White guilt...

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Apr 21, 2005
White Guilt and the Western Past
Why is America so delicate with the enemy?

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT

There is something rather odd in the way America has come to fight its
wars since World War II.

For one thing, it is now unimaginable that we would use anything
approaching the full measure of our military power (the nuclear option
aside) in the wars we fight. And this seems only reasonable given the
relative weakness of our Third World enemies in Vietnam and in the
Middle East. But the fact is that we lost in Vietnam, and today, despite
our vast power, we are only slogging along--if admirably--in Iraq
against a hit-and-run insurgency that cannot stop us even as we seem
unable to stop it. Yet no one--including, very likely, the insurgents
themselves--believes that America lacks the raw power to defeat this
insurgency if it wants to. So clearly it is America that determines the
scale of this war. It is America, in fact, that fights so as to make a
little room for an insurgency.

Certainly since Vietnam, America has increasingly practiced a policy of
minimalism and restraint in war. And now this unacknowledged policy,
which always makes a space for the enemy, has us in another long and
rather passionless war against a weak enemy.

Why this new minimalism in war?
It began, I believe, in a late-20th-century event that transformed the
world more profoundly than the collapse of communism: the world-wide
collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political
legitimacy and even sovereignty. This idea had organized the entire
world, divided up its resources, imposed the nation-state system across
the globe, and delivered the majority of the world's population into
servitude and oppression. After World War II, revolutions across the
globe, from India to Algeria and from Indonesia to the American civil
rights revolution, defeated the authority inherent in white supremacy,
if not the idea itself. And this defeat exacted a price: the West was
left stigmatized by its sins. Today, the white West--like Germany after
the Nazi defeat--lives in a kind of secular penitence in which the
slightest echo of past sins brings down withering condemnation. There is
now a cloud over white skin where there once was unquestioned

I call this white guilt not because it is a guilt of conscience but
because people stigmatized with moral crimes--here racism and
imperialism--lack moral authority and so act guiltily whether they feel
guilt or not.

They struggle, above all else, to dissociate themselves from the past
sins they are stigmatized with. When they behave in ways that invoke the
memory of those sins, they must labor to prove that they have not
relapsed into their group's former sinfulness. So when America--the
greatest embodiment of Western power--goes to war in Third World Iraq,
it must also labor to dissociate that action from the great Western sin
of imperialism. Thus, in Iraq we are in two wars, one against an
insurgency and another against the past--two fronts, two victories to
win, one military, the other a victory of dissociation.

The collapse of white supremacy--and the resulting white
guilt--introduced a new mechanism of power into the world:
stigmatization with the evil of the Western past. And this
stigmatization is power because it affects the terms of legitimacy for
Western nations and for their actions in the world. In Iraq, America is
fighting as much for the legitimacy of its war effort as for victory in
war. In fact, legitimacy may be the more important goal. If a military
victory makes us look like an imperialist nation bent on occupying and
raping the resources of a poor brown nation, then victory would mean
less because it would have no legitimacy. Europe would scorn.
Conversely, if America suffered a military loss in Iraq but in so doing
dispelled the imperialist stigma, the loss would be seen as a necessary
sacrifice made to restore our nation's legitimacy. Europe's halls of
internationalism would suddenly open to us.

Because dissociation from the racist and imperialist stigma is so tied
to legitimacy in this age of white guilt, America's act of going to war
can have legitimacy only if it seems to be an act of social
work--something that uplifts and transforms the poor brown nation (thus
dissociating us from the white exploitations of old). So our war effort
in Iraq is shrouded in a new language of social work in which democracy
is cast as an instrument of social transformation bringing new
institutions, new relations between men and women, new ideas of
individual autonomy, new and more open forms of education, new ways of
overcoming poverty--war as the Great Society.

This does not mean that President Bush is insincere in his desire to
bring democracy to Iraq, nor is it to say that democracy won't
ultimately be socially transformative in Iraq. It's just that today the
United States cannot go to war in the Third World simply to defeat a
dangerous enemy.

