Worried about 2A? 1A just went bye bye..

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What was he trying to say/ask/declaim before he was taken out? I couldn't understand him from the video.

That was a sad, sad thing to watch.

Hardly enough information for any sort of an informed opinion.

What sort of meeting was this?
Was it public?
If private (or on private property) was the person asked to leave?
Did he decline to leave?
I could go on and on.

Question about legality aside I have a professional note and that's to say... darn that was a poor takedown by the officers in question if they had to struggle that much with the person in question.
I dont know...does it matter? It was a political Q&A, and he was calm at the mike it appeared. Which opens a BIGGER question..why didnt Kerry, who is asking to be the Defender of the Constitution, do anything more than a half hearted "calm down"???
What was he trying to say/ask/declaim before he was taken out? I couldn't understand him from the video.
He was asking Kerry if he was ever a member of the "Skull and Cross Bones" society.
Ohhh..this is an even better one of the same incident...
OK. This one makes it look like everyone involved was either stupid (the guy being arrested is a raving nut-job: "They're going to try and kill me!") or full of crap ("Inciting a riot"...are you kidding me?)
Skull and bones is a secret society.
Would YOU want to be tased for asking Al Gore why he worries about global warming, yet has a huge house whose power requirements dwarf that of the average citizen?

Would YOU want to be tased for asking Hillary Clinton if she plans on letting the millions that big pharma has given her influence her health care plan?

I know I wouldn't.

Those officers should be immidately fired and arrested for assault. There was absolutely NO REASON for that person to be tased; as he was no threat to ANYONE. If the officers involved couldn't control him and handcuff him while he was pinned to the ground, they should have been fired for being so horrible at their job anyway.

I, for one, hope Kerry publically and quickly denounces the incident.
q&a period was over he waited in line was one of the folks didn't get a turn apparently he had words with cops before he got to mike
What is skull and cross bones?
Well, it's two things:

1) It's a misstatement on my part, and should have read "Skull and Bones".

2) Skull and Bones is a "secret" society of "elite" Yale students. Both Bush and Kerry were members.
If he was "unruly" (the word used by Fox News) then haul his skinny butt out of there, fine. But I counted, what, five officers and one student? And they had to TASER him? Actually, the tasering was after he was down and cuffed, if I saw that correctly. Ze, you can speak to this perhaps, but are they perhaps liable for assault charges, given that he was already under control (loud, but under control)?

"Those officers should be immidately fired and arrested for assault. There was absolutely NO REASON for that person to be tased; as he was no threat to ANYONE. If the officers involved couldn't control him and handcuff him while he was pinned to the ground, they should have been fired for being so horrible at their job anyway.

tasing looks horrible but you will get fewer injuries all around than you would trying to cuff an actively resisting person.

try it sometime get cuffs and get 2 big guys to cuff a lil guy no hitting either side just pulling away etc good luck i've made a few bucks betting on it.

that said kerry did avoid answering the skull and bones question
I am an 18 year FED LEO.. My first step would have been "Pal, can I speak to you over here for a minute?"...NOT GRAB and TAZE. The best thing since sliced bread is a technique called LEAPS.
I garauntee it will de-escalate 97% of confrontations. For the OTHER 3%, the cops defense tactics absolutely sucked. If it goes to hands on..use EFFECTIVE techniques to not get into the wrestling match scenario. On this guy? A proper transport wristlock would have had him in the lobby ASAP, NO TASER.
Would YOU want to be tased for asking Al Gore why he worries about global warming, yet has a huge house whose power requirements dwarf that of the average citizen?

Would YOU want to be tased for asking Hillary Clinton if she plans on letting the millions that big pharma has given her influence her health care plan?

I know I wouldn't.
What you, I or anyone else would want to be tased for is utterly irrelevant with regard to whether or not the action taken was legal and/or appropriate.

Those officers should be immidately fired and arrested for assault. There was absolutely NO REASON for that person to be tased; as he was no threat to ANYONE.
I don't know what you were watching, but I was watching someone who'd been order by law enforcement to leave with them refusing to do so, and then very physically resisting arrest.

If the officers involved couldn't control him and handcuff him while he was pinned to the ground, they should have been fired for being so horrible at their job anyway.
How many violently-resisting-arrest individuals have you ever had to restrain?

I, for one, hope Kerry publically and quickly denounces the incident.
Don't hold your breath.
tasing looks horrible but you will get fewer injuries all around than you would trying to cuff an actively resisting person.

Pretty sure he was already cuffed, CD.

And you only get fewer injuries if the guy doesn't flail around and hit his head or have a heart attack from the taser. We've had a couple of fatalities from them in the Houston area since they became the Next New Thing in LE.

Would YOU want to be tased for asking Al Gore why he worries about global warming, yet has a huge house whose power requirements dwarf that of the average citizen?

Would YOU want to be tased for asking Hillary Clinton if she plans on letting the millions that big pharma has given her influence her health care plan?

I don't believe he was tasered for asking the questions he asked. He was tasered because he had overstayed his welcome (apparently he wasn't supposed to be there anyway, but they still let him have his turn), decided he had a right to run a monologue, was asked to leave, was told to leave, was forced to leave, resisted arrest (including shouting "help! help!" while swinging his arms and jumping up and down), and was tasered later.

Was the tasering appropriate? I don't know. Was it predictable? Yep. Would it have been worse if they'd had clubs instead of tasers? Yep. Do I feel sorry for the guy? Nope.

Is this evidence that the 1st Amendment is dead? Nope.
I would enjoy the whole story. Yes it looks like the cops were a little rough, but the guy looked pushy, and pretty combative. From what I saw, the guy was looking for a scene.

Mr. Zeanah's link had a bit more information and speculation, from what those folks were saying, he pretty much went looking for it. But, I don't really know beyond that.

Skull and Bones is a conspiracy theorist's wet dream. I think it's kinda like a fraternity where all your brothers aren't drunk losers, destined to be insurance salesmen.

Torchman has memorized the MLEM, let's find a cookie for him. :D
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