Just so we're clear on why we should vote for Democrats

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Jul 21, 2003
Illinois - The Deadbeat State
Here's some of the logic as I've read it: (this applies for the Congressional Level offices, your state and local Dems may be good guys when it comes to RKBA/2A issues, I know the Dems from downstate here in Illinois are all pretty rock solid when it comes to the 2A.)

1. Republicans have not repealed the NFA, re-opened the machine gun registry, moved suppressors to title I, [insert pet gun law change here].

2. Bush is bad, M-kay.

3. Iraq.

4. They're not conservative enough, too many neo-cons.

So the solution to this is to vote for the Democrats who will improve our gun rights. The party of Schumer, Kennedy, Clinton, Durbin, Pelosi, and Rangle. I'm supposed to vote for their fellow party members so that they can take over the House and Senate from the *evil, do-nothing* Republicans.

1. Sure the Democrats will be more then happy to *loosen* up the gun laws. http://www.Democrats.org/pdfs/2004platform.pdf Check out page 23. They want to reauthorize the AWB. Sorry boys and girls, but the leopard does not change its spots. The Dems know that gun control is a loser subject (ask Carville) that's why it's not being mentioned nor anywhere near the radar screen.

2. Okay, he's not great, but the economy is in pretty good shape, we haven't had a terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11. We could and should be doing more on the borders, but if you think that Dems are going to do anything that might offend one of their core constituencies, (namely the Hispanic community), you need to back away from the crack pipe.

3. Iraq/Terrorism, We can fight them there or fight them here. But we're going to fight them, they are not going give us a choice nor go away. We pull out of Iraq and all hell will break loose.

4. So let's vote for people who are more liberal, that will show/teach Republicans to be more conservative. Hmmm, I think that sends the message that we want them to be more liberal, and then we wonder why the Republicans move to left to get votes. If you want more conservative candidates then vote for/work for them in the primaries. Vote Liberitian to send a message. But voting against your local Republican candidate to "Teach Bush a Lesson/Get Back at the Republicans" ???? That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I have ZERO faith in the National Democrat Party doing anything to protect my 2A/RKBA rights and doing everything it can to further infringe/curtail those rights. I live in Illinois, so you go ahead and vote the Democrats into power. If they do win, I don't want to hear a :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: word when the rest of this country gets Chicago-style gun control.

[steps down from soapbox and looks for lake/pond to have tragic boating accident for guns when the Dems take over.]

Very well said. I hope that conservatives that are angry at President Bush and other Republican congressmen will think like you.

Yes there are issues that the Republican party hasn't handled well, and yes Iraq ain't pretty, but turning it over to the Democrats ain't going to improve it.

Bush has destroyed the Republican Party as the home of conservatives. Folks have finally started waking up to that. They USED to be a small-government, low taxes movement, but not anymore. They are now a big government bunch with a zest for Big Brother style law enforcement.

That said, the Democrats are not a viable option. I think Conservatives who are unhappy with Bush are staying home or voting Libertarian. They aren't switching to the Dems. The Democrats are simply insane.

The Stupid Party or the Evil Party. Not much of a choice.

Texas had lots of Libertarians on the list. I voted for Republicans I KNEW were still Conservative: Hutchinson, Patterson, Combs. I voted Libertarian almost all the way on everything else. No Dems.

God help us. God help our children and this computer-driven corporate police state we are leaving them.
I often wondered how educated, allegedly rational people justified voting for dems - other than cynically thinking they were doing it to line their own pockets, of course - there's plenty of money in OTHER PEOPLES' MISERY and dems love to create social programs and provide the services as long as the taxpayer is paying, of course. :scrutiny: Good job!
+1, Blackfork. It is no longer a matter of the "devil you know vs. the devil
you don't." Conservatives are beginning to learn that the GOP has been
possessed. Elections are a chance for an exorcism. Happy Halloween! :evil:
Scout, when you vote Republican next week, remember that you just reassured them you want more of what they have given you (or tacitly allowed) over the past 6 years, such as:

--Campaign Finance Reform, which limits your first amendment rights.

--Medicare Reform, which increased federal welfare more than any administration since Lyndon Johnson

--Open Borders and unmitigated illegal immigration

--No Child Left Behind, another federal government boondoggle.

--The greatest expansion in the size of federal bureaucracy since the end of World War II.