White guilt makes our Third World enemies into colored victims, people
whose problems--even the tyrannies they live under--were created by the
historical disruptions and injustices of the white West. We must
"understand" and pity our enemy even as we fight him. And, though
Islamic extremism is one of the most pernicious forms of evil
opportunism that has ever existed, we have felt compelled to fight it
with an almost managerial minimalism that shows us to be beyond the
passions of war--and thus well dissociated from the avariciousness of
the white supremacist past.

Anti-Americanism, whether in Europe or on the American left, works by
the mechanism of white guilt. It stigmatizes America with all the
imperialistic and racist ugliness of the white Western past so that
America becomes a kind of straw man, a construct of Western sin. (The
Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons were the focus of such stigmatization
campaigns.) Once the stigma is in place, one need only be anti-American
in order to be "good," in order to have an automatic moral legitimacy
and power in relation to America. (People as seemingly disparate as
President Jacques Chirac and the Rev. Al Sharpton are devoted pursuers
of the moral high ground to be had in anti-Americanism.) This formula is
the most dependable source of power for today's international left.
Virtue and power by mere anti-Americanism. And it is all the more
appealing since, unlike real virtues, it requires no sacrifice or
effort--only outrage at every slight echo of the imperialist past.

Today words like "power" and "victory" are so stigmatized with Western
sin that, in many quarters, it is politically incorrect even to utter
them. For the West, "might" can never be right. And victory, when won by
the West against a Third World enemy, is always oppression. But, in
reality, military victory is also the victory of one idea and the defeat
of another. Only American victory in Iraq defeats the idea of Islamic
extremism. But in today's atmosphere of Western contrition, it is
impolitic to say so.

America and the broader West are now going through a rather tender era,
a time when Western societies have very little defense against the moral
accusations that come from their own left wings and from those vast
stretches of nonwhite humanity that were once so disregarded.
Europeans are utterly confounded by the swelling Muslim populations in
their midst. America has run from its own mounting immigration problem
for decades, and even today, after finally taking up the issue, our
government seems entirely flummoxed. White guilt is a vacuum of moral
authority visited on the present by the shames of the past. In the
abstract it seems a slight thing, almost irrelevant, an unconvincing
proposition. Yet a society as enormously powerful as America lacks the
authority to ask its most brilliant, wealthy and superbly educated
minority students to compete freely for college admission with poor
whites who lack all these things. Just can't do it.

Whether the problem is race relations, education, immigration or war,
white guilt imposes so much minimalism and restraint that our worst
problems tend to linger and deepen. Our leaders work within a double
bind. If they do what is truly necessary to solve a problem--win a war,
fix immigration--they lose legitimacy.

To maintain their legitimacy, they practice the minimalism that makes
problems linger. What but minimalism is left when you are running from
stigmatization as a "unilateralist cowboy"? And where is the will to
truly regulate the southern border when those who ask for this are
slimed as bigots? This is how white guilt defines what is possible in
America. You go at a problem until you meet stigmatization, then you
retreat into minimalism.

Possibly white guilt's worst effect is that it does not permit
whites--and nonwhites--to appreciate something extraordinary: the fact
that whites in America, and even elsewhere in the West, have achieved a
truly remarkable moral transformation. One is forbidden to speak thus,
but it is simply true. There are no serious advocates of white supremacy
in America today, because whites see this idea as morally repugnant. If
there is still the odd white bigot out there surviving past his time,
there are millions of whites who only feel goodwill toward minorities.

This is a fact that must be integrated into our public life--absorbed
as new history--so that America can once again feel the moral authority
to seriously tackle its most profound problems. Then, if we decide to go
to war, it can be with enough ferocity to win.

Mr. Steele, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford
University, is author, most recently, of "White Guilt: How Blacks and
Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era,"
published this week by HarperCollins.
Hmmmm, I'll have to digest this awhile.

Western culture is predominantly Anglo Saxon.

Traditional western values are under assault as racist, hateful, bigoted etc..

I have even joked recently here on THR about middle aged white guys being the source of all ills.

This guy is going to get baked by the left wing media as a racist.
He is right.

