Why should they care?

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I apologize in advance. This may not be very High Road.

This IS a 2 party system, like it or not. If you won't get into one or the other and do your d@mnedest to make your voice heard and turn the party around, then we're sunk.

You can have all the rants and raves about how the parties hate us and hunker down and say, "Woe is us." You can dream about the "perfect party". The truth is, yes, they do all hate us. Yes, the Culture war is pretty far gone. But it ain't over.

I freely admit we are gonna get hosed over the next few years. We will have an AWBII. We will have many other anti 2A issues forced down our throat. Heck it MAY even be the end.

Shame on the Republicans, they let me down. Shame on me, I’ve spent too long letting others fight my battles. Ok… what next? I’m going to fight like hell to take the party. You have to be willing to get into the real fight and get bloody. They may eventually get my guns, but not until I'm totally spent. When the come for them, I want to know I did more that curse the darkness.

I’d advise others to do the same. Pick one of the 2 real parties, deal with reality, and fight.

I’ve let my anger over the RINO’s get me in a funk this past week. I have to thank some of you here for snapping me out of it. I’ve been grousing and b*tching quite enough. We may be seeing the twilight of the 2A, who knows. But when my grand kids ask me what I did, I’m gonna be able to tell them I got into the party and made my voice heard.

It may be Pollyanna to think I can do anything. But who knows. Wish me luck.
Who is asking for the single, decisive battle? Did anyone submit a bill to open the NFA registry, to lift the import ban, or to recognize full faith and credit for CCW permits? No? I guess the Republicans were too busy trying to write homophobia into the Constitution and to force-feed the brain dead.

The Republicans had their moment and wasted it!

Yes, unfortunatley they waisted it. They had more important issues like, trying to ban Flag burning, etc. :rolleyes:
Obviously you don't understand how idealogical purity is more important than results..

Our system is not designed to for ideological purity. Good thing too. It's also why the Libertarians as they are currently consitutted will remain a marginal party.

The fact is that the Republican Congress did well for gun owners for 12 years. I cannot think of a single issue that didn't go our way. And for those that don't remember pre-1994 was looking pretty bleak.

But now they are back. And the leadership is full of them.

In the Senate, the whip is Dick Durbin. He rallies the votes. Look him up, or have some of our Illinois folks tell you what type of gun grabber nanny stater that guy is.

And the house leadership is stacked with anti-gunners. They can't ignore their impulses.

We are going back to 1994. Hopefully it won't take another 12 years to straighten things out. In the meantime, I look forward to the plethora of:

ALERT HR #### to ban (something cool)

threads that will be popping up come January.

I will try-and fail-not to tell you I told you so.
By the way, tinygnat219, the forgoing rant wasn't directed specifically at you. It was directed at every person who whined for 6 years (including myself) but didn't call or e-mail every Senator, Rep, or even the White House about the issues that put us in the situation we are today. To every person who didn't say to heck with propriety and prove the people lying here or elsewhere about what was going on were just that, liars.

Not a problem.

I have E-mailed, written, called, and annoyed my Senators and Congressman. I have met my Congressman and told him he needs to step down and stop embarrassing his Constituents (he didn't care for it) so I don't have a problem calling, E-mailing, and annoying other Senators and Congressmen as well and I will continue to do so. My main point was that the people seemed to have gotten sick of the GOP's holier than thou attitude and voted their displeasure. The Democrats that replaced them are the most conservative I have seen since Sam Nunn and his stock. That's a good thing...
Fighting On The Wrong Front

I'll skip the backstory. It's involved and contains much that doesn't directly relate to RKBA.

It's not about political parties. The battlefield is education.

You may recall a quote, attributed to Edward Longshanks in the movie Braveheart:
"The problem with Scotland is that it's full of Scots."
And he set about solving that problem by trying to breed them out.

Well, more modernly, we have this:
"The problem with the United States is that it's full of patriots."

As long as the youth of the nation is taught its history, morality, and constitutional foundation, it's really hard to achieve any kind of subjugation. You have to, over a period of generations, "breed" this out using calculated encroachment of the curricula of education and the insertion of teachers indoctrinated in amorality as constructed by the psych sciences.

There is no such thing as evil. Everything must be tolerated. Promote self-gratification over responsibility. Any belief system that condones absolutes must be eliminated. Allegiance to family, community, and nation are aberrations which must be corrected as early as possible. Establish legislative frameworks that a) drive wedges between parents and children, b) "legitimize" the authority of the state (via the schools) over the children, and c) intimidate parents using threats of "child abuse" charges should they interfere with the school indoctrination process.

And so on.

You want to hit them where it counts? Get the government out of the education business. Some schools (Hillsdale, for example) refused any further government funding when the gov't began meddling in the way they ran things.

Since that's not something you can accomplish overnight, begin a heavy push for a restored history and civics curriculum. Harass school administrations until the "anything goes" I.V. drip has been shut off.

Schools are the point of infiltration. Get a big-a$$ searchlight and shine it into that nest o' roaches.

You won't get your country back until what graduates from school is the American citizen.

When EVERY student graduating knows that RKBA is part of the American fabric, then we'll get some relief.

Until then, we have to fight on both fronts. Scare the politicians into behaving. Never relent. Demand and attain actual education in our nation's heritage. And finally, wrest control of the schools from the politicians.
So they let an unpopular law sunset even though The Decider said he'd sign it given a chance.

This is one of those things that drives me crazy.

Have you consulted the polling data? Take a look see here (http://pollingreport.com/guns.htm)

Thw AWB was not unpopular, and was in fact favored by a majority. If you look at the numbers, you can see that things have swung our way. But notice that 63% of people don't own guns, and most think that guns make your house more dangerous.

It has been a long fight since gun control was all the vogue in the 80-90's and most polling news is good news. But we most not forget that as of right now we are the minority, and if we lose our cohesiveness as a political group, we are bound to head back to the dark times of the 80-90's
Gallup is fairly well known, and has been for years, for being able to tailor their questions to elicit a desired result, or slant. Many people polled also don't have any idea how strict or lax the laws really are, having only the MSM spoon feeding them reports that we need more laws. You could devote an entire graduate level program on this area alone.
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