"What's that in your pocket?"

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I am guessing that some won't respond with 'a gun', because concealed means concealed. Having it hidden, and no one knowing it is there, is an advantage.

As for the colostomy bag, I think that is under the category of 'Weapons of Mass Disgust' ;)
i made a pda case into a holster for my p-32 as i work in an area with several tech oriented universities and it has always worked like a dream.
Loose pocket carry issues about safety and hanging up on the draw motivated me to overcome my cheap genes and purchase pocket holsters for the P3ATs my wife and I have. The holster has a flat panel so that it prints like a wallet (as long as you keep the weapon between you and the panel).
Sarcastic: "An AK47/ M1A1 Abrams Tank/ Bazooka." :rolleyes:

Rude: "Three pounds of swingin' meat." :evil:

Polite: "My personal property." ;)

Confrontive: "What's in YOUR pocket?!" :banghead:

Pissed: "None of your @#$%^ business, you @#$%@!! :cuss:

Irritated in Texas: "A gun. You gotta problem with it? I don't see a 30.06." :scrutiny:
"What's that in your pocket?"

(stares deeply into eyes and waves hands)
"There is no pocket..."

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