Who Carries at home?

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Feb 14, 2009
I try to carry everywhere I can. I often get some kind of comments from family about carrying a gun around the house. This often unfortunately leads to me not carying at home very often. How do you deal with these things from family and friends? I also have a couple little ones running around that are mesmerized when they see my gun on me and they want to touch, ask, etc. Also, how do you ineract with your children while carrying when they want to play ball or roll trucks around or play barbie?
If you see me with pants on, you see me while I'm carrying a gun.

If you see me without my pants on, you'd better be smiling.

I just tell the kids it is not a toy, but a tool. I don't let them play games with the knives, chisels, chain saws and such, so they understand.

We have guns around the home but don't carry them. Soon we will have to child-proof the house and our solution for a few years will be to put long guns high up on hooks.

Once that won't work anymore, we will evolve again.
When my wife sees me with no pants on she just laughs, if you see me with no pants will you will probably see the barrel end of my firearm as you would be breaking into my house to see me in that condition.

Yes I agree I carry a firearm almost always or one is within reach.
Home, for me, is just shy of five acres.

Half of which, uphill, is timber.

Downhill side is house and garden.

So, yeah, inside, outside, doesn't matter

I always carry.

I've found that a shoulder rig works best

For a lot of yardwork, veggie gardening,

Cutting and splitting cordwood,

And, of course, the infamous honeydo list.

salesguy asked:

...how do you ineract with your children while carrying when they want to play ball or roll trucks around or play barbie?

Is your question a veiled attempt to inquire as to how many of us fellas play with Barbie dolls?! :neener: Dang...I'm busted! :eek:

As someone who's been paid to learn how to break down doors, I can assure that most in America can be done in a couple seconds or less with tools. Even a single kick and your primary barrier to the outside world can crumble. What happens then? Suppose it's 3 guys armed with long guns, a dozen ninjas, a crew of pirates, or a single crackhead with a screwdriver intent on raping your SO and killing your kids while you watch, not to mention jacking your HD TV. You may or may not defeat the threat, but your chances are likely greater if there's a gun nearby. Do you have one on you? Or is it in the safe in the other room because you were in the backyard earlier and didn't want the neighbors to see for fear of what they'd think?

I don't mean to be graphic (ninjas and pirates and crackheads, OH MY), but after reading that, hopefully keeping a firearm within arms reach at all times doesn't seem so crazy. Also a good reason for many to consider getting a better door.
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In general yes I do carry at home but only if I went out earlier that day. That is to say when I get dressed I cont instantly toss on my gun.
I pretty much am without my gun when I sleep, change, shower, or in the middle of having sex. Beyond that, it's ALWAYS ON. If you get a J frame, you will see how easy it is to be armed all the time. Now, if you are carrying a Desert Eagle or Mk 23, then yeah, I can understand why carrying around the house can get cumbersome.

I get up in the morning and put my pants w/gun on. when I go to bed I put the gun on the night stand, and then repeat the procedure the following morning. There are six kids in the house they all know I'm armed at all times, yet concealed carry means just that "at all times." I carry a PF-9 w/ a belt clip MOB, I get very few question because they never see it.:what:

On a crime scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, and the national average being a 3, Sumter, SC rates a 6.:fire: There are many home invasions and murders in this area, its best to remain armed "at all times.":scrutiny:

The family and I have been here for the past two years, formally of Randolph Vermont(rated a 1 on the scale), following my wife's career and are now looking to move out West this Simmer Idaho (SW) or Washington (central) are the current bidders for her services; possibly I won't have to carry constantly there.:D

So, my answer to your question would have to be that it depends upon the type of neighbors and the social climate of the place you live. Vermont no, south Carolina yes, Rural Northwest maybe.
i carry around the house as well but thats because im too lazy to put it in the safe and i dont want to keep it stored in my truck. already had one pistol stolen out of it, infront of my house, so i dont need another one stolen.
I often am carrying in the house and around the yard, but that's primarily because I already have a gun stashed on my person somewhere. I seldom make it a point to carry, if I'm just planning on being home, since we have early-warning dogs and I have accessible loaded guns.

If someone comes to the door, and I don't know who or why, there's probably a gun in my pocket, though. Late at night, it's in the hand I'm holding behind my back (only happened a couple times).
Right now I am working on getting my CCL... so if I am home it is on my belt. When I leave the house to go somewhere I place it in my room. If I am doing yard work or something of that sort it is also still on my belt. Had my neighbor ask me why I always have it on, I am just glad he knew I lived here since he is a Texas Trooper.
Family? Nope. Divorced, no kids. It's my home, I make the payments, and I consider it worth protecting. If someone doesn't like it, they are more than welcome to leave.

As far as nieces/nephews are concerned, if it's roughhouse time, the gun gets put out of harms way first. The kids have all been taught the basics and respect the rules. I'm lucky that way, my whole extended family has pretty much the same attitude about carrying- You either do, or you don't. We do.
My mother was kind of put off by my carrying a gun all the time, and then I forwarded her an email sent to me by the Tennessee Tech police about a home invasion less than half a mile from where I live. She doesn't bother me anymore.

There's a PT1911 on my hip as I type, and it stays on the nightstand while I sleep. The only reason it doesn't go to the bathroom while I shower is b/c its not stainless.

The only time I don't carry is when I'm on campus. The state laws require me to be a sheep, so until that changes, I'm gonna take a knife to a gunfight and let God make up the difference.
There is no reason for me to carry a weapon in my home. I am always within a few steps of a loaded and unlocked weapon, and my well trained dog is always vigilant. Living in a virtual no crime area helps to make that decision as well.
I carry at home. I figure since I'm here for a slight majority of the day, here is most likely where I'm going to have to need to use it in the unlikely event that everything goes south. I don't live in the bad side of town, but bad guys make house calls eh?
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