If you support these things, then why not just vote Democrat in the first place? After all they are all parts of the Democrat platform that Bush has seized on and adopted. Open your eyes and see what the Republican party has become, and you won't like it. They are not conservative any longer. They no longer stand for small, unobtrusive government. They know longer believe that government governs best when it governs least. They are not fiscally conservative. For all their talk of a strong, secure America, they have left our borders unguarded.

Sorry, but I won't be voting Repubican. Either I won't vote at all (most likely), or I will vote Democrat. I do not support Democrats, but as I have said many times, at least if the Democrats have control of one branch, then maybe politically gridlock will ensue as the two parties struggle with each other for power. Gridlock is the best we can hope for until the Neo-Cons are tossed out of power.

I have heard insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. Voting republican seems to be just that. I have voted Republican, and got crap from them in return. I have done that several times. Each time it just gets crappier. It doesn't make sense to vote for them and expect anything different. They have been in control of all three branches of government for four years now, and look at what they have produced. They have made their bed, and now have to sleep in it.
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I often wondered how educated, allegedly rational people justified voting for reps - other than cynically thinking they were doing it to line their own pockets, of course - there's plenty of money in OTHER PEOPLES' MISERY and reps love to inflate terrorist threats and then funnel money to defense contractors through no-bid contracts as long as the taxpayer is paying, of course. Well done! :banghead:
Well whatever candidate you support please make sure you do go out there and vote. Hopefully some of you may decide to run for office. Beware though its a hard and rough job to run for office.
to defense contractors through no-bid contracts as long as the taxpayer is paying,

Who just happened to have gotten the same types of contracts via the same process under prior administrations. That's one of the benefits of being one of the few (only) corps. capable of doing those particular jobs.

But the media soundbyte "truefact" is so much more appealing, isn't it?

I often wondered how educated, allegedly rational people justified voting for reps - other than cynically thinking they were doing it to line their own pockets, of course

Because they are a far better option than the Dems.
Beware though its a hard and rough job to run for office.

+1. Squabbles within the party are often worse than the mud from the other
side of the aisle.

It doesn't matter if you follow the Constitution and want to be fiscally responsible,
there are too many people who are corrupt power-seeking short-sighted
buffoons who will work against you. Have seen this happen to someone I
know in politics.

Because they are a far better option than the Dems.

I can get death by slow cancer or death by heart attack....yes, wonderful options.
Lets see put foot up on desk,
take out 870,
load with buckshot.
Take carefull aim at foot, and pull trigger,


Ouch that hurt, well that will teach me.:barf:

There is about as much chance I will vote for a Democrat and it would make as much sense as blowing off my own foot to teach myself a lesson.

But you folks go right a head and vote for a libertarian or a Democrat, then we can all commiserate when we loose all of our rights starting with the second ammendment forever. :cuss:
Bush has destroyed the Republican Party as the home of conservatives.

I think there is a much larger picture. Bush wouldn't even be President if he wasn't seen as representing pro-lifers, Republicans unable to win without them. Until that issue and maneuvering the Supreme Court is off the table, all this other stuff doesn't count as much as some seem to think. There is no confusion what the ball looks like to the GOP when it comes to social issues. I just think a spade should be called a spade when there are actually trump card issues.

The Dems have their own version in pandering to groups that receive government checks or would like to. Both parties are severely compromised on any real political philosophy. They wouldn't survive without virtually capturing important and large voting blocks. Both parties vie for other important voting blocks such as seniors. Then you get a GOP passing a prescription drug program that makes fiscal conservatives cringe, but it wins votes or certainly was intended to.

The GOP has a lock on gun rights, like it or not, so the Democrat reaction is to court those who favor gun control or to downplay the issue and hope for other issues to overshadow the gun thing.

All of the aberrations in political philosophy stem from the power that Congress acquired with the income tax. It's always about money. They even create deficits just so they don't run out of power to wield (money). The current climate is really folks lost in the trees planted by much earlier events.
Basically our choices in this election:

1) Get kicked in the shin (R)
2) Get shot in the chest (D)

Obviously there is only 1 real choice. Take your lumps like a man. Life isn't fair but you make the best with what you got.
On the Bill Bennett "Morning in America" talk radio show, he played part of a speech that John Kerry recently gave to students at Pasadena (CA) City College, CA. This is VERBATIM as to what Kerry said:

"You know, education.... if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

In my opinion, since Kerry was VERY close to becoming the Commander-in-Chief, we were VERY fortunate to get a man like George W. Bush!

