Writing A Paper

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Oct 8, 2013
Hey guys, I'm writing a paper about Gun Control and it's effect on political compromise. I am really having trouble coming up with information on the anti-gun side of things, solely because I don't follow that side at all, but it still has to be included in this paper.

Now I'm not asking you guys to do my paper by any means, as I'm a good distance into it already, I'm solely asking for a little input and information that could be included in each section. If you guys could provide links as well with facts or quotes, that would be great!

Here are some of the points that need to be touched on:

  • Choose and identify at least two specific areas within that topic (gun control) to analyze, offering some specific reasons for their individual interest in that area

  • Provide a contextual summary for each area, explaining any legislative, legal, cultural or political requirements or pressure - This one really trips me up

  • Name and identify the political actors, including role and title.
    What are their own compromise

  • Project the responses from the various political actors named and any significant consequences

I'm not looking for paragraphs upon paragraphs, just simple things to build off of that will help to make my paper a little more credible.

Any input would be largely appreciated!
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I am really having trouble coming up with information on the anti-gun side of things, solely because I don't follow that side at all, but it still has to be included in this paper.

Know your enemy! :)

If I read you correctly I believe you will find what you want within their websites. Websites for example like Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and others. It is important to look at the origins of these anti gun organizations and their evolution over the years. Also organizations like Mayors Against Illegal Guns with their agenda. You should have no problems finding anti gun websites promoting their beliefs.

Just My Take....
Thanks Ron, I was really having trouble just finding good laid out websites with this specific information.

Your post will really help me out, thanks!
United States Senate, Report of the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., The Right to Keep and Bear Arms (1982).

I have often refered to this report as being manditory reading for all who are involved in 2nd amendment issues. If you read this report it includes all views as part of the study. It still stands as the most comprehensive study done on the 2nd amendment, and yet was quickly forgotten and ignored . Read it and then try to figure out why 4 of our supreme court judges voted against our individual rights protected under the 2nd. As stated the report gives insight into all opinion of the issue.
There are more gun control groups than gun rights groups, so their viewpoint will be easy to find. Brady campaign is a good resource seeing as how they are the standard for gun control pushes the last few decades. I occasionally peruse their website and look up their "worst" states because those are the states that love guns.
thanks for the input guys!

i've just been more exposed to the gun rights groups because that's the side that I take

thanks for all the input, I'll look at the posted links!
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