Yet another Mall shooting

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Nice to know that the police have it all figured out. They let the shooter right our of their grasp... He just ran into another store, took cover "panicking" changed his shirt and went home for a Miller Light.

Still carrying his gun.
Yes, carrying the evil gun that was bought illegally, owned illegally, carried illegally and used illegally... Nice to know that all those feel good measures passed by .gov worked out so well to ensure a clear field of fire for the perp and that the media has sold fear to such a degree as to ensure the getaway of the perp and that the police have been so well trained to use their little techno gadgets they forget to look at the guy with the bloody hands, thus ensuring the future prosecution of the perp for another unrelated crime...
I call BS.

I've personally been to this mall and it is a posted gun free zone. Do you honestly expect me to believe that someone shot people in a gun free zone? What would he shoot them with?

I call BS.

I've personally been to this mall and it is a posted gun free zone. Do you honestly expect me to believe that someone shot people in a gun free zone? What would he shoot them with?


Touche, what were we all thinking, your right, this couldn't have happened, it was a gun free zone after all and there were security cameras and security gaurds there as well... I agree, BS, impossible.
I live in Seattle and I'm getting sick of these mall shootings. The same thing happened a couple of years ago at the same mall. Why do we keep putting ourselves in the same situations with the same circumstances and expect a different outcome?

We need to pass laws to eliminate (most) of these gun free zones.

Bottom line, if I get hurt on your property you are responsible, especially if you tell me I cannot protect myself on your property then YOU are responsible for protecting me.

Where were the real mall ninjas (mall security) when they were needed? They should be hurling their unprotected bodies at these shooters in order to protect innocent bystanders.
mall security

were i live, a private mall in the past subcontracted 1200 hours for extra security during holidays, this security would walk customers to cars if asked, open doors, and have radios tied in to local law enforcement,, due to poor economy hours have been cut to 800 hours. is this going to happen all over US, how many crimes will be commited this year.
:scrutiny: I saw on the news one truely distressed girl who said " it is so sad he got shot, he just got out of jail and was turning his life around." Make of it what you will.

I saw on the news one truely distressed girl on the news who said " it is so sad he got shot, he just got out of jail and was turning his life around." Make of it what you will.

I agree that it is important to note, but let's not rush to judgement. She could be right; he could be a changed person, and we don't know what he was in jail for. Armed robbery or check fraud? Still it is an important footnote on the subject. We are quick to jump to conclusions here on THR, and it is important that we don't think "he was in jail so he's not a human being anymore". We need to understand that a lot of people make mistakes and it doesn't mean that they are all goblins.
I agree that it is important to note, but let's not rush to judgement. She could be right; he could be a changed person, and we don't know what he was in jail for. Armed robbery or check fraud? Still it is an important footnote on the subject. We are quick to jump to conclusions here on THR, and it is important that we don't think "he was in jail so he's not a human being anymore". We need to understand that a lot of people make mistakes and it doesn't mean that they are all goblins.

It isn't a mistake. It is a chosen course of action that is against the law and they got caught. They have a flaw in their character that tells them not to care about the laws of society so they break the law. Then people excuse their actions and call it a "mistake" like it's no big deal.

His actions led him to being shot and killed and he followed his path right to the morgue. Excuse criminal behavior and all it does is escalate, a liberal policy that has helped crime grow in a liberal city.

It isn't a mistake. It is a chosen course of action that is against the law and they got caught. They have a flaw in their character that tells them not to care about the laws of society so they break the law. Then people excuse their actions and call it a "mistake" like it's no big deal.

His actions led him to being shot and killed and he followed his path right to the morgue. Excuse criminal behavior and all it does is escalate, a liberal policy that has helped crime grow in a liberal city.
I didn't say that his actions or crimes were excusable. What I said was that a person can make a mistake. You can write it off all you want, but the reality is that many people are despirate and will do what they feel they "have to" to get by. That doesn't excuse their disregard for the law, but are you honestly saying that you've never broken a law? Never had a lapse in judgement and thought it wasn't a big deal? Don't get me wrong, there are people out there that are what you described, but just because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean that they are a sub-human person for the rest of their lives. We quickly rush to that judgement here. What if he was in jail for driving on a suspended license? Is he no longer a functional member of society and should just be written off as some sub-human goblin of a person with no moral compass? Sure what he did was illegal, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about society or the law. Perhaps he felt "forced" into the situation. That doesn't mean that he shouldn't be punished, but we shouldn't be assuming that he deserved to be shot because he was once in jail.

