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When something goes, bang, bang, bang in the night?

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Why does everybody automatically conclude it was gunfire? Unless the OP lives in a war zone or an area with heavy gang activity it seems far more likley he heard a string of black-cat firecrackers going off that were lit by some dumb kids messing around. I understand being prudent but it seems many just want to believe violent threats are just waiting around every corner.
You should have followed the advice of our brilliant Vice President and gone out on your balcony and fired off a couple of shots from your shotgun.
Last summer I was getting in the car headed to work and heard a single, very deep boom. Sounded like a shotgun, I thought 12 ga but could have been any high powered rifle.

I decided to delay my departure for a little while. Nothing else occurred, I went to work. That afternoon I asked one of the neighbors is he had heard it, got a little grin from him and was asked why I thought it was a 12 ga when it could have been a 16. Wabbit season.....
You did the right thing. The only thing that I might have done different is to move my wife to the most central part of the house. Most bedrooms are on outside walls.
But I am just talking, I might not have even thought of that at the time. Like inebriated said earlier,"you done good".
Responding to gun fire in your neighborhood.

Steps to take:

1) Get angry because you were rudely awoken from a most awesome zombie survival dream.
2) Walk in to kitchen and get some water.
3) Stand in the kitchen for about five minutes and contemplate making a sandwich but ultimately due to the late hour and being half asleep you will probably pass because it takes too much effort.
4) Let out a deep sigh and go back to bed.
Why do you assume I can't tell nearby gun fire from firecrackers?

p.s. if it were a single shot or maybe even 2 or 3 I would think someone shooting at some sort of pest in their yard, but 10-12 shots in moderately rapid fire, just had a different feel.
Why do you assume I can't tell nearby gun fire from firecrackers?

Because for one, you were inside your home and the noise was outside. Differentiating gun fire, especially that of a handgun, from firecrackers is probably harder than most think, especially from inside a house. Not to mention, there are various different types of firecrackers which can all produce different sounds. Also, in rapid succession it would likely be even harder to tell the difference. The human mind also is incredibly good at finding things it is looking for, regardless of their actual presence. We've all heard stories of returning vets reacting to car backfires and firecrackers, mistaking it for enemy fire. Sounds can also do very funny things in environments full of hard surfaces like roads, brick buildings and windows.
When you've heard enough gunshots it's very easy to differentiate from other noises, and whether handgun, shotgun, or hi power rifle.
Here at Bagram Afghanistan we have air traffic, rockets, mortars and machineguns firing all the time. We get curious when we hear the one gun shot! Everyone is armed and magazine in weapon, but no one is supposed to locked and loaded. Yep we get negilent discharges and we rat them out!!
A contractor was shot during lunch in the chow hall at Kandahar airfield last month. No one saw the bozo that shot the bullet that bounced off of the concrete floor and no one had a description of the soldier either. The biggest point I make is only military are the only ones allowed here to carry firearms!
So shots fired at home can be disturbing, maybe it was Bubba spotlighting a deer?
I will not discount the possibility that it could have been some type of firework that is designed to sound like gun fire, but in my experience the typical pack of black cat fire crackers when set off has a more random cadence, one that often has at least one or two nearly simultaneous pops. This instead had the pitch and tone of a mid caliber handgun without any pronounced rifle transonic crack, something like .380, 9mm, etc. The rate of fire was also not so consistant to be purely mechanical like an engine backfiring, instead it had the sound of somewhat rapid semi-aimed shots and as I said before this was VERY CLOSE, not some muffled sound in the distance, no so close that it sounded like someone outside my bedroom window, but perhaps dozens of feet away, close enough that stray bullets were a real concern.

As to the Deer, etc, possibilty, sure there are idiots out there that would "unload" at a deer in the middle of town (think a block or two off of downtown in a small town on a major federal highway) at 2:45 am, but again this did no have that feel, this was somewhere betwee 10-15 shots over the course of a few seconds, consistant rapid fire with no real break, it just had a panic fire feel, not a aimed fire, or even series of a few misses while shooting at a varmant, instead it was more of that shoot until your out of bullets feel...
[/quote] instead it was more of that shoot until your out of bullets feel...[/quote]

That was Tyrone, unloading his glock. Someone told him he should do that for safety. Don't worry about it though, he did it straight up in the air, so he wouldn't be pointing it at anyone.
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