Why I have taken up the 'gun-culture'

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Dec 9, 2005
Canada or Washington, it depends on my mood.
Some may wonder why I have taken such an interest in guns and military tactics and I believe the answer is multi-faceted. First I have always been fascinated with weapons, and when Nick introduced me to firearms it just really took hold. As my family and closest friends could attest to, I am unable to have merely a passing interest in something. If I want to know something, well then I must know as much as I can. My [previous] knowledge of computers and photography illustrate this point well. Devouring books on any topic is not a new occurrence for me.

With proper weapons and skill, one has the power to vanquish enemies. This is of course a major draw. The reader should be quick to know that this goes well beyond male bravado, rather this is a manifestation of my own inabilities to vanquish my personal demons. When one has had a monkey on his back for half of his life, he begins to feel ineffectual and impotent. I have anthropomorphized my demons, and then have armed myself against them.

Finally (for now), part of being in what is emically known as the 'gun-culture', forces the member to view him/herself as being under attack by those who would which to strip them of their culture, sometimes violently--Ruby Ridge, Waco--sometimes not--victim disarmament through legislation. By standing in the line of the American forefathers--in the same way Jesus and the Apostles fashioned themselves in the line of Moses and the prophets--the members of the 'gun-culture' fashion themselves as defenders of all civil rights, ready to protect themselves and their ideals to the last man. It is an honorable and virtuous battle, one that I wish to be a part of, especially when it feels like I am on the other side so much in my personal life.

Many a reader will view my reasons as being less-than pure. And they would be correct. They may well say that I am only arming myself to compensate for felt personal deficiencies, and they would be half right. I do believe that what I have described is the answer for the quickness and the fervency that I have taken up this 'hobby', but it cannot fully explain its presence.

I believe the actual radix for this infatuation of mine goes back to my marine father and my libertarian mother. Their influence upon me left me distrusting those in authority, and with a fierce sense of responsibility for my own actions. I believe it took very little for my friend to awaken this dormant passion for freedom, liberty, and fierce responsibility that can be traced back to my developing years.

This is all, of course, much to the chagrin of my Canadian friends :D
thanks 'card,

No, I don't doubt that you haven't. This thread originated out of some frustration that I have felt as of late by friends of mine who have been less than pleased with my new found hobby and reading material. If they aren't anti's they are close. One of my best friends shakes his head at some of the books he has found me reading and my other roomie often times makes comments about how I am now "obsessed with guns!" It is a pain in the a$$ to feel under attack within your own home. The first friend a mentioned has been a friend of mine since HS, and we are both in grad-school now, so I won't be ditching that friendship.

I occasionally wondered why I have become so fascinated with firearms myself, and in a moment of self-relisation (while not doing homework, of course) I began to write as ideas came to me. It was mildly cathartic, as most moments of introspection are.

Anyway, I realize that the above does not really fit the crowd here, but I thought I would post anyhow. Didn't know if it would insight a bout of introspection from anyone else, or quietly sift into obscurity, and I didn't really care.

Just one of those moments where you feel like you have to write.


I understand the frustration with your friends. Most of our friends are pretty left wing being from Oregon. Although I have found a few closet shooting fans in the bunch and have promised to take them to the range. I am not much into military tactics really. I am not running out to Paragon Trails or anything. I had enough of that in the military. I do like to have a weapon and know how to use it in case the worst happens. Like I always tellthem...I like to prepare for the worst. That way if things go south I am prepared and if it doesn't I am pleasantly suprised. :)
Self-actualization: implies the attainment of the basic needs of physiological, safety/security, love/belongingness, and self-esteem.

So I do not believe that you are so very far from fitting in with “the crowd here”.

:neener: :neener:
i feel somewhat the same way but it is mcuh more along the simple yet deep lines of this movie line," what are YOU rebelling against?' "what have ya got?"
to whit: i dont know if you new what went on here, during Hurricane Katrina, but the homeowners and citizens who stayed , were suspected ,threatend , rounded up , hunted down, by law enforcement, especially if they had guns. they were jailed, and had their guns taken away. The city got their asses sued off by the nra and citizens and other organizations, and they deserved it. but some of these folks have still not been able to get their weapons back. these were the law abiding, but the criminals, who went around looting and shooting, were more often than not, not confronted and even ignored. even when they took up sniper positions, against the law, to protect their stash or turf.
I have heard that the guns they are saying they "have' now, were stored in trailers and the like and are now in pretty poor shape.
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