Too many folks of European-American descent feel that if they stand up for their white accomplishment, then they will be demolished by the media, by the race-baiters, by the political correctness movement, etc.

The crazy thing is, it isn't race at all that is the factor; it is culture. Anglo-American or European-American or whatever-you-want-to-call-it culture is the predominant (for now) culture in America, and it brought us to the point where we have hot and cold running water, the Internet, indoor plumbing, automobiles, hygiene, private property, etc. Race has nothing to do with it.

Yet the race-baiters who make their living off of race-baiting want it to always be about race. They desperately need it to be about race, because as soon as people see self-destructive behavior v. constructive behavior, wealth accumulation v. wealth squandering, self-reliance/personal responsibility/achievement as CHOICES instead of matters of race, then the race-baiters are doomed to unemployment at best, vilification at worst.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc. are hustlers and con men of the worst sort because they teach people to be proud of how downtrodden they are, and to wear victimhood like a badge of honor, when they should be teaching people how to overcome adversity and create opportunity.

The flip side of all this is we cannot identify a ravenous wolf for what it is (i.e., resurgent anti-Americanism and marxism in South/Central America) without somebody calling RACISM -- and that will guarantee we shall be the next meal.
Bartholomew Roberts said:
Probably not in this case...

you beat me to it lol.

Probably will not be getting called a racist anytime soon.

I saw an interview session with him on C-Span a couple of weeks ago, I have to say, this guy really seems to know his stuff. I was pretty impressed, and will be picking up a copy of his book.

There are no serious advocates of white supremacy
in America today, because whites see this idea as morally repugnant. If
there is still the odd white bigot out there surviving past his time,
there are millions of whites who only feel goodwill toward minorities.

I am not convinced that is the case. My explanation is that deep inside themselves, most people are racist - they prefer to associate themsevles with members of their own race and also marry such. Interracial marriages are fewer than one would expect by random coupling. But, many are driven into feeling guilt about it because of current cultural trends, propaganda, and laws. So, they suppress it.

In the case of whites, there is an added embarassment with slavery, colonialism, and especially nazism. Ironically, Hitler did more to discredit racism than anybody else.
I think , IMHO, that it is not a question of race - it is a question of culture. The saying 'stay with your own kind' was coined because, in most cases, your 'own kind' understand you better.
Well I just posted my thoughts but then deleted because it would have the "toucy feely" group convulse and throw up. Glad you can't read my mind; your ears would be ringing!

Now I might have second thoughts and repost. "If not for **, they'd still be smashing corn between 2 rocks."
There are no serious advocates of white supremacy in America today, because whites see this idea as morally repugnant. If there is still the odd white bigot out there surviving past his time, there are millions of whites who only feel goodwill toward minorities.

I believe this is essentially true. I haven't met a true white racist in a long, long time—and the last one I met, curiously enough, was a fellow who was well over half Native American.
There is something rather odd in the way America has come to fight its
wars since World War II.

For one thing, it is now unimaginable that we would use anything
approaching the full measure of our military power (the nuclear option
aside) in the wars we fight.

Because it hasn't been the same kind of war. We were fighting entire united countries in WWII. The entire manufacturing infrastructure of the countries we were at war with were dedicated to their war effort, so destroying it was part of the strategy. The nationalist population of said countries was also, in large part, assisting or at least being complicit with their war effort.

Now, it's different. We are not at war with the civilians of Iraq. There are no Iraqi aircraft factories and armor works to bomb. No Iraqi battleships to torpedo. It's a messy, ugly urban and desert scuffle with various factions...and a whole lot of innocent residents of the country who wanted no part of ANY fight...who are caught in the middle.

You can't just carpet-bomb the country, in that case. If you do, well..then YOU are the bad guy.

We're not at war with places with borders. We're at war with guerilla groups, and that's a whole different ballgame.
You think that just because the author is black or half black, that he will not be called a racists?

This semester a conservative black reverand (think the opposite of Jesse Jackson) named Rev. Jessee Lee Peterson came to speak at my university. His overall themes were:

-Black America needs to stop blaming whites for the problems
-Take responsibility for your actions
-Jesse Jackson is a liar and a con man
-etc. Have you ever read the things Bill Cosby said? Sorta like that.

