What would a 4473 look like if it applied to the press.

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Well, I'd sure want to include questions about: "Have you ever been found guilty of fabricating a story or parts of a story?" :cuss:
probably not consistent with your goal, but a better parallel would by like the ATF form for registering full-auto and paying the stamp tax, but for purchasing a printing press suitable for publishing a traditional newspaper.

If you want to have fun also convert $200 value in 1934 to 2013 value.

Individual stories would be more like ammunition purchase...
The 4473 question that relates to straw purchasing* should contain something along the lines of "did you actually research this yourself, or did you take a MAIG statement at face value?"

* (a subject that we hash out here endlessly - stop it)
What type of article are you publishing? (Note: Anti-gun propaganda does not require the use of this form.)

Are you the actual writer of this article?

Have you ever been sued for Libel or Slander, or been adjudicated by a teacher, professor, Principal, or Dean as having committed plagiarism?
Don't forget to include all the added gun control measures being pushed, as well.

Like, how much fun would it be to have to submit to a background check for every new story they want to write/publish?

I'm working on a "PRESS" 4473. Imagine if there was one required for every article or news report.

I can use suggestions as to what I should put in one. So help me out folks.
I suggest you change it to the purchase of a press or computer. Journalists do not have any 1st amendment rights. Freedom of the press belongs to those who own a press. Not their employees. Employees have the right to do as they are told by their employers or be fired like any other job.

Just as the anti's claim that the 2nd does not apply to us, you should claim the 1st does not apply to them. Therefore any restrictions are "reasonable".
It should have two pictures on it. One that is a clip and one that is a magazine.

The question should be. Which one is a magazine and which one is a clip? Check the box underneath the picture with your answer. I think their heads would explode.
I think they should have to be able to identify every part on an m4 icluding the bayonette mount. So they know exactly what constitutes an assault weapon.
They should have to pass a background check, approved journalistic training and qualification test, but these tests and training are not allowed in their cities. Just like DC and Chicago.
Articles that have or may cross state lines will require a federal license subject to inspections, insurance and safe storage requirements.
Simply abbreviating the name of a county on a form is enough for felony prosecution.

And of course add all the question from the 4473 like illegal drug user, domestic violence charges, race, etc.
"Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?"

"Does your leg tingle when you see a picture of the current president?"

"Have you ever actually been on the ground in "flyover country"?"
Press Problems

A lot of criticism of the press is well founded. But a lot of it also consists of cheap shots from the cheap seats. Journalists and editors put their work--mistakes and all--in front of the world for all to see. If everybody's mistakes were published, there would probably be less carping and condemnation.
We don't need a 4473 for the press, we need one for the POLITICIANS! It's absolutely shocking to read about the criminal records of a huge number of our Senators and Representatives, at both the Federal and State levels. And that's not even mentioning the lesser politicians like mayors and etc. These people are ruling, governing and controlling all the rest of us, and hundreds of them are criminals of all kinds.

I really think there needs to be strict requirements and background checks to run for ANY public office! Dishonest people have no business having power over anyone, IMO.

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If we use the arguements of the 4th estate agin'em, then
They should be restricted to feather pens and india ink.
They could use a woodblock single sheet press--but only once a month.

Oh, they could use their pens, maybe even a steel-nibbed fountain pen, for tanky-you notes, and--maybe--a Mother's Day card.

They could use a mimeograph, but only after a xerography training class, and after buying a permit.

Radio? Satellite TV? Intenet? No, that's only for government; but, if you ask for a permit, submit to a background check, submit fingerprints, get a CLEO sign-off, then (well, 7 to 13 months after), send in $3,478.80 to get a stamp for each specific kind of use (unless prohibited by State law).

Other than that, the regular 4473 question are probably good--Name, no your real name; Height, no, not with the lifts; Weight, yeah, you do know it's a Federal Perjury beef to lie on these forms, doncha? Have you ceased engaging in illegal activities? Have you ever been sober? Were any members of your family ever found, in a court of law, to be mentally competent?
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