Where can I get accessories for a K31?

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I have plenty of chargers, actually - I have 180rds in them now. I just want pouches! :D

I'll check e-bay, but I usually avoid it. Are there any online stores that have them?
Bulletbob, atomchaser, THANK YOU! The pouches I found on one of those links were exactly what I wanted, and the sling I found on the other link was too! Thanks again! :)
Here's a page I bookmarked from tngunparts.com when I started reading up on the K-31. I haven't bought from them, but it looks like they have a bunch of K31 accessories.

On a related note...I just received my GP11 ammo order from AIMSurplus, and will be taking my new-to-me K31 to the range this weekend :D
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