Wow, Rice is the nominee

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Mar 29, 2003
Vinita, OK
I'm actually a little surprised but ABC just reported Rice is going to be the nominee to replace Powell.

Correct me if I'm wrong,but she's a bit more hawkish then Powell was,right?

I would say that's true. Powell was more inclined to seek international agreement. Rice has been a big believer in the Iraq war.

I would say it is probably bad news for Putin. He has been tightening his rule in Russia. Rice is a specialist in that area and speaks the language. She will be tougher to fool than somebody who was a specialist in other areas. Of course you could make the argument that we really need a specialist in the ME instead of Russia! She will need some good deputies with knowledge in that area.

Hmmm, that takes her one step closer to the Presidential nomination in 2008, right?
Powell was a hinderance as Secy of State. He was the main force behind seeking approval at the UN, and he really acted like more of a celebrity than a Secy. He just didn't seem all that determined to do his job...whether he was a fan of the policy or not..

Rice will be better no doubt.
Lone_Gunman said:
The Republicans won't nominate a black female as president. The Republicans have to continue to take the South, and a black female will have a hard time doing that.

She might end up as VP though.

If the alternative is Hillary you'll see Klansmen out voting for Rice.
I think that Rice will probably do a good job.

I'm southern born and bred. I know a lot of white folk that would vote for Rice. To say they've been impressed is an understatement. And when the alternative is Frau the man said: Klansmen would be voting for Rice. I don't think she'd get as big a percentage of the white southern vote as Bush did. I think the percentage of the black southern vote would more than make up for it.

I also think that a black female would have the potential to win in some states that usually go to the Democrats.

But I basically agree with Lone Gunman...she'll probably be the VP candidate.
I think Rice is a good person and a good choice. She seems to be a no BS type of person. And she is pro 2A. I am a born and bred Southerner and I would vote for her for President, especially if Hillary were the Dem candidate. She may well be the only person who could beat Hillary. The liberals don't like her and that is a good recommedation to me! :D :D
Politician as qualification?

She needs to prove herself as a politician before seeking top of the ticket.

I'm sorry, but this comment is a non-sequitur for me...

IOW, a "proven" politician is a real qualification? :)

I'm of the opinion that what we really don't need is yet another politician.
Lone_Gunman said:
The Republicans won't nominate a black female as president. The Republicans have to continue to take the South, and a black female will have a hard time doing that.

She might end up as VP though.

I don't think her being a black or a female is near as big a deal as the fact that she has never held elected office or been the center of a political campaign. Those two criteria mean she is effectively disqualified for now.
For the last four years, and the next four, she's getting the kind of experience you need to be a good President. The experience to be a good candidate you can buy. That's what people like Rove are for. And she's already got one up on Bush, in that she's articulate.
Oh rock on!

I so want to see her on the ticket in '08! Heck... that'd be enough to make me pull the "R" lever for the second time in my life. :D

.. provided they don't do something stupid like put Guiliani on as top billing. :scrutiny:
The afternoon radio news had Condi and John Danforth as leading candidates for sec. state. I prayed "please leave this wretch at the UN". So far, my prayers have been answered...but several cabinet slots left to be filled.
I think you may under estimate the South. I'll go out on a limb here and predict that the South would vote for her en masse. It would be the first time the Repubs come close to taking 50% of the black vote and WAY better than 50% of the female vote. I believe she would play VERY well to hispanics, too, but I may be wrong on that. I remember from college days a lot of animosity between blacks and Hispanics, but that was 20 years ago.

If her opposition were Hillary I'll feel safe in predicting it would be a VERY interesting election with one of the highest turnouts in our nation's history. Oh, and I believe she would OWN the white male vote... Personally it would be the first time I have felt good about voting for someone since Reagan's second term. Not great, but at least good.
how many people in the bush administration are oil tankers named after?
Rice had to ask for occidental petroleum not to name a new supertanker after her
ya i think she will fit in perfectly
wish colin powell would stay on
Hmm, interesting thought: If Rice DOES run who could the Dems effectively field other than Hillary? Think about it. She's the only woman the Dems have with enough clout(forgetting her baggage for the moment) and I really believe the female vote would make any male opponent an also-ran from day one...
I’m southern white conservative that would vote for Rice. The South has fewer bigots than most would think
Hmm, another interesting thought: Where would the Dem's anger be directed if they were to lose to Rice because the "intolerant, throwback, ignorant, redneck, Xenophobic, racist red states" voted decisively for a black female...especially if the competition were a white male who took the "progressive" blue states?

If Rice runs the Dems are almost forced to run Hillary, or find another strong female and, frankly, I can't think of a single one they have.
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