Where are the hipboots!!!!

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Shooter 2.5

Dec 29, 2002
This guy broke my BS meter!!!!

this article from Washington Post on June 1, 2003.

John Kerry: Hunter, Dreamer, Realist

From the last couple of paragraphs:

"My good luck hat," Kerry said, happy to see it. "Given to me by a CIA guy as we went in for a special mission in Cambodia."

From an article from the Washington Post on June 1, 2003, that deserves far broader attention. And who is [John Kerry],
A close associate hints: There's a secret compartment in Kerry's briefcase. He carries the black attaché everywhere. Asked about it on several occasions, Kerry brushed it aside. Finally, trapped in an interview, he exhaled and clicked open his case.

"Who told you?" he demanded as he reached inside. "My friends don't know about this."

The hat was a little mildewy. The green camouflage was fading, the seams fraying.

"My good luck hat," Kerry said, happy to see it. "Given to me by a CIA guy as we went in for a special mission in Cambodia."

Kerry put on the hat, pulling the brim over his forehead. His blue button-down shirt and tie clashed with the camouflage. He pointed his finger and raised his thumb, creating an imaginary gun. He looked silly, yet suddenly his campaign message was clear: Citizen-soldier. Linking patriotism to public service. It wasn't complex after all; it was Kerry.

He smiled and aimed his finger: "Pow."
“Despite the dramatic memories of his Christmas in Cambodia, Kerry’s statements are complete lies,†according to John O’Neil, co-author [Unfit For Command] and the Swift Boat commander who took over Kerry’s boat. “Kerry was never in Cambodia during Christmas 1968, or at all during the Vietnam War. . . . he was more than fifty miles away from Cambodia.â€
He toss's his medals honoring his acts of bravery, but holds on to, as a good luck souveneir, a hat given to him by a shadow organization prior to his participation in what is considered by most anti Viet war types as an illegal invasion of Cambadia. And makes a gesture intimating that it was a killing mission, the kind he testified before congress about.

Hey nothing fishy here
The Kerry campaign first asserted that the Massachusetts senator never said that he was in Cambodia, only that he was near the country. But when presented with a copy of the Congressional Record and asked about Kerry's letter in the Boston Herald, the campaign said it would come up with an explanation. After repeated phone calls, there was still no clarification.


Taken from the above referenced article
"I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas.
I cannot speak for all Vietnamese and do not consider myself an expert on their culture, but as far as I know they do not celebrate Christmas.
My wife is from the Mekong Delta area of Vietnam, the area Kerry served in , her vill was about an hours walk through the jungle to Kampuchia.
She never heard of Christmas until she came to America and to this day barely understands what it is about, actually about as much as I understand her religion
Ketrry is caught in a bald-faced lie, but the media are saying *nothing* about it. Total news blackout on the subject. Imagine what would happen if Bush were to just accidentally misstate some fact.

Meanwhile, all we keep hearing is that Bush is a liar, Bush was a deserter, etc. The media bias is so thick you could use it to resurface a road. The media and Hollywood are pulling out all the stops to put Kerry in the White House. All 99 percent of the voters know about Kerry is that he was in Vietnam, and that he likes to hunt and fish, so he must be a good ol' boy who wouldn't try to take their guns. :rolleyes:

I have no independent way to judge the truthfullness of all these competing claims about Kerry.

However, what is very interesting is that the Kerry camp is using character assasination against the "Swift Boat Vets for Truth" and the authors of the book, but has not come out refuting what they have said.

Kerry doubts their ancestry, thinks they have un-natural relations with their mothers, and claims they hate apple pie, but he is not addressing the charges -- yet. He may yet do so, but so far, deafening silence.
It's still a ways before election day. I don't think he can go the distance. Look for him to come unhinged...................
We're still waiting for him to release all of his military records. I believe that's done with a form called a "180".
I think it's progressed from pathological untruthfullness to raving lunacy.

I also think he's becoming unhinged. Just like Gore already has, only faster.
Kerry was there and I was with him! No kidding, there we were jumping out of black SOG helicopters with knives in our mouths as part of SEEL Team 37.5 hunting down Osama and other enemies of America with fast Judo chops in Cambodia. President Nixon had given us the order himself in October of 1968 in the Oval Office.

Of course, I wasn't born until 10 months after this special mission and President Nixon was not yet President and Osama was being cradled in George Bush's arms in Saudi Arabia, but it does woo over the soccermommies and lazy slugs in the media.:D
He toss's his medals honoring his acts of bravery,
My understanding is that he threw another vet's medals over the White House fence during the photo op, while keeping his own safe.

Maybe he was in Cambodia in 1968, meeting with Pol Pot, another Bonesman, in order to coordinate their plans for world domination.
OK, this thread must be paused right now, dammit!

There have been way too many posts here about John Kerry without his leading apologist and resident DU embed responding.

Please cease all further posts until the FOK (Freind Of Kerry of course) shows up to explain how wrong everyone here is.

I am sure they will explain that, because Kerry is a "war hero" and served in Vietnam, we should take everything this courageous man says at face value.

At the same time the 250 decorated veterans in the Swift Boat group are all people that are constantly changing their story and are, of course, liars.

So please stop all further posting until this situation can be rectified and all posters re-educated properly.

(Man, I will be happy when it's 11/3 and the trolls can all go home and weep and whine together)
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