World Leaders Condemn Iranian's Call to Wipe Israel 'Off the Map'

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The global reaction is reminiscent of this quote:
Kim Jong Il: Hans Brix? Oh no! Oh, herro. Great to see you again, Hans!
Hans Blix: Mr. Il, I was supposed to be allowed to inspect your palace today, but your guards won't let me enter certain areas.
Kim Jong Il: Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?
Hans Blix: Then let me look around, so I can ease the UN's collective mind. I'm sorry, but the UN must be firm with you. Let me in, or else.
Kim Jong Il: Or else what?
Hans Blix: Or else we will be very angry with you... and we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are.
Kim Jong Il: OK, Hans. I'll show you. Stand to your reft.
Hans Blix: [Moves to the left]
Kim Jong Il: A rittle more.
Hans Blix: [Moves to the left again]
Kim Jong Il: Good.
[Opens up trap, Hans falls in
Of course, it could just be that the Iranians don't care about any of those things.

You could have stopped right there. The islamofacists don't care if they kill Muslims, Christians, Jews, whatever. The bombings in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the terrorist activity in Iraq is proof positive of that. Everyone is a target for their ambitions because Islam is just the excuse to them. It's the way they have adopted to seize power.

They epitomize the concept that it's better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. And if they have to create a Hell to rule, so be it.
Well, on Friday the Iranian president has renewed his call for the destruction of Israel.

And I (and just about all other Israelis) have little doubt that they would do it if they could.

Iran's delivery systems are primitive by Western standards. And the number of nukes that they will have in the near future is low (if intelligence estimates are correct). An Iranian nuclear attack on Israel could succeed in destroying an Israeli population center. An Iranian nuclear attack on Israel could NOT destroy Israel's ability to respond very harshly.

One amazing thing about these folks is that they like to send other people's children to do their suicide bombings for them. For example, you never hear of any of the Palestinian leadership encouraging their own children to do such things. Now I know that Iranians are not Palestinians, etc etc. But if the Iranian leadersip is rational by Western standards (I know, not a given), then they would certainly know that they personally would not be around to "rule" anything.
TexasSIGman said:
Any Muslim country that has a peaceful relationship with Israel only does so out of a selfish need for Israel to counter balance that country's other enemies.

Israel stands alone over there, regardless of how nice Turkey or Pakistan or whoever happens to be on a particular day.

If push comes to shove Israel will be alone.
"Nations have no permanent allies, only permanent interests." -- Lord Palmerston
Iran's leaders have lots of guts

to speak their mind.

I don't have any issues with what was said. It's their war, let them fight it out.

Unfortunate that U.S. Troops will most likely do Israel's fighting for them.
There are way too many softies here in the US to ever allow any drastic measures. I therefore recommend we give some of our medium-range nukes to Israel just in case. Being on the front lines of suicide bombers every day does wonders for one's connectedness to reality. Maybe one day the Israeli will do us a favor and do for us what we can't seem able to do for ourselves.
After the 9/11 attack I have been interested in the motivation of the terrorists. Why do they agitate and try to provoke war? Are they just crazy? Do they follow or violate their the doctrines of the their religion?

The vast majority of Moslems are peaceful and do not want to kill or die. However, there are hard core super-fanatics that believe in a "final showdown" against the Jews and Christians. It seems that the current regime in Iran is of this ideology. To follow up on why this might be so I have been trying to study "Twelver Shiism" but there are not a lot of resources for non-Farsi fluent. The Middle East Media Research Intstitute has translated this statement that provides a clue to the thinking of the Iranian regime.

"Vanquish the Jews to hasten the coming of the Hidden Imam". Oy vey. Perhaps humble supplications to the Almighty is the better method. In any event, the super-fanatics are not crazy, they just have an agenda beyond our knowing. Pray hard for peace through sanity...
So Jordan and Isreal are almost allies. Big deal. Back in the early 80's Iraq we were considered Iraq's allie and Saddam's friend. We also supported Afganistan back when they had that pesky Russian problem. Going back a little further, Italy was on the good guys side in WWI but became a bad guy in WWII. Heck, we were even allies with the Russians in WWII. The point is, Nations change allegiance all the time, it just depends on what serves their best interest.

There only way there will be peace in the middle east is if the middle east is in pieces.
Iranian children are taught to pray for the destruction of Israel and the U.S. The rulers of Iran would gladly destroy their own country if they could also destroy Israel and America. We can't seem to grasp the concept that we can't use reason and common sense when dealing with insane people. In the event of a showdown between Israel and Iran, Israel will turn to the U.S. for support. If it isn't forthcoming, Israel will do what ever is necessary to protect its self. Don't forget what they did to Iraq's nuclear reactor.
Ky Larry-I'm not so sure I'd give the leaders of Iran credit for that much grit. They, like a lot of others who are a full bubble off center over there, seem to like others to do the dying while they cruise around in their Rolls/Mercedes/Lexus/you name it.
They are much too important to be actually bleeding for the cause they profess.
It would not surprise me to find out the only reason they made this statement is to keep their population mad at Israel and the US, rather than turn their anger towards their own government.
The day that happens is the day they lose, and I think hugely.
I'd bet that if Iran was invaded, rather than fighting to the last bullet, they'd be pulling those clowns out of a hole like Saddam........
c_yeager said:
Thats some pretty hefty action from the E.U. right there.

Seriously, read it again. CONDEMNED IN THE STRONGEST TERMS

What did you expect? The possbility of someone actually expressing a willingness to DO something? Sheesh. :rolleyes:

EU: "Stop! Or, I'll yell Stop again in the strongest terms!"
It seems that the Muslims follow the "two fools fighting on a burning ship" theory

"I don't care if I die as long as I take you with me." Israel is the other half, just unwittingly

Peace in the middle east is an impossibility as long as the emotions and hatred run as deep as they do.

There was a thread last week about "how long until some type of major SHTF disaster". IIRC most members felt it would be 5-10 years. I think it'll start in the Middle East and involve us all
I think they have to RIGHT to say what they said, does it make it RIGHT no, but then again.. Ah never mind nothing to see, I mean hear here. :uhoh: Iran's feelings could be seen as a general feeling in most of the Arab world, now if they just knew exactly how alike they are, and stop looking at "we are different/better because, blah blah blah" that would really mean something... Even on a religous basis the two are much more alike than most know. I think I will stay out of the area till things cool down, so ummm yeah...:scrutiny:
Delmar, you may be on the right track. If the people of the middle east ever turn their eyes inward, the same thing that happened to Ferdinand Marcos might happen to their rulers. The ruling class in the Middle East loves to talk about Jihad, but they send their children to school in the west. Definately something to think about.
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