Why are you at THR

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i first came here looking foor knowledge, which abounds! i spent my professional life in the motorcycle industry. and now that i am not doing that, i need a hobby. guns have always been a part of my life, but when you work 6 days a week, every week, it doesnt leave a lot of time for hobbies. plus, my hobbie then was motorcycles. i would shoot several times throughout the year, probably more towards the end of my carrer. at one time, for about two years during the early eighties, i got into guns pretty good, started reloading and actually had a 300 yard range. but then we moved. i had to drive 30 miles to a gun club (which only had a 100 yard range), other things happened, and i just quit going. anyway, since i live in the sticks now,(well, sort of) and i really dont have many freinds, this is a nice place to come and learn. it is also nice to give advice to people that have less knowledge that i have. i have always tried to help people as much as i could. i wish i could say that i shot every day, but i just cant. i have two small kids to take care of, and i am on a fixed income. in warm weather, i usually shoot at least every week, sometimes more. but in this cold crud, it is more like once a month. i still ask lots of questions. compared to a lot of the guys here, i am stil a greenhorn. i still have lots to learn, but i am way better off than i was a couple of years ago. i am realizing that i am being drug into the political side of guns recently. which is not really where i wanted to go. but i think it is very important to do this now, in light of recent events. i need to make a few freinds who have gun intrests, but it is tough, as i dont get out much.
I came to THR first, and have yet to find a reason to leave. I only ever visit other sites when I'm in the mood to put my feet up, pour a gin and tonic and enjoy a nice bitter and protacted flame war...
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