Which Hornady Shell Plates work on a Pro 7?

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Apr 28, 2006
I need a #8 Hornady shell plate to reload 9mm on a Pro 7 progressive press. These are difficult to find now.

Some internet sales sites say the newer shell plates will work on a Pro 7 but not the other way round. Does anyone have practical experience of using the LNL or Projector shell plates on the older Pro 7 press?

I own a LnL and recently got to compare it to the older Projector. The biggest differences in the shellplates are the newer LnL shellplates have two ball detents instead of a single ball detent for increased stability. The also have a bit more angle at the cartridge holder openings to allow for easier ejection. They are also not blued steel, but I think are either stainless or left "in the white," not sure which.

Based on my inspection of the projector shellplates, you should have no trouble using a LnL shellplate in a projector. In fact, it may work better, being more stable.

As a side note, if you have the old style powder activation, I would strongly suggest buying the new LnL case activated powder drop die. It's a much better system. You may even be able to buy the subplate and upgrade to the latest primer handling, if your primer handle isn't the best. But that's a lot of expensive. If your primer handling works well, I'd get a new CAPD and possibly a powder measure to fit it. I think you'll be glad you did.


Thanks Dave,

I do a sort of "half and half" system at present since I prime by hand. I will upgrade to the auto powder drop. Thanks for the info.
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