Will Striker Fired Pistols w/ Short and Light Triggers Cause More Acc Discharges ?

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The NY triggers were designed for NY PDs, not someone i want to copy, as historically they've had their idiosyncrasies.

Five and a half pounds is not a light trigger, and there's no way someone can claim it causes NDs all by itself. That and if the operator puts their finger on the side of, not in, the trigger guard (something all gun owners are taught regardless of make or model), they'll be fine.

Really what this amounts to isn't logic, it's bias. If not for the millions of other Glock users/owners or there who aren't accidentally shooting others or themselves, my own experience has shown me that Glock's training works, and they're not lying. Their pistols are safe. And my Glocks were my first guns. I watched the training and read the manual and I've been just fine.

Really, it makes me wonder what's wrong with the rest of the world :)

There is no need for training beyond "don't put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot." Not in this specific subject anyways. It won't go bang if you don't pull the trigger. So you pay attention to what you're doing.
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