Wolf Ammo at Cheaper Than Dirt

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Ir doesn't help their image of "cheaper than dirt". I have bought from them since they first opened up. Ditto to the "not anymore". They have a right to charge whatever they want - we have a right to point out that they are a poor choice for us to purchase from.

It's kinda like my wife told me back when we were dating - "If there is gonna be a marriage, it's gonna be good for both of us. Otherwilse, there ain't gonna be no marriage!"
Well I agree that they have the right to charge what they want. I don't think there prices are good, but I think the insight we can draw from this is that there is MASSIVE demand for guns and ammo new people are coming into the sport and the businesses that support it are flush with cash in a time when many companies are not. This gives us the best chance to resist onslaughts to our 2nd Amendment rights.
So when people charge prices you don't like, it's suddenly gouging?

It has nothing to do with what I like or don't like. Every reasonable retailer is selling it at $4.99-$6.99 a box. What CTD is doing is gouging based on fear in my book. It's gouging when you raise the price of plywood before a hurricane so it must be gouging during Hurricane Obama.
cornman said:
Aim just had a sale 2 months ago for $179/1000! What is going on???

I talked to a guy who worked there. He got a truckload of Wolf (1500 cases) and sold them for something like $236. He sold out in ten hours. That's 1.5 million rounds.
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