He was met by screams and insults, "racist" "self-loathing black man" "why are you ashamed of your race?" "why are you such a racist?" and on and on by both white and black students.

He was a civil rights worker back in the day and today runs community centers in poor black neghiborhoods to provide mentorship and attempted-parenting for young black kids.

He was called a racist.

So will this man. The left will label anyone a racist if they disagree with the left.

When the Minutemen came to speak at my school, they sent a Hispanic guy, both of his parents were LEGAL immigrants from Mexico.

They called him a racist.

If you speak truth, you are a racist.
There are no serious advocates of white supremacy in America today, because whites see this idea as morally repugnant. If there is still the odd white bigot out there surviving past his time, there are millions of whites who only feel goodwill toward minorities.
I am not convinced that is the case. My explanation is that deep inside themselves, most people are racist - they prefer to associate themsevles with members of their own race and also marry such.
Not the same thing at all. Most people (of any race) associate more with their own race, and that's "racist" by some definitions. Fine. But the columnist mentioned white supremacy, in particular. And he's right.
I believe PFAW-------the leftist group put out a press on this calling him racist and demanding an apology. Who is racist this guy or them?
It's about ENERGY, nothing more

It's a big plan. Without Chaos in the Middle East, the oil companies cannot jack up their prices. If the Middle East did not have the Energy, they would not have the conflict......PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Think Africa for contrast) If we ousted the conflict like we most certainly could, prices would be stable, and, as Americans, we would demand lower prices. Not the case when the chaos continues.

I don't think it has anything to do with race in these times. I think it's simply the allowing of corporate interests to dictate national policy. If it has to do with race, Condoleeza and Powell are simply tokens. I would have voted for Mr. Powell, he seemed to bring the proper balance needed as a military leader. One who has directly seen the cost, and results. Not someone with a record of being missing during his duty in the military.

Russia has nukes, so we don't bother them for energy. Even our politicians realize that life is too precious for that. Russia has the most land and energy of anywhere in the world besides the Middle East. And they also have plenty of conflict of their own. The agenda is taking us that direction, they are weaker, but they still have nukes, the Middle East is just joining the club, and we are not happy with that. Much different poker now.

Just my opinion, nothing more, but I think it actually looks at the root of the issue in laymen terms.

I haven't met a true white racist in a long, long time—and the last one I met, curiously enough, was a fellow who was well over half Native American.

Then he was more of a "Native apologist" then anything else, right? :barf:

Black folk -- and others -- have an opportunity these days to not end up like us [Natives], but will screw it up if they maintain victimhood. Under that guise, they'll wind up living in these small, government ordained, geographic areas known as ghettos (reservations) with few amenities while existing due to government assistance...

"Uh oh." :banghead:
I'm white and I'm proud of it.

Being proud of something you had no control over is just as bizarre as being ashamed of the same. Still, I prefer your attitude anyday over "bash the evil whitey that pays for me" or "mia so very culpa about what happened 300 years ago".
The crazy thing is, it isn't race at all that is the factor; it is culture. Anglo-American or European-American or whatever-you-want-to-call-it culture is the predominant (for now) culture in America, and it brought us to the point where we have hot and cold running water, the Internet, indoor plumbing, automobiles, hygiene, private property, etc. Race has nothing to do with it.

Culture is a Racial byproduct.
I'm damn proud that I'm a white man.

(sigh) What is a "white man?" :rolleyes:

The initial article was interesting -- and I'm not trying to veer this topic off anywhere ugly -- but I find the before mentioned moniker [white man] difficult to define: making the issue of social stratification hard to discuss.
I've got to agree with Ezekiel on this one.

And I'm so white I've got red hair and freckles.

In my family tree, there are, confirmed by intensive genealogical research by several different parties, the following ethnic groups that we know of.


Yes, my family tree is predominately northern European.

However, there are, on both my mother and father's sides, at least two different confirmed Native American genetic contributors back in there, too.

I've even got a confirmed ancestor listed on the Dawes Roll.

