What thing (law, practice, etc.) most infringes on our right to carry?

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Jan 11, 2007
Just like the title says.... What law (or other 'thing') is the greatest infringement on our right to carry?
two things, the ultra loose interpretation of 'intrastate law' juxtaposed with ''the good of the people' and 'to promote the general welfare' . these are horribly used against us. Also , believe it or not , the 16th amendment is literally used as a catch all by the government , to do what they think is ' fair and equitable,' between two or more parties, or to stop that which is harmful, or they deem harmful, to them, also known as federal government.
Criminals using firearms for evil intent and the ensuing laws/ordinances passed which are devised to add more weight and time to the offender's sentence once they're caught and tried.

Remember the line from the movie Tombstone where newly appointed Marshall Virgil Earp tells the crowd, "I'm not saying you can't own a gun. I'm not saying you can't carry a gun. I'm only saying you can't carry a gun IN TOWN!"

Ordinances like that aren't passed due to the law abiding citizen's actions, are they?
How about the far left liberal wing of the Democratic Party?

What could infringe more than that?

For me, as a practical day-to-day matter, the greatest limit on my RKBA is my employer's policy. Can't carry at work, can't carry to and from work. That's a lot of "can't carry" in my week.
rino's are just as bad if not worse.
No major argument there. It's just that the Democrats are more organized and vehement about obliterating the Second Amendment. I tend to think the RINOs are a bit more indifferent.
For me, as a practical day-to-day matter, the greatest limit on my RKBA is my employer's policy. Can't carry at work, can't carry to and from work. That's a lot of "can't carry" in my week.
That's my biggest problem!!! It's annoying because my company's rule states that guns cannot even be locked in your car on company property. I still carry everyday and keep it in my car.

How about the far left liberal wing of the Democratic Party?

What could infringe more than that?
Yep. The liberal left is the biggest opponent to the Constitution itself.
1. Finding clothes that meet my needs, and still allow me to carry.
2. My wife doesn't like it.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

As much as I love the 2A, the Framers have caused us a century of greif because of the way they worded this ammendment. Half the gun-control laws on the books are based on the fact that "well regulated" does not mean today what it did in the 1780's.

Plus, ever since the 1980's we've had this whole dang "collective right" meme floating around. :uhoh: See my sig for the way I feel about that. :barf:
The biggest infringement?


WE allowed this to happen people. Blame anyone else you want, but the ultimate blame lays firmly upon our shoulders.

Compare the reaction of gun rights supporters with those who supported and worked for changes in civil rights law, slavery or women's suffrage. We have been largely passive - afraid to take a stand because we're more worried about possible additional restrictions.

This is a mess of our own making.
Arkansas's restrictions on places you can carry. My last state representative always put up a good fight trying to get those restrictions removed. Unfortunately, they redrew the boundaries and I'm no longer one of his constituents. :(
My initial response would be the fact that there are any
restrictions at all, but that's wishful thinking. :(

That aside, I'd have to say that it would be the
"in plain sight" at all times carry restriction inside a
motor vehicle. Fortunately (in Ohio) that restriction
was legislated out, and becomes law in March.
The other would be that (again in Ohio) I have to
pull my vehicle over and lock my carry weapon in the glove
box everytime I am approaching a school zone. Absolute
rubbish. :fire:
Our Schools

The mindset of our current "culture" is the direct and deliberate result of decades of systematic misinformation, disinformation, information denial, and moral grooming by embedded socialists in our education system.

Until you fix that, the problem will persist.

If you're taught, from childhood, to fear something because it's evil and dangerous, there is much to unlearn before any progress is made.

Fix education.
Indeed, HonorsDaddy & ArfinGreebly.

I think it's high-time to go from the state skirmishes and into the federal theater.

The couple holdout states will lockstep.

It's time to go mainstream.
Ignorance and emotion.

Especially when they are combined.

These are the two things that the anti-gun proponents use to their greatest advantage.

An example of ignorance: Putting a sign up indicating "no guns are allowed" will prevent someone with ill intent from coming in and shooting people inside.

An example of emotion: "Anyone you walk by in a mall might be carrying a gun and could just pull it out and start shooting people."

An example of both combined: "Just think about the risk to our children with all those people carrying concealed guns in playgrounds and parks. We must ban guns from parks and playgrounds."
I call it "The McDonald's education system".
Tasty and for the masses. But ultimately lousy for you.
Ignorance and emotion
Exactly. That is called liberalism.


WE allowed this to happen people. Blame anyone else you want, but the ultimate blame lays firmly upon our shoulders.

Compare the reaction of gun rights supporters with those who supported and worked for changes in civil rights law, slavery or women's suffrage. We have been largely passive - afraid to take a stand because we're more worried about possible additional restrictions.

This is a mess of our own making.
It is a very different fight. In those other cases, people were fighting to GAIN rights. We HAVE the right and it is being slowly taken away.

...if you drop a frog into boiling water, it will jump for its life. However, if you put a frog in a pot of cool water and slowly raise it up to a boil, the frog will sit still until it dies. (This is ONLY what I have heard to be true)

P.S. The original question was really asking "what thing". Education is a good one. Saying "all the people who vote against gun rights" is a little obvious. We can't simply will them to change, so... What thing causes them to be like that, or what thing have they imposed that we need to stop?
Ignorance and emotion aren't exactly the exclusive property of the left.

I think the problem is that the average person doesn't really care about gun rights one way or the other. They don't deal with guns, are content not to probe any farther into the issue than "guns are dangerous", and are fine with restricting their availability. And why wouldn't they be? It doesn't affect them, so they might as well err on the side of "caution". Just like cigarettes. No one gets up in arms or considers right and wrong when the government taxes the holy bejesus out of smokes. After all, cigarettes are bad. If their makers get screwed a bit, no big deal.

People seem to think that we should make laws based on what makes "reasonable sense", not on what's right or wrong or has anything to do with the Constitution. Some kids got shot last week? Let's put our heads together and see if we can make some rules to fix that. Violates our rights? That's not really important. We live in a very organized, safe society that doesn't need to stick to those quaint old ideas. Let's not get bogged down in the past when we could be making the world safer.
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