What would make you give up your gun rights?

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Feb 15, 2009
Northern CA
I know a lot of people will say, "Nothing! I would never give up my gun rights!" This thread isn't directed at you...I already know you will not give up anything for your guns and I can respect that.

But this is a question for the people that might have priorities that ARE more important in their lives than ownership of firearms. What would you give up your guns for? Would it be a guaranteed, high quality education for your kids? Would it be something else? This is a purely hypothetical question and I hope I don't catch too much heat for it. I'm just wondering what things are more important to people than their 2A rights.

P.S. I'm not anti-gun, I absolutely enjoy my firearms. I just want to expand my understanding of people.


If I could give up my gun rights and in return get an iron-clad, irrevocable, no-questions-asked guarantee that everyone else's gun rights would never be infringed... I believe I could go along with that.

And you all would owe me big time! :D
But this is a question for the people that might have priorities that ARE more important in their lives than ownership of firearms.

It isn't just about the guns, it is about what else could be lost without the guns... which is every liberty we Americans enjoy.
My guess is that folks are willing to give up rights to firearms they personally do not own or never intend to own. I have everything from .50 muzzle loaders to a .50 BMG Barrett 82 CQ and I visit many boards and see this allot. Some of the EBR owners (which I am a member) would be more than happy to sacrifice the bolt action rifles. Some hunters (which I am also a member) are willing to let the high cap. semi auto rifles go by the way side.

Pitting one subgroup against another is what the gun control folks count on and plays off. We need to start looking at an attack on one group as an attack on all and defend accordingly.
I would say career. I might have the opportunity to take a job outside of VA into a neighboring state which isn't as gun friendly as VA. No "shall issue", ban on "assault" pistols, a la Tec-9, waiting period on handguns, waiting period on high cap. semi-auto rifles and shotguns. Ban on mags over 20 rounds for long guns, and 15 rounds i think for handguns.

is it worth it? heck yeah!! career comes first, especially if it's something I enjoy and to be able to travel around the world at taxpayers expense:D
I would give up my gun rights if I lived on a 100% secured compound where me and family could live that was protected by an elite force of soldiers/commandos that gave my family and I armed escorts where ever I went. In other words, I was living like the fat cats on Capital Hill and at the White House being covered by armed security 24/7, then I guess I could "give up" gun rights.

But seeing as how this is not the reality, I would never give them up because it is the first and last line of defense for my family. They'll have to take them "from my cold dead hands" since I'd rather be dead than powerlessly witness my wife and daughters getting raped, and my family executed one by one before my eyes.
OP: I assume you meant personal sacrifice, like moving to a non-gun friendly state for a job or did you mean more in general theoretical terms like giving up 2nd amend for free universal health care?
It would have to be something important. "9/11 will happen unless you give up your guns" "The zombie 3rd reich will take over America unless you give up your guns."
I won't give up my right to keep and bear arms while I remain alive. (Heaven or hell - well, we'll see.)

When you give up the right to defend "you and yours", you give up all your other rights as well.

You are no longer a citizen, a person, or an owner.

You are a subject, a peasant, and a possession.

Likewise, what used to be your family.
I meant either personal or theoretical. Whichever you choose to discuss if fine with me. I just want to know what is most important in people's lives. If you choose the more general 2A rights, I wanna know. If you have personal sacrifice, I want to know as well. This is for personal knowledge, thanks for your responses!
I would give up my rights if I could be convinced that I could not responsibly carry out the duties inherent in any right. I will not try to operate a forklift tractor because for various reasons I am a danger to life and property on one. Should that apply to my speech, religion, firearms or a host of other rights not granted to the government I would not exercise them either. But it would be my choice, not Mitch Daniels' or Hussein Obamas'
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The return of the Son of God, and the Dawn of a New Age of Peace, Love, and Understanding.
Nothing less.


He'll be packing way more heat than any of us could possibly ever hope to obtain anyways.:D
Maybe you should ask if people would be willing to give up a different right under the B.O.R.? If you want to understand people as you say, how 'bout something along the lines of: "would you trade your 1st amendment right for your 2nd?".

Keep in mind also that you are asking a question, however theoretical, that pertains to people who have given their lives for us to enjoy these rights. That is not theory. That is reality.

Not sure if that answers your question? Maybe it gives you the insight you seek?
I'm with amd nothing short of a direct revelation from God.

Gun = the means to resist tyranny= freedom. Without that the best education or Government handout is meaningless because you only get it at the convieniance of the State. Your freedom is only as secure as your jailer let's you think it is.

I would have to see a literal burning bush or angle with a sword and then I'd be trusting Him not the State
Absolute undeniable proof that I would never need one for self protection or the protection of anyone else, a near extinction of all game animals and sound evidence that I would never just want to have fun shooting again.....
He'll be packing way more heat than any of us could possibly ever hope to obtain anyways.

Actually, I think he said he will bring only a sword. But I have some stuff I could lend him.

What would make me give up my gun rights? Let's see...getting on an airplane, entering a courtroom, entering a bar, entering a bank...

Doesn't take much, I guess. But I'll tell you one thing: My cold, dead hands will never give up anything. I left instructions in my will.
Here's a twist on the same question. Suppose the black clad, kevlar covered storm troopers appeared at your house with orders to seize all firearms and were authorized to use deadly force. Your spouse and children are with you inside the house. Would you defend the right at the cost of your life and your family's?
While very efficient at being used for self defense, guns are mostly just a hobby for me. I like mechanical objects I can master and enjoy.

I have plenty of other hobbies that would be delighted at the extra income.

I won't break the law, so if they outlawed them I'd do whatever I could to make sure I lost the least amount of money...legally of course.

I'm perfectly capable of handling myself in most situations, and if I became weak or old enough not to do so, I'd get a big dog.
Suppose the black clad, kevlar covered storm troopers appeared at your house with orders to seize all firearms and were authorized to use deadly force. Your spouse and children are with you inside the house. Would you defend the right at the cost of your life and your family's?

Kevlar?:uhoh: Time to break out the high powered rifles, 50 cal BMG's, molotov cocktails, etc...

Seriously though, again I wouldn't give in to some mob of armed men demanding my surrender. That's a sure ticket to a front row seat of your family's rape and murder.

If they were government agents that mistook me for some Pablo Escobar/drug dealer type, and don't have anything against me per se, just arrived at the the wrong house and aren't their to rape and pillage, then I'd comply so that we could get this case of mistaken identity taken care of and so that I could get my firearms back without needless loss of life on either side.
Would you defend the right at the cost of your life and your family's?
I know some people won't like this, however, what good would it accomplish? I'd die, my family would die, the guns would be gone, and some cops might even die.

And since I'm not an unlicensed pharmacist I would get them returned after the mix-up was sorted out.
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