And Lord only knows who or what else is lurking around in there on the branches of that family tree.

Under the old "one drop" rules regarding race in the 19th century, I'd look white, but not legally be white.

I am an old fat white guy.....

and do I give a damn what anyone else thinks...........nope..........chris3
I am not convinced that is the case. My explanation is that deep inside themselves, most people are racist - they prefer to associate themsevles with members of their own race and also marry such. Interracial marriages are fewer than one would expect by random coupling. But, many are driven into feeling guilt about it because of current cultural trends, propaganda, and laws. So, they suppress it.

I agree. I don't even call this condition "racism," however, even as often and vehemently as it is portrayed as such. I call it normal--people gravitate toward others like themselves naturally. I would not call interracial marriage "abnormal," though. Uncommon, perhaps, but perfectly normal.

Racism is not liking one's race best. If it were, and this were "bad," then I suppose liking one's hometown baseball team best, or one's family restaurant best, would also be bad. Very odd. Only when it comes to race are we told that "liking your own more than that of others is wrong." Bah.

What racism really is: disliking or holding ill will toward another race, or the people thereof. Now that is wrong in my book. It's unnatural, if you ask me, to hold somebody in a negative or hostile regard just because of race. Unnatural and ignorant/petty.

Now, holding someone in a negative light because they have a distinct lack of culture or morality, on the other hand, is quite a different story, and I would say also completely normal.
My culture/race/people/whatever have contributed exponentially more towards making the world what it is today, rather than some third-world (Which is, of course, just a media-friendly world for 'non-white') nation.

Huh? Third world is more properly defined as "non white", or what?

I disagree with the notion that "whites" built America. In the first place, because not all shades of white are the same (Irish were not treated nor did they participate in nearly the same way as English, for example), and second, because it pretends that having armies of black and asian slaves didn't have anything to do with building the country.

Sorry, but this country owes its identity and progress today as much to all of its major racial groups as it does to only one.
Culture is a Racial byproduct.

If that's true, why is American culture so different from the Russian, French, English, and Finnish cultures? Why is Haiti so different from Nigeria and Liberia? Why is China different from Japan, and Thailand? Why do intra-racial wars happen, if they all share a culture?

Perhaps within a certain society's framework culture can be attributed in part to race. But going further that that, I believe, is stepping into the land of the Sweeping Generalization--much different from that of the Reliably Accurate Generalization, which latter land I understand has a better culture. :D
I disagree with the notion that "whites" built America. In the first place, because not all shades of white are the same (Irish were not treated nor did they participate in nearly the same way as English, for example), and second, because it pretends that having armies of black and asian slaves didn't have anything to do with building the country.

Sorry, but this country owes its identity and progress today as much to all of its major racial groups as it does to only one.

I think he meant it was their idea and that they managed its implementation, therefore they were deserving of the main credit--not that they had been the sole contributors. I don't think anyone would be as ignorant as to say the latter.
This is nothing new, people.....

Modern universities do not teach rational thought.
They teach taxonomy: finding labels to pigeomhole people and ideas
so you just need to react and not think.

Once an argument has been classed as "positional," it is regarded
as having been demolished, since the "position" attributed to it is
always selected with a perjorative intent. The choice of the position
selected is an expression of the personal antipathies of the individual
critic, and the same arguments can therefore be attributed to any one of
a variety of "positions," according to what comes most readily to the
critic's hand. The wealth of variations afforded by such tactics is
well exemplified by the variety of classifications to which I have
myself been subjected. On my religious "position" I have been classified
as a Protestant, a Catholic, an anti-Semite and as a typical Jew;
politically, as a Liberal, a Fascist, a (Nazi) and a Conservative; and
on my theoretical "position," as a Platonist, a Neo-Augustinian, a
Thomist, a disciple of Hegel, an existentialist, a historical relativist
and an empirical skeptick; in recent years the suspicion has frequently
been voiced that I am a Christian. All these classifications have been
made by university professors and people with academic degrees.

Eric Voeglin on p. 289 in
Freedom and Serfdom: An Anthology of Western Thought,
edited by Alber Humold. (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1961).
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