Wow! I can't believe this thread has progressed so far without mention of the 800 lb gorilla!
A THR First!
And since I broached the topic of the gorilla, I'll point something out:
The gorilla may be interested mainly in Hunting bananas, is ham fisted, and tends to knock stuff over as it galumphs around.
That doesn't mean he has no uses to us, and it doesn't mean that a few well timed whaps with a stick won't convince him not to go certain places, for example, "cleaning up S. 1805 in committee".
Is it a perfect gorilla?
Is it a dangerous gorilla?
Rule 1: Gorillas are always loaded
, and bear close watching.
Can it be taught?
It looks like it can.
How do we make it better?
When voting for the NRA board, scrutinize your votes for duckhunters, (say, from NJ) and don't vote for them!
Someone here said it best: I hunt a few weeks out of the year, and I support RKBA 365/24/7.