In the many times I saw President Bill Clinton step from Air Force-1 or Marine-1, there were military personnel in view of him that saluted him, since he was the Commander-in-Chief. I do not recall President Clinton returning any sort of salute or gesture, or even acknowledging their presence!

President George W. Bush ALWAYS gives a snappy salute, and OFTEN appears to say something to the uniformed personnel!

I have to wonder what kind of salute Kerry would have given to the military personnel, had he become Commander-in-Chief....maybe the "middle-finger salute" for being DUMB and in the military?

There are "elitists" in ALL of the political parties. It sure seems like the Democrat Party is OVER-LOADED with them, though! They "say" that they "support the troops", but just by saying it doesn't make it true!

The Democrats have a "plan"? What is it? Will their "plan" only be unveiled IF they get THEIR way? Funny, I always thought that Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and "what-have-you" are ALL Americans.....and if there is a "plan" that would benefit us all, it shouldn't be held as a "Democrat Party secret"! That's like the spoiled brat who says, "I'm taking my football home because you won't let ME win!"
Who just happened to have gotten the same types of contracts via the same process under prior administrations. That's one of the benefits of being one of the few (only) corps. capable of doing those particular jobs.

But the media soundbyte "truefact" is so much more appealing, isn't it?

Wrong is wrong. Dem or Rep. Just because somebody else did something wrong does not give you carte blanche.

Because they are a far better option than the Dems.

Just your opinion. No better or worse than mine. Only worth what you paid for it, in either case...
There will never be one candidate, one politician, or one party that will perform the way that I would like them to. NEVER!

So, do I -

1.) Stay at home and not vote, and perhaps have the absolute worse candidate, politician or party take over? (Hey, I'll show those so-called conservatives to jack with me!)

2.) Vote for the candidate, politician, party that is 100% opposite of my beliefs and values? (Hey, I'll show those so-called conservatives to jack with me!)

3.)Vote for the candidate, politician, party that is as close to my beliefs and values?

Number 3 seems logical to me.

I don't waste a shot, and I am not going to waste my vote.
I for one refuse to capitulate to terrorists.
I will not relinquish my right to keep and bear arms, and that includes my now legally owned assault rifles and high capacity semi automatic handguns, to any party claiming to be working in my best interests.
Do what you want but if you vote Democrat that is exactly what is going to happen.
I voted last week, and it was so easy to fill in that oval to vote straight Republican.

Are they as conservative/fiscally responsible/tough on the border/pro-freedom as I would like them to be? Of course not, but they sure as heck beat the alternative.
Reality Check:

Staying home is not an option.

Voting the GOP party line is not an option.

Voting Dem is nuts.

The answer is to overcome apathy, become noisy and visible and militant. And stay in the political game.

If we don't we are headed for either civil war or systematic exterminatiion.
Take this for what it's worth:

Listening to the radio yesterday, Neal Boortz gave this explanation about the "no-bid" contracts.

Haliburton (et al) did bid on contracts, only during the Clinton era. Those groups were given the contracts as they were the lowest bidders. Bush simply continued using them, as they were already "in the loop," so to speak. But they did bid, just not during Bush's presidency.

As as aside, Boortz mentioned that in one case, Haliburton was underbid by another group, but Clinton came in and overruled the process and awarded the contract to Haliburton.

As I said, this is simply what I heard on the radio from Neal Boortz. It's worth looking into, if you want facts instead of soundbites.
I for one refuse to capitulate to terrorists.
Do what you want but if you vote Democrat that is exactly what is going to happen.

:barf: My favorite political flyer so far this year was the one with the picture
of insurgent-supporting middle easterners comlete with rocket launcher right
next to the pic of various dems with "Don't Let Them Win" captioned.

BTW, Onmilo, which FOB did you spend most of your deployment? Same one
as the GOP leadership and their kids?

Like I said earlier, the two-headed partiya must go.
As much as I'm disappointed in the Republican Party, I don't think the Dems are going to right all the wrongs. If you don't want to support the R's that's fine, but don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Vote 3rd party.
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