Who else goes to the range alone?

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Alone most of the time. My buddy used to go but he discovered women.:D He's got a new ladyfriend and I wish them all the best. But I know they're much more expensive than guns. And much more time consuming. (Married 33 yrs)
quiet time

"Subdued noise-level quiet time." My Daughter goes occasionally & I relish those opportunities, but when I REALLY want to work with a firearm, I prefer alone & arrive early, & tend to avoid other shooters when I'm working. I also hunt alone & flyfish alone (if you don't count the "Light-Sleeping Lab," who pretty much goes everywhere I do.).
I mostly shoot at a club , with different ranges within. I go alone , as a rule.
When I get there , alone : I am among friends. ... " gun friends" who are becoming better friends than my hometown buddies.

Now that the weather has finally gotten better I shoot bullseye with one crowd on Sunday mornings , and steel plates with a different crowd on Wednesday nights.
Range time

I often go alone,it's my "me time" although when my son comes along I am seldom happier. An hour or two at the range and then a pot of coffee and cleaning guns at the kitchen table.

Good stuff.
I usually go alone but I actually like it that way. I sometimes bring the wife when she can come and that's OK too but I'm just as good alone as with her. I actually like to go to the range as soon as it opens so I'm more likely to be on the line by myself. The fewer people there, the safer I feel.
I trust my wife, I trust my friends when it comes to safe handling and operation of firearms. I don't trust the guy down from me when he's twisting and turning the firearm every which way. Once people start showing up at teh range and there's no RSO around, I quickly pack up and call it a day.
I like to go alone much of the time because I am usually trying to work up a load or two and don't need the distraction.

I do go with a couple of friends from time to time for informal .22 or .17 plinking. That is fun.
I usually so alone, I much prefer to have someone go with me - it makes the time much more enjoyable. I also have a standing invitation with all the people I know that if they want to go, I am willing to go as well. Or they can meet me at the NRAHQ range any Thursdays at 7pm. - this includes any of the THR people here - just give me a call first incase I was going to bail.

Most of the people at work have stated that they would like to learn to shoot, but still haven't gotten together yet.
My gf never wants to go & I don't have any friends that even own guns so I end up going alone. I still enjoy shooting, but it'd be nice to have a range buddy sometimes.

same here. I do have a couple of people who shoot with me somtimes, but schedules and things kind of get in the way of that. for example, my brother is out of the country something like 2-3 weeks every month. If I shoot at my parents' house, my dad will come shoot w/ me sometimes. most of the time i'm alone though
I'm alone most times I go, and that's just fine with me. Relaxing alone time with just me and my bang sticks. Going alone shortly to try a 1911 build I just had done.
I would love to take my hoplophobic wife. yesterday she said, "I'll go shooting with you after you go get a pedicure with me." I quickly replied, "You're on!"

She of course didn't think I'd go for it. When I did, she imediately started hedging.

I may get her to go yet if she is willing to make some kind of "trade".
if im shooting distance rifle,i need a spotter.but when practicing pistol i prefer it alone.i try not to ever turn down someone who asks for instruction though.
i dont mind ether way, my brother was very fun to go with (recently moved to spain with his wife) and my real brother, well he is into guns but honestly latly ive been meening to talk with him that maybe he shouldn't carry one.

anyways i am getting used to being alone, the wife likes to go to the gym and work out while im gone so thats all fine and dandy with me.
I may get her to go yet if she is willing to make some kind of "trade".

So today she said if I want to do some kind of hobby together - why don't we start playing music again? She's a piano player and I have a synth sax I haven't played in years. So I said, "I'll get out my sax and play music with you if you'll go to the range even just once and shoot my .22 revolver." She said "OK". This should be good.

Mind you, an occasion like that would be a big break-through, but I probably won't shoot at all because I'll be too busy making sure she is OK with what she's doing. At least the first time. And there may not be a second time. Unless I can get her to admit how much fun it is.
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