Who will defend America?

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It just smacks of the "white America is being overwhelmed by the mud races" comments so common on other boards.

YOUR WORDS, nobody else's!

If 10% of the population of Sweden happened to be here, illegally, NOT assimilating, disproportionately commiting crimes, and all at the deliberate instigation of the Swedish Govenrment, I'd by mighty riled up about that.

Well, they're NOT swedish. Mostly Mexican, but I want every last illegal GONE. Since they are here illegally, they have no business being here. Since they are in MY country, and changing the nature of MY culture, I think that the people who were born here should have more to say about it, than people who mean to make a quick and dirty profit from them, or Spanish elites in Mexico City who mainly want to export their undesirable population.

Mexico defends it's borders, why is it "racist" for us to do so?

I cannot live/work in Mexico except under very strict legal controls, but The US is expected to not just accept border jumpers, and visa-overstayers, but to allow them employment, at sub-legal wages, provide them with social services non-citizens are not legally allowed to receive, educate their children with Spanish propagandizing textbooks thoughtfully provided by the government of mexico, and even allow them to agitate in the streets and threaten our political system.

Can I go to Mexico and Agitate politically? Not hardly, that is prohibited by Mexican law.

Last I heard I cannot buy real estate in Mexico.

Is it all about businesses employing cheap labor?
Cheap nannies, cheap maids, cheap farm labor?

Is that really the bottom line?

And it's racist of me to want the immigration laws enforced?!

Then what it's all about is importing an underclass to be economically exploited by those who can employ them, and passing off the social costs onto the rest of us who do not.

At least with slavery, "massa" had the legal obligation of taking care of his labor force, even when they could no longer work.

If it's an economic issue, which I agree it is, let it be discussed (in A&P) as an economics issue.

The phrase "Who will defend America?" isn't exactly the kind of rhetoric applied to economics problems.

Fundamentally, what good comes out of a post that ends:

Friends and fellow patriots, our Constitution is quickly becoming nothing less than an old piece of paper, and with it our Republic is dying.

Will we all just stand by and watch America die? This is exactly the situation that the 2nd Amendment was written for -- so that the People may protect the Free State.

It only ends in huge abstract debates with a high noise/signal balance.

Not a slam at the OP for trying out the question, but it's the kind of question that brings nothing but "cold dead hands" and "blood of patriots" rhetoric.

In contrast an "What should be done about HR 1022" post might actually result in some sort of positive action, rather than a lament for the downfall of Western Civilization.

Who will defend America?

pfft, ppw, get with the program. The police, military, and rosie's body guards will protect America.

Welcome aboard.
It is disingenuous to assert that this is "just" an economics issue.

Last year I saw HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people, consisting mostly of illegal aliens, and nominal "citizen" supporters, and amidst all the speechifying, flyers, banners... (seldom shown or mentioned by the MSM) the message was very clear. "we are an invading force, we will do whatever we like, we will push out anyone in our way, and you cannot stop us!"

These are not "poor huddled masses" who came in dribs and drabs to leave their old country behind, this is an invading force. And if it escapes you, defending our States against foreign invasion is one of the explicit duties of the Federal Government articulated in the Constitution.

To answer the question "Who will defend America?" you need to figure out who's attacking America. Mass illegal immigration is certainly a concern, but there are reasons that illegal immigration and other compromises of US self-sufficiency are allowed to take place, the foremost being collusion between big business and government.

The replacement of union labor with illegal immigrants, outsourcing, the disintegration of the US manufacturing base and other factors have all served to undercut the American public in favor of corporations. Industrial giants can thus reap the benefits of doing business in the US without having to pay American-grade wages. As a result, the US has developed a fragile "service economy" and is utterly dependent on imported goods from foreign companies, particularly oil from the Middle East.

For the aforementioned industries, American self-sufficiency is inimical to profit. If the US started sealing the borders, cracking down on employers of undocumented workers, adopting new energy technologies, etc. there would be panic in boardrooms across the country. Those who profit from the country's current state aren't about to let things change.

How to resolve this problem? Now there's a good question...
Last year I saw HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people, consisting mostly of illegal aliens, and nominal "citizen" supporters, and amidst all the speechifying, flyers, banners... (seldom shown or mentioned by the MSM) the message was very clear. "we are an invading force, we will do whatever we like, we will push out anyone in our way, and you cannot stop us!"

