred bucks?"
budgets to tight, I'm only going to add a rail and a rear BUIS (for now)
well, in that case...

seriously, whats another hundred bucks? :evil:
Fair enough. I'd personally buy a 91/30. I mean, Mosins are more likely to go up in price and/or disappear than a rail and a rear sight. Plus, for only $100, I'm curious as to what kind of quality of accessories you'll be getting. You'd be better served with saving up for higher-quality accessories (especially for the sight), or just happier and more stoked to get a Mosin and touch it off.
yeah, but for how long I don't know, I've got mosinitis and the EBR disease.
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