Who was the last pro-Second Amendment president?

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Reagan also publicly disagreed with Sarah Brady about handgun legislation after the assasination attempt, and called the ATF a bunch of out of control cowboys whos agency needed to be disolved, as they did nothing the FBI couldn't to better, cheaper and with fewer mistakes.
Reagan was probably the last president to support gun rights in some positive way, yes the FOPA was bad, but Reagan asked the NRA if he should veto it, they said sign it (which shows that the NRA cares very little about NFA owners).

Though I disagree that the law did more good then bad because it's very very rarely enforced.
You have to remember that for most of the Republic's history there was no gun debate at the federal level. It was a purely local issue involving where you could carry or shoot. Presidents such as TR may have been ardent hunters and brought firearms into the White House, but they would not have understood the modern debate or the notion that the federal government should have anything to do with local law enforcement. So it's difficult to say who was pro or anti until you get to the rise of FDR and his socialists.

The framework of the debate has changed quite a bit even since Reagan was in office. The man who introduced anti-gun laws to California could hardly be considered "pro gun rights" by modern standard, but he was by the standards of the time. Back then there was the very real possibility that the feds would outlaw most firearms.
I know the FOPA won't protect you in NY City.
Get caught with a gun in your trunk kept there under the FOPA rules and you're off to jail. After months you may get off after paying a very pricey lawyer and you're never getting your gun back.
I'm willing to bet Chicago is the same.
They simply don't recognize FOPA

Yeah NRA's big fail on FOPA, don't hold that against Reagen, NRA thought they could overrule 922o in court, Yeah that went real well. But it would be between Reagan and Ford need more statements from the two.
Sad irony that JFK ended up being one of the worst things to happen to pro-gun ownership, what with Oswald and his mail-ordered Carcano...
TR. Anyone president after NFA, '68 GCA, or '94 crime bill that did not push to have all of it reversed is not pro-gun. Reagan and Kennedy were good, just not true and active believers. I don't think we'll ever have another one. Reagan was very close to pro-gun and better than any presidential candidate that were likely to see in our lives. I keep hoping that some mad scientist has already cloned Reagan 20 years ago and is keeping him secretly hidden away until old enough.
I'm willing to bet Chicago is the same.

Chicago law specifically allows lawful transport of weapons in the city by non-city residents provided they are cased unloaded and secured. Remember also that O'hare is in the city limits and people can fly out with firearms.

The one restriction on this is that the weapon must be lawful to own in your place of residence--in other words, non-residents of Chicago can drive through the city with a pistol or 'assault' weapon, but residents don't enjoy such luxury.

(sorry for the digression)

Yeah - as CA governor, Reagan signed the Mulford Act, the strictest piece of gun control legislation in CA history. Before Mulford, anyone could carry anything anywhere with a magazine loaded, as long as the chamber was clear. And that was without a permit of any kind. All because the white people were scared of the Black Panthers.
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