Everyone take a deep breath and repeat after me: "There are no Huns in
Pannonia and Theodosius II is a great leader."

Feel better? Great. Get back to work or your job will be sent to China.
Bip bip bip!
And the original post mentioned Jihadists getting a trial. Funny that the poster does

again, my intention here were those prisoners who are receiving the same rights of due process as American Citizens.......even Adams standing up for the British was under a military tribunal situation.

for goodness sake....i do not mean all Muslims.......but those that are detained under the suspicion, or knowledge, that they are terrorist or insurgents
Out of curiousity, who in particular?

Please tell me you're not defending the folks who killed prisoners through excessive beating, framed random Iraqis when they couldn't find triggermen, and raped a girl for kicks. Those servicemen were a detriment to the nation, and deserve more than they got.

No i was thinking more of the marine who was being tried for murder for shooting a downed iraqi insurgent, when what he was really doing is making sure that guy didn't get up and shoot him in the back. believe me, with .223 rounds, that is an entirely possible situation and the insurgents had been known to do it before
NO CIVILIAN group is going to protect America...we are NOT allowed! We the people CAN NOT do it...YOUR help is not wanted, not by those in charge, and not by roughly 1/2 the people. Try it and, no matter how much within the law you may stay, no matter how well-intended, you will be called vigilantes, extremists, racists, domestic terrorists, neo-this, ultra-that, and worse. Laws are passed specifically pre-empting your involvement, or obsoleting it, no matter how well-meaning it may be. Many many people right now do not trust the "State", but they don't trust you either - and neither does the "State".

while there is a sad truth to this (because few will stand up for it), according to the Constitution we DO have the right and the responsiblity to protect America. Indeed the 2nd Amendment carries with it the responsibility to protect the Republic from tyranny. And personally I find the chipping away at the Constitution and the possiblity of the formation of the NAU (which is being formed under Executive Order -- not the people's will) are tyranny (IMHO)
To answer the question "Who will defend America?" you need to figure out who's attacking America. Mass illegal immigration is certainly a concern, but there are reasons that illegal immigration and other compromises of US self-sufficiency are allowed to take place, the foremost being collusion between big business and government.

The replacement of union labor with illegal immigrants, outsourcing, the disintegration of the US manufacturing base and other factors have all served to undercut the American public in favor of corporations. Industrial giants can thus reap the benefits of doing business in the US without having to pay American-grade wages. As a result, the US has developed a fragile "service economy" and is utterly dependent on imported goods from foreign companies, particularly oil from the Middle East.

For the aforementioned industries, American self-sufficiency is inimical to profit. If the US started sealing the borders, cracking down on employers of undocumented workers, adopting new energy technologies, etc. there would be panic in boardrooms across the country. Those who profit from the country's current state aren't about to let things change.

How to resolve this problem? Now there's a good question...

i certainly agree with you there.....as it stands this country is run by big lobbyists and special interest groups, most of whom are representing big business, and as such, we are no longer a Republic :banghead:
an end to the experiment

ok, so i'm still new here, and i wanted my first post to give me a general idea of what kind of discussion to expect here and what types of personalities i'd find....would they all be like me or would there be a good mix for discussion and debate, so i wrote my first post in a flagrant manner. Don't mistake that to mean i am not a flaming patriot and a constitutionalist, but do realize that i purposefully did not temper my remarks. It was interesting to see where the thread went.

Thanks to all those who welcomed me....i'll be sticking around for a while ;)
Of course it was our duty and responsibility to defend America - that's what kept the need for a standing army low. But 'the people' (ALOT of 'em anyway) have a habit of not wanting to be inconvienenced, and are just too damn lazy or inept to take that responsibility on...hell - a majority won't even take on the responsibility of protecting themselves!

Isn't it curious that roughly 1/2 the people don't trust Bush et. al, and 1/3 of the people thinks the Bush admin. was behind 9/11, and yet they still feel "only the govt and police should have guns"? What do such morons care about duty, responsibility, and the importance of militia/arms rights?

Anyway, we the civilian "unorganized" militia are no longer mentioned as being called out by the president, and we are no longer provided for by Congress. And in just those situations where we would function, like Katrina, they outlaw our tools, and our actions. Unless your state has a decent program for a State Defense Force, you would be on your own, atleast that is until the govt catches you.
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