Now, in this particular case, it sounds like he was a gang-banger and that he wasn't even trying to be a productive member of society. I was making a point that we jump to conclusions a lot on THR, and that we are a very unforgiving bunch. Maybe we could use to try and put ourselves into someone else's shoes and understand that people do make mistakes. It's not a permanent character flaw. It's a mistake. A lapse in judgement. You've made them. I've made them. We just haven't made big enough ones to go to prison.
that flushing sound you here is the sound of American culture going down the toilet.

the 'Liberals' whose failed policies created the mess, are firmly in control...

The government is throwing money in unprecedented numbers at the fallout of a corrupt corporate culture.

When the economy really tanks (this is just the beggining), your going to see some real violence.

Time to start thinking about where you live and what regions and states are going to be safe to live in.

Get your tail out of hock as best as you can and be prepared to do for yourself when it really hits the fan.

If you're blessed to have a little money left, look for assets that have intrinsic value.

Food, shelter, safe living and working environments are going to mean more than a pile of electronic gadgets.

And when it "really gets ugly" keep you eye to the sky....
that flushing sound you here is the sound of American culture going down the toilet.

the 'Liberals' whose failed policies created the mess, are firmly in control...

The government is throwing money in unprecedented numbers at the fallout of a corrupt corporate culture.

When the economy really tanks (this is just the beggining), your going to see some real violence.

Time to start thinking about where you live and what regions and states are going to be safe to live in.

Get your tail out of hock as best as you can and be prepared to do for yourself when it really hits the fan.

If you're blessed to have a little money left, look for assets that have intrinsic value.

Food, shelter, safe living and working environments are going to mean more than a pile of electronic gadgets.

And when it "really gets ugly" keep you eye to the sky....

Umm.. Yes. That's how I see it as well, but I don't see how that's on topic.
What if he was in jail for driving on a suspended license? Is he no longer a functional member of society and should just be written off as some sub-human goblin of a person with no moral compass?

Come on, when someone who knows him is saying he is out of jail and going to turn his life around it means he has a history of criminal behavior. That behavior got him killed in a public place with lots of witnesses. He didn't even know how to behave.

Forgiveness comes over time when the person wants forgiveness and proves it with better behavior. Yes they are written off till they change what they are doing in the book of life and that takes time.

Liberals want to let them off and not hold them accountable so they repeat their action and more crime is the result. If people want real change, don't be so eager to forgive criminals for their action. Call criminals criminals and their action criminal, not "mistakes. "Mistake" is so PC and look what PC has got us.

Everybody has done wrong. But there is a difference in this case.

They are not acting this way because they are poor or cannot make it. They are not trying to do better after making a "mistake." They rely on this liberal BS way of thinking to keep themselves out of trouble and take the weak for all they can.

All you are showing these guys when you make excuses for them like maybe they just made one mistake or are poor and just trying to make it, is that you are a weak-minded fool that they can get over on (exploit). They simply do not think like Joe Citizen. The gangster subculture says society owes us anything we want and we have the right, nay the duty to take it and destroy as many mainstream people as possible along the way. We are not talking about people who feel sorry for doing wrong. We are not dealing with someone who walks into a store and gulps down some grapes out of hunger and then feels bad for the store owner. They don't have any remorse, or compassion or love for anybody.

They are not sorry that they broke the law and are not intent upon changing anything, because thuggin and takin what you want are expected behavior-that is the cultural norm. Just like you and I are expected by our peers to follow the laws and do the right thing and avoid hurting people above all, gangsters are expected to break the law and hurt people. That is what I mean when I talk about there moral code being inverted from the rest of us.

In short, they habitually do wrong and hurt people and enjoy doing it and are proud of it. You see, in their world, the more you take and the more people you hurt, the more you are held in high regard. To them rapin, robin and killin is the High Road.

They are all Democrats and want people to follow the leftist line of thought and want guns to be banned because unarmed victims are easier to destroy. It is as simple as that

doing what those people do best. Why can't they go back into the hood and kill each other in the street without involving innocent white shoppers. What really sucks is their aim is so bad that the little gnagsters don't end up killing each other (which would do us all a favor) but instead gets innocents hurt. When is the news going to start telling it like it is, instead of playing politics with people's lives. Ban gang(sterszzzz), not guns. I would like to see a lot more of "Boyz on da hood"

You showed your ass with that one.

I've been robbed before, and it was never by "gangsterszzzzz". In fact it was by a couple of upstanding young suburban caucasian teens who needed money for their coke habbit (verus crack habbit in the "hood" - cause clearly there's a difference :rolleyes: )

Sorry - but you said there is just as ignorant and full of stupid stereotypes as what comes out of the 'anti' movement.

You sir - are why the pro-gun movement has a bad name.

thanks, no really, i mean that.
Politics AND Racism

Doesn't look like we're gonna be able to salvage this one.

The only thing missing from this thread is religion.

How 'bout them Lutheran's, then, hey?

There. I guess we've covered everything.

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